x850 xt pe vs. 7800 gtx

im an ati fan and i loved my x850xt pw ocd to 600/600, but i couldnt hold a candle to a 7800gtx, sorry bro but in the same pricerange for a little more you can get the x1800xt which is a nicer card then the gtx feature and performance wise
Willseyvilleny said:
im an ati fan and i loved my x850xt pw ocd to 600/600, but i couldnt hold a candle to a 7800gtx, sorry bro but in the same pricerange for a little more you can get the x1800xt which is a nicer card then the gtx feature and performance wise
Featurewise maybe, but not performancewise.

Also a GTX will seriously outperform an X850XT PE. Not being bias here, but they are from different generations...
Dont let the above posts fool you- the 850 XTPE is a DAMN fast card. It rivals the 7800 gt in many apps and benchmarks. The only good reason for gettin an 850 is because it is the best card out in the AGP format. If you've got PCIE, go for the 7800gt. If you are stuck on agp, thats the best you can get.
Mr. Stryker said:
Viper John mod a X850XT-PE and it'll beat 7800GTX SLi in DirectX 8 mode.


seriously dude i have a ax850xt pe its a gr8 card but its last gen adn cant keep up with a gtx....it beats the 6800gt and ultra easily but not the gtx...
Why even ask any of us this rediculous question when there are hundreds of websites out with 7800gtx reviews vs other cards. And yes the 7800gtx totally blows away that 850 and in most games even beats the 1800xt
dont be hard hes probs new to the game of video cards....once u start u cant stop...unfortunately....

the best piece of advice i can give u is DO NOT GET INTO GAMING pick up a book n do that :p but if i said that i wouldnt be Hard now would i?
my bro has a x850xt pe with an intel 3.6ghz proc and from what i see, the move from x850xt pe to a gtx would not be worth it atm

it seems currently the x850xt pe can take anything you throw at it just as well as the gtx

imo if u have the xt pe id wait till the next gen vid cards show up (directx 10 cards)
gd advice..exactly what im doing but hes debating between the 2 cards
Mayhs said:
the best piece of advice i can give u is DO NOT GET INTO GAMING pick up a book n do that :p

I don't think I'd want to tell that to my wife. She's in grad school getting her PhD and sometimes I think she has more invested in books than I do in computers. Then I buy more computer parts :D

Xbitlabs has a nice recent write-up comparing the X850 XTPE to the 7800GT and GTX. Go read through that article.
Mayhs said:
lol...but which one is more expensive?

The GTX, naturally. But you get what you pay for. If price is a concern, drop down to the 7800GT. It's around the same price as the XTPE, if not cheaper, and performs better most of the time. And it has Shader 3.0 support.
Bona Fide said:
The GTX, naturally. But you get what you pay for. If price is a concern, drop down to the 7800GT. It's around the same price as the XTPE, if not cheaper, and performs better most of the time. And it has Shader 3.0 support.

you totally got me wrong i was speaking to the other guy...sry went off-topic...comparing the prices the GTX is way better
Shane said:
Why even ask any of us this rediculous question when there are hundreds of websites out with 7800gtx reviews vs other cards. And yes the 7800gtx totally blows away that 850 and in most games even beats the 1800xt
Depends on whether or not we're talking about a 7800GTX512 or a regular 7800GTX. The X1800XT will beat a regular 7800GTX most of the time once AA is enabled:
Obviously a 7800GTX will destroy a X850XT, but the OP is probably asking this question in the context of "is it worth it to upgrade from an X850XT to a 7800GTX?". In this case, I would still probably say yes, because, in addition to the performance, the 7800GTX also has a ton of IQ features that are being exploited more an more that the X850XT doesn't have.
bboynitrous said:
Seems like a trolling thread to me..
If the OP is asking the question in the context that I suggested than it is a very legitimate topic. I, for one, would have a difficult time determining whether or not upgrading from a X850XT to a 7800GTX is worht it if I was the one paying the money.
GVX said:
If the OP is asking the question in the context that I suggested than it is a very legitimate topic. I, for one, would have a difficult time determining whether or not upgrading from a X850XT to a 7800GTX is worht it if I was the one paying the money.

Well, he could easily find the answers to his question in a thread around here, or at numerous hardware sites. It's really easy to stir up trouble around here with people saying an overclocked x850 is faster than a 7800GTX. Come on now.. this is really getting ridiculous.

Here, a 7800GTX is faster than an x850xt. There are no if and's or buts about it. It's faster, more expensive and a generation ahead with more features. Also the upgradability to SLI furthers the speed increase. Is it worth it? Well, that depends on how much you're willing to spend on gaming performance. I would do it if I had the money. Hell I might be going with a 7800GT SLI if I can spare it soon.
thanks every 1.
i have seen many benchmarks, and while i like the gtx better, the x850 is there! it can compete with the gtx almost as equal. i just think that the gtx is crazy expensive, and what do you get?! something that is just about as capable of running games at 1280x1024. it's kind confusing. i think i am going to wait for the first dx10 card. what do you guys think?
ar2005 said:
thanks every 1.
i have seen many benchmarks, and while i like the gtx better, the x850 is there! it can compete with the gtx almost as equal.

