Xbox 360 boot up problem


Limp Gawd
Mar 16, 2005
So, I bought a 360 about a week ago and for some reason it refuses to boot up on the first push of the power button. The middle green light comes on but the controller (wireless) doesn't connect and there is no picture. However, if I shut it off and then turn it back on, it seems to work just fine. Does anyone know what could be causing this? It's slightly annoying because, well I'm lazy, and I would like to sit in my chair and power the thing on by using the wireless controller. And it would also be good to know that there isn't something horribly wrong with the console that would warrant a return.
If you bought the thing a week ago, I would highly recommend you take it back to where it was purchased and exchange it. There are no percentages in holding onto a unit that isn't working right (apart from the power connections being loose, I can't think of any user-correctable problem that would cause what you describe), and unless you bought it used or from a real dirtbag retailer you should have no problem exchanging it. Getting Microsoft involved and sending it in for repair should probably only be your option after a month or longer.
Take it back for sure. No need in trying to fix it since it's well within the time period to take it back and get another. Less heartache.

But if you ever come to a point where you have to send back your 360, MS is way fast about it.
Biggrich76 said:
So, I bought a 360 about a week ago and for some reason it refuses to boot up on the first push of the power button. The middle green light comes on but the controller (wireless) doesn't connect and there is no picture. However, if I shut it off and then turn it back on, it seems to work just fine. Does anyone know what could be causing this? It's slightly annoying because, well I'm lazy, and I would like to sit in my chair and power the thing on by using the wireless controller. And it would also be good to know that there isn't something horribly wrong with the console that would warrant a return.

I'd suggest reseating all of your connections, power cable, video output, etc. And what happens if you power cycle it a few times, does it always follow that pattern of not-work, work?
I reseated all the cables and even the batteries in the controller but it still did the same thing on a "cold boot". When I power cycle it, it seems to turn on everytime. It appears that it only has the problem when starting fresh. I think I will return it to BB this weekend and try to get an exchange.
Yeah, if you can consistently reproduce the problem like that, then I'd agree with you that returning for exchange it is the best plan.
It sounds like the controller isn't configured correctly. Make sure you use the connection buttons on the console and the controller. I wouldn't be surprised if everything is working just fine and just isn't configured.
Erasmus354 said:
It sounds like the controller isn't configured correctly. Make sure you use the connection buttons on the console and the controller. I wouldn't be surprised if everything is working just fine and just isn't configured.
I should still see the picture from the console booting though. Even if the controller isn't connecting, the console should boot up on the first try.
Well first of all if you are turning on the console from the power button on the console itself the controller wont connect. It is how it was designed. If you are turning it on from the button on the controller, that is when the controller should connect and get assigned to the first player quadrant.

If you are having problems with the video appearing I would double check the video connections and your television settings. Does turning the TV off and on again make the picture appear? Do you have another television you can try it on. I am not saying that the 360 isn't broken, it is just that this is a very odd problem that I have not heard of before so it is probably prudent to rule out all other possibilities before you go return the unit.

PS If you have the combination SD - HD cable make sure the slider on the cable is selecting the correct one (SDTV or HDTV).
I have checked all the cables and the slider is in the HDTV position, so the picture should show up right away. I can also tell that the console isn't booting because it doesn't make any noise beside the fan spinning when I first push the button. When I reboot it, the hard drive and disk spinning are very audible so it's obvious that the console itself is not booting on the first attempt for some reason.

I tried booting it with the wireless controller and I get the same results when cold booting if I use the X botton on the controller to turn it on. The center light comes on but no picture/sound. So, it would appear that the controller is connecting but for some reason the console doesn't boot properly.
If you just purchased the 360 I don't even know what the delay is return it for a new one.
The only other thing I can suggest you do is call 1-800-4MY-XBOX and see if they can help you. If not I would return it to the store you bought it from and get a new one.