X800Pro to X800XT PE


Sep 12, 2002
I've thoroughly read pculeash.com's method for unlocking the needed 4 pipelines to make the X800Pro into an XT (PE). Lucky for me, I'm almost on the virge of getting an X800Pro. I want to try out their method. Has anybody out there had the panache to try this yet or will I go it alone?
I along with a few others have done this. Its simple and you do NOT need to flash to XT. All I did was take the heatsink off, cover the other parts with maskin tape and put a blob of conductive paint over the area needed. Took the tape off and stuck the heatsink back on and ATI tool shows 16 pipes. 3dmark 03 went up about 550 marks and farcry is up about 6fps.
speeduk said:
I along with a few others have done this. Its simple and you do NOT need to flash to XT. All I did was take the heatsink off, cover the other parts with maskin tape and put a blob of conductive paint over the area needed. Took the tape off and stuck the heatsink back on and ATI tool shows 16 pipes. 3dmark 03 went up about 550 marks and farcry is up about 6fps.

Can u tell me the Serial number for your Sapphire x800pro, I heard batches of x800pro outs are either hit or miss with the mod. But right now I am basing my opinions on this article. Where tells you which boards with certain serial numbers can be modded.

Where do you get the supplies to do the mod? what are they called in the stores?
When taking the heat sink off, it there anyneed for new thermalpaste? Did you just take if off and put it back on when you were done?

Also, anyone confirm this yet on Visiontek X800 pro retail?

Right now I played some games steady at 540/570 with it and my case isn't nothing special on cooling.

If it's so simple to do it I might try. Do you even need to scrap it anymore like once was being said?
I have one of the serial numbers that is supposed to mod. With or without the BIOS flash it doesn't work. However I may try to redo my conductive paint job.