x800 pro or 6800?/6800GT?


Aug 30, 2004
What do you guys think is the better way to go.. the visiontek x800pro for $330 at outpost or some kind of 6800 or 6800GT?
6800 gt....

but for that price if available go for the x800 pro
The GT is hands down the better card...but that's a pretty sweet price...
yea, that's what i'm concerned about... the 6800GT has the technology and can OC, but the x800 is at a good price and is at least supposedly better for HL2...
If you can get the GT for the same price, I would go GT. I own a Pro, and it rules, I have no complaints with it at all. Not personally knowing if a GT performs any quantifiably better than the Pro (and would I notice? I am unsure) but hearing of so much goodness from all the folk here, I recommend it. That said, you wont go wrong with the Pro if you do choose it. Whichever one you get its going to blow your socks off, even if you are upgrading from a 9800Pro.
^eMpTy^ said:
The GT is hands down the better card...but that's a pretty sweet price...

Hands down?

To the OP: You should probably add a disclaimer in your question that says "Unbiased people only please."

$330 is a killer price, hook up.

Yeah.. I dunno where there's gonna be a 6800GT for that price... that particular card is supposed to OC pretty well too..
MrDigital said:
Hands down?

To the OP: You should probably add a disclaimer in your question that says "Unbiased people only please."

$330 is a killer price, hook up.


And you're the pariah of being unbiased?

For that price, get the card. It's going to play every game you want to play.

The 6800GT is a good card, and in a head to head competition, with prices being equal, I would pick it over an X800Pro. For the price you're picking up the X800Pro for, I would pick it.
Tim said:
And you're the pariah of being unbiased?

Yes, I am actually. I hate ATI & nVidia. So therefore I will tell it as it is. The only reason I own an ATI 9800 Pro is because Fry's was running some stupid sweet deal on it, so I bought it.


i picked it up! came out to 365 total. (including 2nd day air, which, showed up on my door wednedsay and i had ordered it monday afternoon.) OC's pretty well. and runs everything at 1600x1200 without a hitch. i may have lost 10 FPS versus a 6800gt but eh, i think i'll live
I love both ATI and Nvidia cards. I went with BFG 6800GT this time. 9800 Pro before that. I am planning on going with ATI card when next generation card come out. Since I got 6800GT, I can play almost any game at 1280x1024 resolution. :)
Slava said:
I love both ATI and Nvidia cards. I went with BFG 6800GT this time. 9800 Pro before that. I am planning on going with ATI card when next generation card come out. Since I got 6800GT, I can play almost any game at 1280x1024 resolution. :)

*Almost* any game? What games can't you run at 1280x1024 on a 6800GT?

Actually, every game I have runs pretty nice with 1280x1024. Some games I can run at that resolution plus max AA and AF. I bet ATI is just as quick tho. Rogue4mula, Go to your favorite local store website and search for 6800GT.
I was talking about that guy that said it was $350 on outpost.. I only found one for $400 there
Outpost used to have the BFG 6800GT for $350 but that deal is done. I was lucky enough to jump on it. Their current great deal is the BFG 6800 for $250. However, at that price I would also take the X800 Pro.
...you add the x800 to your cart and it's $350... still a good deal or get something else?
Rogue4mula said:
...you add the x800 to your cart and it's $350... still a good deal or get something else?

The evga i linked above is a better deal :p

16x1 pipeline instead of 12x1, openexr hdr lighting, shader model 3.0, faster, etc, definitely worth spending $20 extra on.
He could get the 6800 for 250, then try his hand at softmodding it to a GT. Instant X800Pro [well they'd probabley tie in everything except in D3 in terms of performence] for a hell of alot less.

THAT right there would be the best deal, though some luck would be involved. :D
I got mine for a total of $340 Shipped (no tax since there is no Frys in Colorado).
It overclocks pretty darn good (Core 570 and Ram 1072)
I had tried to get in on the $350 6800GT, but missed out so decided to get the X800Pro.

I have no real complaints about the purchase.

yea there is fry's in washington so that's kind of a bummer.. I have been thinking about the reg 6800 and trying the mod... still unsure of the odds of it working though
If you can find the 6800 GT for cheap i'd get it, otherwise the x800 for 330 is a pretty decent deal. It's faster than the 6800 vanilla but slower than the GT. Excellent price, but if you have the money for the GT and don't mind spending it, get it. :)
MrDigital said:
Buy the X800. Ignore the biased nvidia people.


Let's see...

The x800 Pro is slower than the GT in Doom 3, slower in most of the HL2 engine benchmarks, AND slower in Far Cry with the 1.2 patch and SM3 for the GT. That's not bias, that's accepting reality. :D
When I started playing FarCry, I couldn't wait for the GeForce 6800GT. I read all the benchmarks and card's structures and speed. When I received the 6800gt OC BFG, I reformated my drive installed the 6800GT and the game. I looked nice but I had seen someone playing at the local Computer Store and I couldn't figure out why this guys game looked smoother with better visual quality.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to get the Radeon X800 Pro VIVO supposedly able to flash to an X800XT. When I got the card in and started playing FarCry, I couldn't believe the difference in visual quality. I don't care how many pipelines any card has anymore.

