X800XL volt mod?

Jul 22, 2005
just wondering if anyone knew how/where i could find a volt mod for my Asus X800XL pci express card, thanks.
Volt mods rock, I got a voltmod for my 9800se -> pro for the ram and I got a whole 35 mhz (70mhz ddr) out of it but I love my card so much it's worth it :D.

Agromahdi123 said:
damn thats some complicated stuff to do, for a day when i have more time

It's nto all that complicated man, all you need are four things for vmoding and a soldering iron + solder.

1. one end of a fan that hooks into the motherboard, or the end of one of those lines that goes from the case to the motherboard.

2. some wire that's about as thick as the wire going from the case to the motherboard.

3. I suggest using only 100k Ohm potentiometers (just a fancy name for a variable resistor that yo ucan set from 1k ohm to 100k ohm).

4. an SMD grabber (little black/blue/red/white thing), it has a hook on it and you press a button on it and the hook detracts and then you let go and it retracts into a position where it would grab a wire and not move.

Solder the motherboard connector to the potentiometer (via wire) then solder the smd grabber (wire grabber) to the POTentiometer (make sure you check which connectors on the POT for which ones are the correct ones, ie which ones have resistance between them).

Hook the SMD grabber into the right spot on the card, then hook the motherboard connecter in, set the POT to the right resistance (I suggest maximizing it and then slowly lowering the resistance while you up the OC and check temps and stuffs).

BOOM you're done.

Disclaimer: I am not be responisible for any work I personally do not do, I suggest you do all the reasearch yourself and make informed decisions, this is just to show you that it's not that complicated. IT'S NOT A COMPLETE GUIDE AND I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR BLOWN UP VIDEO CARDS.

i know i know, but im a stoner, and a smoker, and i have massive ADD, among all other things, and believe me, my hands, are shot. I used to be an qualified sharpshooter, i still have my medal and everything i got from the army, then once out of school, no drug tests, no real restrictions, i went crazy. Went to the rifle range again last year after what was a crazy summer before my senior year, and i didnt even qualify. I had to convince SFC Kingston not to take my badge away because i wanted it in the yearbook as per my other awards. So what may seem easy, and it does to me at first, is remarkably dangerous for me to attempt, im bookmarking the page though so when i have the money for a new card, and i fuxxxx this one up doing it, ill buy another...thanks for all the replies though
that shit is real easy to F up.

I have >20 years experience in circuit board repair experience, and I'm a mil spec certified soldering instructor. I have PACE equipment and work at that stuff every day.

9 times out of 10 the dude doing it kills the card by lifting a pad or going through a trace, and the soldering job is so bad it wouldnt have worked anyway.

NOT WORTH IT for the typical [H] denizen. Much more likely they will totally F up their card and then blame whoever gave them the info to do it with.