X800XT All in Wonder = Sweet.


Jun 11, 2000
They have some pictures over at Beyond3D.

OMG, gold chrome for everything including the backplate :eek:

Noticable things:

The tuner part is *tiny* now. I remember someone at ATi saying they were worried about the longevity of the AIW line because of the size of the tuner chips, I guess its not a problem anymore.

And do my eyes decieve me or is that a 4-pin floppy power connector? Yay! I mean what sort of power-user still uses floppies.
I use floppy's :|

Seriously though that card does look good. But it will be £$£$£$£
Purple and gold? That's a rather garish color combo, but for what the msrp on this monster is gonna be it goddamn better be gold plated with crushed velvet pcb! Chrome HS and a white pcb would be hot.

The small connector is for vivo functionality I think, I dunno, mine came OEM so I have no idea, its not for power though that's for sure.
Yeah, black and gold PCB would be ever better. Red and gold for the Chinese/taiwan market. If someone make a dark blue, I'd take it too. At least its a dark royal purple (purple/gold reminds me of a crown royal bag) , not like barney purple.
So how is ATi going to get these to store shelves when they already have a problem getting the regular XT out there.
this might turn the tides of war and give me a better chance of spending $500 on a graphics card :) $500 is a really good price for that when the x800xt is basically $500
memphist0 said:
So how is ATi going to get these to store shelves when they already have a problem getting the regular XT out there.


they're gonna do the whole paper launch thing again like they did with the XT PEs with ZERO hopes of retailors actually getting the cards in stock anytime soon.

way to go ATi... :rolleyes:
hopefully they do, ATi anounced that they are now making a pci-e version of the xt pe too.
rancor said:
ATi anounced that they are now making a pci-e version of the xt pe too.


any they also said the same thing for the AGP cards and thats been how many MONTHS AND MONTHS ago?
ozziegn said:

any they also said the same thing for the AGP cards and thats been how many MONTHS AND MONTHS ago?

I hear ya lol, but there has to be something goin on if they are announcing more then one line of xt's and pe's hopefully they got some of thier yeild issues in order :)
bah, I dont believe anything that ATi says anymore.

the actual ATi cards themselves are great.

the company who markets and makes them is sh*t.
Sweet, purple + gold = my schools colors!

Now I just wonder if it's going to have 12 or 16 pipes? Because if it has 16, well... thats just amazing.
just what we needed a bling bling vid card. I wonder when they will start putting spinners on the fans :). Id still take the card though :D
obyj34 said:
Sweet, purple + gold = my schools colors!

Now I just wonder if it's going to have 12 or 16 pipes? Because if it has 16, well... thats just amazing.

Should be 16 since it is based on the XT
ozziegn said:

they're gonna do the whole paper launch thing again like they did with the XT PEs with ZERO hopes of retailors actually getting the cards in stock anytime soon.

way to go ATi... :rolleyes:

you act like ATI was the only one to do that for the latest generation. IIRC, nvidia "launched" the 6800's before the X800 line, yet the X800 was first available to be had. And before we state flameboy wars, check below. I have a GT. :rolleyes:
conscript said:
you act like ATI was the only one to do that for the latest generation. IIRC, nvidia "launched" the 6800's before the X800 line, yet the X800 was first available to be had. And before we state flameboy wars, check below. I have a GT. :rolleyes:

I dont give a rat's ass who announced what first.

all I do know is that ATi announced the almighty XT PE many, many moons ago and yet we still havent seen jack except for the lucky and select few that have managed to get one.

but by all means the XT PE is definately anything but being mass produced like one surely wouldve thought they'd (ATi) be doing by now.
It might just be a paper launch, but keep in mind the speeds are 500/1000 and not 520/1120. This is closer to Pro speeds and ATi *might* just be able to get them out because of that.
ozziegn said:
I dont give a rat's ass who announced what first.

all I do know is that ATi announced the almighty XT PE many, many moons ago and yet we still havent seen jack except for the lucky and select few that have managed to get one.

but by all means the XT PE is definately anything but being mass produced like one surely wouldve thought they'd (ATi) be doing by now.

I don't see ultras falling off bestbuy and compusa's shelves either....
truffle00 said:
It might just be a paper launch, but keep in mind the speeds are 500/1000 and not 520/1120. This is closer to Pro speeds and ATi *might* just be able to get them out because of that.

Its an AIW version of the X800XT. The X800XT was suppost to release on AGP and ATI never released it. It was only released on PCI-E.

