X800-XT TV Out w/ PIP... Is this possible?


Limp Gawd
Feb 6, 2005
I bought a Dell system a little while back (yes, I know... I am teh lame. But it was 40% off and it's a sweet system that runs like a dream.) As a result, I now have an X800-XT and the Dell 20.1" LCD monitor.

With my old setup, I had two monitors, one would be running World of Warcraft while the other played various TV shows I had downloaded (Stargate, Babylon 5, etc.) With this new setup, I really don't want to have two monitors; one would be the flippin' sweet LCD, the other would be a semi-crappy CRT.

I believe the X800-XT has an S-video out so you can hook it up to a TV. My monitor has an S-video and Composit input so you can watch television on it in a Picture in Picture window.

My question is... Can I hook the S-video out from the X800-XT to the S-video input on the monitor, use the Picture in Picture, and watch my shows on it while still displaying my games on the rest of the display? Or does the TV-out display on the Video card only mirror what is being outputted to the primary display?

Hopefully that makes sence what I'm trying to get across.
I'm looking for the same thing with my HP 2025 20.1 LCD :D But I think it will be easier for me if I use my ATI TV Tuner.
Well, the problem is... all of my shows are saved as divx .avi files. I download them and watch them while I play WoW. I don't think it would be possible to pipe it through a TV tuner. I'd try it out right now, but my machine is being eaten up re-encoding music from napster. ;) ;)
chiablo said:
Well, the problem is... all of my shows are saved as divx .avi files. I download them and watch them while I play WoW. I don't think it would be possible to pipe it through a TV tuner. I'd try it out right now, but my machine is being eaten up re-encoding music from napster. ;) ;)

OH!, so you have it already playing through your pc. only thing I can think of is use TV out or VGA for the PIP if that is even possible. and somehow make it play lol. Sorry, no idea, hope someone can help you.
I actually got it working.

Luckily the newer ATI cards are smart enough to know when you plug an Svideo cable in.

It showed up under my display properties and allowed me to expand my desktop over to it.

So it works perfectly!
can u provide instructions or pics or something? that sounds like a cool idea, id like to try it

nm. figured it out. awesome lol. i have my winfast TV in the extended desktop PIP so i can watch tv and play games :D