X1950GT is *not* supported in vista....


Limp Gawd
Oct 28, 2004
Finished building my new rig last night only to find CCC would not install and the catalyst install manager would not detect my 1950GT properly.

Turns out that catalyst 7.2 specifically does not support the 1950GT in vista, so if you are having problems you are like me and will have to wait for 7.3.

Catalyst 7.2 release notes said:
Caution: The ATI Radeon™ X1950 GT is currently not supported under the Windows Vista operating system. Software driver support will be available starting with Catalyst 7.3.

Not cool.
Well, at least they're honest about it, lol.

I don't see how hard it could be to support it though. Is not the x1950 Pro already supported? The only thing that's difference is the clock speed...
ATIs way of providing support for new cards is bit gay I admit. Back to XP for couple weeks I guess for OP.

There has been many cases that a new card get "official" support months after the release. :(
Im using some crappy sapphire beta 7.2 driver which detects the 1950GT, but performance is lackluster.

I agree with #2 about the 1950PRO already being supported....but I think it might have something to do with HDCP? (not sure if the 1950pro supported HDCP)
Can't you just manually add your device id to the .inf file for the latest catalyst drivers?
I believe the GT does not support AVIVO and Pro does so that could be the major difference.
the x1950xt also is not supported. it works fine in 2d mode but when you launch a game and go to 3d mode it BSOD and crashes. ATI said it will be fixed/supported in 7.3 but its been over a month since 7.2 was released :/