The Radeon is a much better buy. Don't let synthetic benchmarks affect you like it affectted me.

Try them both, and send one packing.

Good Luck,

how much do you guys think shader 3 will be in tomorrow's games and if that's enough diff to get a 6800? That's one of my main concerns.
A week ago I would have said 6800GT. But since Rivatuner's softmod came out, I say get a 6800 and gamble if it works.

at Outpost BFG 6800GT = $349
and BFG 6800 = $249 <--- + softmod
I've heard that if the mod works that it barely OC's anymore. Even if the mod worked, how much worse would the reg be than the GT?
Rogue4mula said:
I've heard that if the mod works that it barely OC's anymore. Even if the mod worked, how much worse would the reg be than the GT?

No, I've heard 2 things:
1 - that sometimes the card runs a little hotter, so the max OC on the core might not be quite as high.
2 - people were trying to use Rivatuner's lowlevel OC'ing instead of the driver based OC'ing. - SO OC'ing actually still works.

a softmod'd 6800 would probably OC to around
350-400 Mhz core
and 750-900 Mhz memory

lets say 375core/800memory

a 6800GT standard clocks are 350/1000
and most OC to 400/1100

so it would be slower, but not that much slower than a standard GT.
MrDigital said:
Hands down?

To the OP: You should probably add a disclaimer in your question that says "Unbiased people only please."

$330 is a killer price, hook up.


right, so unless you would care to explain to me why the GT is not clearly better than the Pro please refrain from calling me biased...so explain away...I'll be waiting for your reply
^eMpTy^ said:
right, so unless you would care to explain to me why the GT is not clearly better than the Pro please refrain from calling me biased...so explain away...I'll be waiting for your reply

You're the one who made the statement, you back it up.

Also note that I never specified your name when I said to add the disclaimer, did I? Obviously you feel biased enough to feel that it includes you however.

MrDigital said:
You're the one who made the statement, you back it up.

Also note that I never specified your name when I said to add the disclaimer, did I? Obviously you feel biased enough to feel that it includes you however.


You can look at my post at the top of this page for an explanation of why the GT is better than the pro.
MrDigital said:
You're the one who made the statement, you back it up.

Also note that I never specified your name when I said to add the disclaimer, did I? Obviously you feel biased enough to feel that it includes you however.


Call me crazy, but when you quote me, I assume you are talking about me.

I don't have to back anything up, every hardware review site on the web has done it for me.

Here's an idea, why don't you simply give your opinion and then kindly keep your comments about other peoples opinions to yourself...especially when you're not prepared to provide evidence or even mildly intelligent opinion to the contrary...
I've got both an X800Pro and a 6800GT. Stock for stock the GT is better at everything I've ever tried to play on it. Plus the GT has better OC potential.

As far as the comment about noticing the speed difference I sure did. Even at stock speeds the 6800GT runs games at 1600x1200 very smoothly. Whereas the X800Pro is alot jerkier at that resolution. Even with AA and AF enabled, the 6800GT's extra 4 pipelines just make that much of a difference.

Plus Doom 3 engine based games will run alot better on the 6800GT than the X800Pro. That I can verify from my experiences playing Doom 3 on each.

I've heard that the X800's are faster at Half Life 2, but someone yesterday in another thread posted benchmarks showing the 6800GT outperforming the X800Pro in CS: Source. So again if that last part is true, I'd say the 6800GT is a better card. I personally think that it's worth more money than the X800Pro even though I got my 6800GT for ALOT less than I paid for my X800Pro.

My X800Pro was $399.99 and my 6800GT was less than $350. I however think that the 6800GT is worth more than the X800Pro.

You can't argue that the 6800 architecture is more advanced and has more POTENTIAL than the X800 architecture. You can argue back and fourth all day long about if those extra features SM3 HDR and all of that will get used or not.

Fact is no one here can see the future. Period. None knows for sure if the games are going to adopt these features in this generations operational lifetime. We don't know. However since the cards perform close to each other now and the 6800GT is faster than the X800Pro at almost if not everything, it doesn't make sense to NOT have the added features of the 6800GT than to wish you did later on when you can have the faster card with those features for the same price.

The only way I'd buy an X800Pro over a 6800GT is if the savings were more than $50.00. Image quality in all the games I play has been comparable across both cards.

In my machine they actually 3D Marked in 03 about the same. Over 12K. This is of course meaningless. But some might be concerned with it.

My advice is to buy a 6800GT and try your hand at overclocking to Ultra speeds. The X800Pro, even being overclocked will never reach the X800XT-PE's fillrate due to less pipelines. This is a fact. Unless you want to try your hand at modding a VIVO card. In which case you'll likely spend a little bit more and you may or may not be able to get a card that will outperform that 6800GT.

I'm not Nvidia biased. I've owned both cards. I work with both at both my jobs. I have had good luck with both the driver sets from both companies. I just feel that the 6800GT is a better buy than the X800Pro. Now the X800XT-PE vs. 6800 Ultra is another argument.
MrDigital said:
Buy the X800. Ignore the biased nvidia people.


Hmm who is the biased one?

I'm sorry the x800 pro can't compete with the gt period.

What benchmarks are you reading? I say get your head out of the sand.

Funny you talk about the x800s and in your sig you dont' have one......