X64 XP Pro Users((8800Gts/GTX)) Nvidia Qaudro 160.02 Beta

Apr 10, 2007
Well after looking ,searching and more looking,I couldnt get any 160.03 drivers for X64 XP Pro...Guru only has em for XP32bit and Vista 32/64bit.....So i bit the Bullet and Loaded the Beta 160.02 Nvidia Qaudro Driver ....It works Great!!! But no Fan Control Either!!!! For the most part it plays all my Games smoother , Picture Quality seems lil better for Lighting and colors are Crispy and Vibrant...All my apps seem to work as they should ...No Blue screen Bsod and i can Overclock my 8800 still with Rivatuner ..I soon realized the 158.22 on gaming was not as responsive as the 160.02 the Fps were about the same but did see some increase with the 160.02 in Americas Army and FarCry..Havnt had time to test other games yet..

So if your wondering they do work, On my system they are better than 158.22:D My sig is my specs..
