xbox 360 at Amazon


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2004
Does anyone know why amazon doesn't seem to have the $199 4GB xbox 360 (without kinect) in stock lately? I don't pay much attention to consoles but might be buying one soon and would prefer to do it without tax and my amazon credit if possible.
Funny, Newegg doesn't have them either. I wonder if Microsoft is directing the majority of stock to fulfil Kinect deals.
I was trying to buy a 250gb 360 (without Kinect) a month or so back and none of the stores in my town had it. Went to two different Gamestops, Fry's, and Best Buy. Stock had completely dried up. I ended up snagging the last one on Amazon...

I think bigdogchris might be right... they're pushing the Kinect a bit much it seems.
I was in best buy last night, and they literally had 300 kinects there in some sort of tower. I was tapping on the boxes to see if they were just dummy boxes or something, but they all had kinects in them! I dunno how they plan on selling off all of them short of a fire sale.
One of my biggest gripes about accessories/add-ons is that they never take off because they are not packed with the main console. I think Microsoft may be moving towards shipping every Xbox with Kinect. It's going to help them as they transition into the next generation which very well may include one with even the base model Xbox 3.
I was in best buy last night, and they literally had 300 kinects there in some sort of tower. I was tapping on the boxes to see if they were just dummy boxes or something, but they all had kinects in them! I dunno how they plan on selling off all of them short of a fire sale.

Believe it or not, I'd be willing to bet that stack of Kinect/360s is quite fresh.. as in, they are not the same units as a week or two ago. NPD numbers don't lie, 360 is outselling all other consoles and it was reported that 3 in every 5 360 sold was a Kinect bundle.
Believe it or not, I'd be willing to bet that stack of Kinect/360s is quite fresh.. as in, they are not the same units as a week or two ago. NPD numbers don't lie, 360 is outselling all other consoles and it was reported that 3 in every 5 360 sold was a Kinect bundle.

yeah, kinect is selling like hot cakes here, lol. Not on fire, but rather close to it :p
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yeah, kinect is selling like hot cakes here, lol. Not on fire, but rather close to it :p

Really? I didn't think it was doing that well. Hopefully they start releasing some software for it if it's doing that good.

On the other hand, I never see any PS move controllers when I go out. I haven't tried either one yet, I kind of wanna try the gun controller thingy, but I don't feel like dropping $120 on a controller