I really dont know why people spend more money on an AIW card though because your alot better off buying a TV Tuner which will be better and you wont have to buy another AIW card when you upgrade. If you upgrade your video card then your going to have to buy another AIW or lose your TV Tuning capabilities.

The AIW X800XT does look cool though. I like the colors and i think they would match well with like a purple DFI board.
Personally I don't like the AIWs very much but the X800 series have alot of improvements over the current versions. I just wish they would intergrate a hardware encoder onto it instead, that would be the best improvement ever. :)
conscript said:
I don't see ultras falling off bestbuy and compusa's shelves either....

Fry's has Ultras falling off the shelf, mostly PNY. A ton of GTs of all flavors, X800 Pros, but they had no X800 XTs or X800 XT-PEs.
conscript said:
I don't see ultras falling off bestbuy and compusa's shelves either....

ha, thats funny cuz over here in central FL both of my Comp USA stores have had them now all this week. and thats saying alot because it seems like us Floridians are always on the low end of the food chain when it comes to getting the latest and greatest.

hmmmm, there's not even a remote chance in hell of finding a BBA XT PE on the web (without getting your butt reamed 6 different ways) much less finding one in any retail chain.

now whats your next come back?
I just wish they would intergrate a hardware encoder onto it instead, that would be the best improvement ever

It would totally be possible now as a programmable DX9 shader. I don't blame ati for being hesitant on hardware encoding because coding techniques/bugs change on a month to month basis. IE: Finally Divx has multi B-frame support, last year they had alternate B-frame support, Xvid just got to Version 1.00 a few months ago.

There are somethings that are just better done by a videoprocessor, scaling for example... When you use a CPU, you are most likely limited to real-time integer based Bicubic resampling, with a GPU you could do floating point for higher accuracy and visual quality.
ZenOps said:
It would totally be possible now as a programmable DX9 shader. I don't blame ati for being hesitant on hardware encoding because coding techniques/bugs change on a month to month basis. IE: Finally Divx has multi B-frame support, last year they had alternate B-frame support, Xvid just got to Version 1.00 a few months ago.

There are somethings that are just better done by a videoprocessor, scaling for example... When you use a CPU, you are most likely limited to real-time integer based Bicubic resampling, with a GPU you could do floating point for higher accuracy and visual quality.

Thats true, its really irrating also, wish there was a standard that everyone would follow.
ozziegn said:
ha, thats funny cuz over here in central FL both of my Comp USA stores have had them now all this week. and thats saying alot because it seems like us Floridians are always on the low end of the food chain when it comes to getting the latest and greatest.

hmmmm, there's not even a remote chance in hell of finding a BBA XT PE on the web (without getting your butt reamed 6 different ways) much less finding one in any retail chain.

now whats your next come back?

Some people only see what they want to see ;)
ozziegn said:
ha, thats funny cuz over here in central FL both of my Comp USA stores have had them now all this week. and thats saying alot because it seems like us Floridians are always on the low end of the food chain when it comes to getting the latest and greatest.

hmmmm, there's not even a remote chance in hell of finding a BBA XT PE on the web (without getting your butt reamed 6 different ways) much less finding one in any retail chain.

now whats your next come back?

Well, didn't know i required a comeback since I don't really care whether you diagree with me or not. I go to newegg, I see Xt's avaliable, but no Ultras. Granted, Newegg isn't located in Florida...

no ultras


some XT's


rancor said:
Some people only see what they want to see ;)

and some people live in fantasy worlds where they went to harvard medical school, worked for both ati and nvidia, and still find the time to post day in and day out as if they were a high schooler on summer vacation... it's odd, really boggles the mind. ;)
btw you were talking about retialers locally not online, and just wait and see :)

Did ya know Bioware was started by two doctors? And both of them posted a ton on thier Bioware forum, I would be posting on the company's forum if it was open to the public, just like Crytek's employees do at their game forums.

Interested that I followed thier trend isn't it, I know I would be making alot more money if I went into surgery but I always loved computers and loved research and found my nich, unlike an x- ati number cruncher :D
The Batman said:
Your link's dead. Ya, really drives home your 'XTs are available...really!' point. :rolleyes:

got to it just before I did, thx Bat

oh yeah, btw they do have 2 xt's no pe though and thier xt's are way above MSRP
I wish I had the cash to catch one of those ultras that are "falling off the shelf"...

BFG GEFORCE 6800 ULTRA OC AGP8X 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI S-VIDEO RETAIL BOX = $775 cdn. Sooo, Im not gonna be seeing one of those for a while :p