Xbox 360 doesn't support 16:10 and MS is covering it up.


Oct 16, 2005
I'm sorry guys, I think my net was just screwed up or something. All the forum threads and Digg articles are still alive.

Delete pleas.e
I never thought the Xbox 360 supported 16:10 resolutions, and I'm not surprised that they don't.
I remember when everyones xboxes were dieing they deleted those threads to in the xbox forums so i wouldn't be suprised if they did delete these to lol.
doesn't this only affect those playing a 360 on a relatively small LCD monitor instead of a HDTV..??

if so that answers the question easily, there's not enough customers who want/need that feature, every 16:10 wanting user could drop the 360 completely and it would not even affect their bottom line......

you should know, they work the hardest on things that affect the bottom line
As others have said... 360 doesn't support 16:10 and MS have never said it supports it. What an odd thread.
I was thinking of buying a 360 to play on a 22" 16:10 LCD. Does it just squish the image a little?
I was thinking of buying a 360 to play on a 22" 16:10 LCD. Does it just squish the image a little?

I think it depends on your settings. It can either give you black bars or it'll stretch it a little bit. It's not great, but it's not THAT bad. Certainly a lot better than stretching 4:3.
For the past 30 years video games consoles have been played on televisions, not computer monitors. There have been few, if none, of game consoles that ever had support for computer monitors.

Why is anyone surprised that the 360 was made to run in SD and HD TELEVISION formats and not PC monitor formats? Why did the digg article get so many diggs; are people fucking dumbasses?
It would not be hard to implement 1:1 scaling at driver level on the 360 and then support resolutions of 16:10 by just displaying black bars and keeping 16:9.

It's not "fucking stupid". They made the cable so people could play on computer monitors and they aren't doing shit to help make it work right.
It would not be hard to implement 1:1 scaling at driver level on the 360 and then support resolutions of 16:10 by just displaying black bars and keeping 16:9.

It's not "fucking stupid". They made the cable so people could play on computer monitors and they aren't doing shit to help make it work right.

Have I missed something in the news? Hasn't it been this way for 2 years now?
It would not be hard to implement 1:1 scaling at driver level on the 360 and then support resolutions of 16:10 by just displaying black bars and keeping 16:9.

It's not "fucking stupid". They made the cable so people could play on computer monitors and they aren't doing shit to help make it work right.

i think one could just as easily say they provided the VGA output for being able to use VGA inputs found on many HDTV's which are older and do not have HDMI, which allows them to get upscaling video without HDMI/HDCP

how about Dell and the likes should just produce a 16:9 LCD monitor so people can go spend a couple grand on a smaller LCD monitor and use VGA instead of buying a 16:9 HDTV to play on for the same money, sheesh, they seem to come out with a new monitor every couple months, you would think if there was really a market for playing the 360 on LCD monitors and knew that MS wasn't going to support 16:10 resolutions they would have come to market with one around launch right?..., why have they taken so long to make a 16:9 360 gaming LCD panel..?? see, MS doesn't have any vested interest in supporting 16:9 over VGA, those users are such a small minority it's pointless
I think it's bullshit that I cant run my 360 at my monitors native res (1680x1050)!!!
Why is anyone surprised that the 360 was made to run in SD and HD TELEVISION formats and not PC monitor formats? Why did the digg article get so many diggs; are people fucking dumbasses?

If you sell a VGA adapter cable, you better damn well be able to support a COMPUTER MONITOR format.

What the hell do you think all the new LCD HDTVs are? They are computer monitors with integrated tuners..
What the hell do you think all the new LCD HDTVs are? They are computer monitors with integrated tuners..
Not at all. Firstly they're 16:9 and secondly they don't generally support resolutions as high as bigger computer monitors.
Considering ATi hasn't implemented fixed aspect ratio scaling for its desktop AIB for years now, I don't think it will see the 360 any time soon.
For the record, while playing on a 16x10 LCD with 1:1 scaling features, you receive small (very small) black bars on the top and bottom.

Letterboxing is all that happens. On non 1:1 scaling monitors, your horizontal field is stretched just a hair(or should be), and be barely noticeable.

So it's not really much of an issue, hope that helps

Edit: Maybe I don't understand. I'm not using a VGA adapter, so my options might be different. Doesn't the VGA adapter let you choose 1280x768/720 as a viewable option?
If you sell a VGA adapter cable, you better damn well be able to support a COMPUTER MONITOR format.

What the hell do you think all the new LCD HDTVs are? They are computer monitors with integrated tuners..

How exactly is it "not supported?" It doesn't run at native aspect ratio, bfd. And also, I guarantee the majority of people using the vga cable are hooking it up to an hdtv, and not a computer monitor.