Did you misread every response on this thread? There is no way that the X850XT can compete with a 7800GTX even if the 7800GTX was clocked down a 100Mhz!

Now it's starting to look like you might be trying to start a flame war. Please stop.
ar2005 said:
thanks every 1.
i have seen many benchmarks, and while i like the gtx better, the x850 is there! it can compete with the gtx almost as equal. i just think that the gtx is crazy expensive, and what do you get?! something that is just about as capable of running games at 1280x1024. it's kind confusing. i think i am going to wait for the first dx10 card. what do you guys think?

I think it's rather foolish to compare an upper end old gen card to a next gen upper end card. It would be like saying a 9800xt can compete with a x850xt or a nvidia 5950 Ultra can compete with a nVidia 6800 Ultra.Seriously, do you honestly think a 850xt can compete with a 7800GTX? That's just absurd. Do yourself a favor and get a 7800GTX. It's worth more money because it's better by a LOT.....PERIOD.

... and no, it cannot compete with the GTX, and no it is't almost as equal, nor is it crazy expensive.
I went from a VERY overclocked X800XT PE to a non OC 7800GT (not GTX and the 7800GT just DESTROYED teh VERY oc'd X800XT PE.

There is no chance in hell an X850xt pe could hold a candle to a 7800GTX.

And for the person saying mod it and its faster in DX8 mode... WHo gives a shit if its faster in an outdated mode that games look like garbage in??
seriously, im an ati fan, and i will never put an nvidia gpu in my comp, but i will tell you the GTX is mighty good. And much better than a X850XTPE
but what's the point aren't games today dx8 - 9? by the time there are games that use gtx power, you gonna have to buy an even more powerful card. :confused:
Not worth going to the gtx if you already have an 850xt. Wait for the next gen stuff, imo.
ar2005 said:
but what's the point aren't games today dx8 - 9? by the time there are games that use gtx power, you gonna have to buy an even more powerful card. :confused:

Last 3-4 games I installed wanted to install 9.0C

I have a few boxes in front of me and google fired up

Call Of Duty 2= 9.0c
BF2= 9.0C
I know HL2 has more graphical features(looks better) available in DX9 mode as well.

Too lazy to google any more. But These games have the option to run in DX9 mode with better effects

But hey, if you want to think the X850xtpe is a faster card, because you can turn the settings down (thereby making the games look not as good) and be faster, then by all means, play your games in a lower quality mode lol

Ill keep playing with everything maxed in every game out there.

As far as games that can "use" a GTXs power, I hate to tell you but they are already here.
Fire up COD2
set it to 1600x1200 or heck, even 1280x1024
Max every setting
Then enter a 32 player online CTF match and watch what happens...
Davenow, you have sli. that is the true situation i think 7800s would be better.
Davenow said:
I went from a VERY overclocked X800XT PE to a non OC 7800GT (not GTX and the 7800GT just DESTROYED teh VERY oc'd X800XT PE.

There is no chance in hell an X850xt pe could hold a candle to a 7800GTX.

And for the person saying mod it and its faster in DX8 mode... WHo gives a shit if its faster in an outdated mode that games look like garbage in??
The 800 is a handicapped card, the 850 is much better and the PE has faster memory. That said, the real question is, are you upgrading/building an AGP system or PCIe system? As someone pointed out, the x850-xt is the best AGP card...period. If you are upgrading an AGP system, you can't even install a 7800 unless you also replace the motherboard. You're looking at $700 to $800 for a 7800GTX/PCIe motherboard graphics card combo. I purchased my X850-XT for $400 and it OCs to PE speeds with ease, AGP version of course which means I didn't have to replace my motherboard. I play Q4, D3, FEAR, NFSMW, et al at 1600x1200 eye candy max, smooth as butter...that's all I need...for now... ;)
Sharkzf6 said:
The 800 is a handicapped card, the 850 is much better and the PE has faster memory. That said, the real question is, are you upgrading/building an AGP system or PCIe system? As someone pointed out, the x850-xt is the best AGP card...period. If you are upgrading an AGP system, you can't even install a 7800 unless you also replace the motherboard. You're looking at $700 to $800 for a 7800GTX/PCIe motherboard graphics card combo. I purchased my X850-XT for $400 and it OCs to PE speeds with ease, AGP version of course which means I didn't have to replace my motherboard. I play Q4, D3, FEAR, NFSMW, et al at 1600x1200 eye candy max, smooth as butter...that's all I need...for now... ;)
The difference between the X800 series and the X850 series is like 2% at best (http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=Njk3). It doesn't really make sense to call one card "handicapped" and suggest the other is much better when they perform basically indentically.

