xbox 360 drive able to connect to HTPC ?


Jul 1, 2004
Im sick of the slow and snail crawling speed of HD-DVD drives to be released. I was wondering if there is anyway to get a xbox 360 HD-DVD drive to work with a pc since it uses a USB connection.
If you want to write some drivers (and software), or wait until someone hacks something together I dont see why not.
AFAIK the drive is already recognized under Windows. But it won't play back HDDVDs. Not sure what the problem is yet. Once the drive is out, I'm sure people will be quick to play with it and hopefully get it working.
You will need a video card that supports HDCP and the Intervideo HD-DVD playback software.
as stated above. he beat me lol

its fully able to.b ut not many or any?? cards are able to or have the drivers and software for it yet..