Xbox 360 Fall Update in November...


Jul 27, 2005
The title basically says it all, but:

Xbox 360 Fall Update Coming Out In November

RPG-TV got a briefing last week on the Xbox Live Experience and was told that the Fall dashboard update would be hitting in November, i.e. this fall.

~ Full Kotaku Article

I can't say I'm surprised by the November date, since Live releases and updates have often come in November. I'm a tad dissapointed we won't get it sooner, but hopefully there's no issues when it does release.
Not sure about the rest of you but this update just screams a little too much "me too!"

Wasnt impressed with anything about it really...
I am excited that they will be implementing 16:10 resolutions... can finally run mine at 1920 by 1200 and not have any of the edges being cutoff! Plus my bro can run his at 1680 by 1050 over vga instead of the 1280 by 1024 he has been running it at. :D
I like the Netflix features, but I'm not so sure about the rest. I really don't think there's much wrong with the current blade system. I'd organize things a little different, but the overall look and feel is fine by me.
I really don't like the Mii style avatars at all.
i just hope we dont get fucked at christmas like last year with all this new stuff
I've been holding off on a new monitor because of this. update... when they announced the 16:10 resolutions, they only mentioned 1680*1050 and 1440*900

I really want a 24inch monitor, but if they don't end up supporting 1920*1200 (the monitor I want doesn't have 1:1) I'll be going for a 22 inch.
If the netflix thing is going to be of any use at all, they really need to increase the library to have some decent titles. The selection is really bad atm.
i just hope we dont get fucked at christmas like last year with all this new stuff

Dear Microsoft,
With console price reductions, new features being added, and some "must have" games coming out in the next few months, please allow for a huge surge in holiday XBL traffic this year so we can still use the service we've paid for.

Existing XBL subscribers
i just hope we dont get fucked at christmas like last year with all this new stuff

But, we all got a free game out of that...
... if you redeemed within a certain week with little notice
... and I only played it once because it stunk
... and I can't even remember the game's name.
I am excited that they will be implementing 16:10 resolutions... can finally run mine at 1920 by 1200 and not have any of the edges being cutoff! Plus my bro can run his at 1680 by 1050 over vga instead of the 1280 by 1024 he has been running it at. :D

Why isnt he at least running at 1280x 768, it would at least be wide screen then. I was waiting for this update myself till I just nabbed a 40" Samsung. I cant wait for the installation of full games to the HDD though.
I'm dying for the hard drive loading, especially when just getting all the achievements in Mass Effect. That game has so much load time the HD load would cut 2 hours off the play time.
I wonder how Mass Effect will interpret the loading times with most of them being "disguised" as elevators and whatnot.
I wonder how Mass Effect will interpret the loading times with most of them being "disguised" as elevators and whatnot.
I'd be shocked if it was more than a "wait in the elevator until I've loaded all resources I think I'll need" algorithm.
Let's hope so. I'm playing through it again right now and MAN are some of those annoying. I'd almost rather have a loading screen, because the elevator illicits too much wishful thinking from me :)
Let's hope so. I'm playing through it again right now and MAN are some of those annoying. I'd almost rather have a loading screen, because the elevator illicits too much wishful thinking from me :)
I think, in hindsight, they could have done more with the elevators. As a non-loading-screen-but-really-a-loading-screen device, they're not a bad idea. They just should have come up with more variety than conversations. Futuristic spam emails, for instance, or maybe some more brief interactive conversations.
Rather then start another thread for the new 360 dashboard update, I figured I'd just post this here. Major Nelson gave a public demonstration of the new dashboard at PAX:

Link to Video.

Unfortunately the video suffers from poor framing at times, as well as shaking. Some stuff we've seen before, in the video, and some stuff is new. I'm liking how fast navigation was.
Looks interesting from what I could see. The guy shooting the video was an idiot though. He wouldnt even keep the camera on the TV most of the time.
Woot. Course it might take 4 days to download the update over my 768k DSL. *sigh*

speaking of loading games onto the HD, what's the largest hard drive successfully installed in a 360?
speaking of loading games onto the HD, what's the largest hard drive successfully installed in a 360?
120gb. The sizes are hard-coded into the 360 software, you can't hack in an arbitrary-sized HDD.