IMO, both cards are "handicapped" because they cannot offer the necessary IQ features to power the games of today and tomorrow.
GVX said:
The difference between the X800 series and the X850 series is like 2% at best (http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=Njk3). It doesn't really make sense to call one card "handicapped" and suggest the other is much better when they perform basically indentically.

IMO, both cards are "handicapped" because they cannot offer the necessary IQ features to power the games of today and tomorrow.
I see your point to a certain extent. What I accept is the 2 cards being discussed 800XT/850XT are nearly the same in performance. I was under the impression that “all” 800 series cards only had 12 pipelines, apparently I was wrong. What I don’t accept is either card is handicapped for the reason you stated. Don’t have the necessary IQ to run todays or tomorrows games?! I have an X850XT and can assure you it runs todays games beautifully, especially with my Dell Ultra Sharp 24-inch flat/wide panel… :p
This whole thread is fairly pointless.

The OP wants to justify spending less money to himself, IMO, he should spend less money if that's what he wants to do and then say "I'm waiting for card X to spend a lot" or "I'm waiting for OS X to spend money".

The boards are full of posts like this every day, people trying to convince themselves they're doing the right thing spending money or not spending money.
FACT: The X850XT-PE is a great card! With lots of Power!

FACT: The 7800GTX is a generation newer, has many more IQ features that the X850XT-PE doesn't have.

FACT: If you have an older MB with AGP gfx slot, X850XT-PE is your best bet!

FACT: Best card right now is the 7800GTX 512mb

FACT: X1800XT has better IQ features than the 7800GTX

FACT: SLI is good, Crossfire is ba... Missing.
u guys on crack, how u gonna compare a 7800gtx to an x850xt pe, 7800 has more pipes.
U can compare it to a x1800xt and u can get somewhat closer results, but 7800gtx vs the x850xt pe is overkill, that thing can't even run real 32 bit color, it has it but when it outputs it's converted to 24bit color. x1800xt really does run 32 bit, im an nvidia owner and I will admit the x1800xt is a hell of a card, for the money u get 512 ram and with new patches is really shining.
x850 series wins in AGP cause new cards run pciE, so technically is the fastest AGP card but it lacks shader 3.0 wich it doesen't allow it to run real HDR, only emulated on a few games, and if ur card breaks and u didn't buy it from a US vendor ur screwed cause ATI's main HQ is in canada (used to be in MASS or NH not sure)

If u have AGP you should get the x850xt dam good for the $$, always keep an eye out on www.compusa.com they had it a month ago for $250. ig u have PCI E, I would get the 7800GT, it can be found online at newegg or zipzoomfly for bout $300.
ellover009 said:
u guys on crack, how u gonna compare a 7800gtx to an x850xt pe, 7800 has more pipes.
U can compare it to a x1800xt and u can get somewhat closer results, but 7800gtx vs the x850xt pe is overkill, that thing can't even run real 32 bit color, it has it but when it outputs it's converted to 24bit color. x1800xt really does run 32 bit,
BWAHAHAHAH yeah, while we're at it, lets bring up the "OMG Intel is faster than AMD 'cause it has more clockspeed!"

sorry, but the x800 series outputs 32bit color, and the x850 and x1800 arent even in the same league

x850 series wins in AGP cause new cards run pciE, so technically is the fastest AGP card but it lacks shader 3.0 wich it doesen't allow it to run real HDR, only emulated on a few games, and if ur card breaks and u didn't buy it from a US vendor ur screwed cause ATI's main HQ is in canada (used to be in MASS or NH not sure)
*cough* *cough* *sneeze*

oh, im sorry... im allergic to bullshit. that was just about one the biggest allergy attacks ive ever had.

Shader model 3 has nothing at all to do with ATI's lack of openEXR HDR support and everything to do with the ATI card's inability to do 16/32bit blending. High Dynamic Range Lighting has been around for quite some time, and even R300 can do it... are you calling the entire HL2 HDR implementation "Fake"?

also, ATI has one of the fastest RMA services ive ever used. they have you ship the card to their HQ in NYC and then they get it to the canadian HQ. once they test it, they overnight you a new card from the ATI warehouse that is closest to you. i got my card back in under a week.
Majin said:
FACT: The X850XT-PE is a great card! With lots of Power!

FACT: The 7800GTX is a generation newer, has many more IQ features that the X850XT-PE doesn't have.

FACT: If you have an older MB with AGP gfx slot, X850XT-PE is your best bet!

FACT: Best card right now is the 7800GTX 512mb

FACT: X1800XT has better IQ features than the 7800GTX

FACT: SLI is good, Crossfire is ba... Missing.
