Xbox 360 hard drive upgrade?


[H]F Junkie
Jun 17, 2004
Well, I tried searching and I didn't find anything.

What I want to know is if anybody's successfully upgraded the 360's hard drive from the 20gig that's in there to any other 2.5" laptop drive. The only thing I've been able to find is this link that says how it's theoretically possible, but nothing where anybody's been successful or tried doing it and it didn't work.
nope. Only thing you can do is make a certain 20gig work as the orginal one. Or you can buy the 120gb.

You can add a usb drive for music but it wont work as the hdd they have.
nope. Only thing you can do is make a certain 20gig work as the orginal one. Or you can buy the 120gb.

You can add a usb drive for music but it wont work as the hdd they have.

Got a good reason why you can only use the 20 and 120 gig official drives?
Got a good reason why you can only use the 20 and 120 gig official drives?

I'm assuming you're referring to the internal HD. You may only use licensed hard drives for the 360.Bottom line, cheap system with pricey accesories
I'm assuming you're referring to the internal HD. You may only use licensed hard drives for the 360.Bottom line, cheap system with pricey accesories

Yes, I'm talking about the hard drive that attaches to the top of the system. I understand that as an entire unit there are no third-party hard drives, but nobody's tried to crack one of them open and install a larger 2.5" hard drive in the casing?
Yes, I'm talking about the hard drive that attaches to the top of the system. I understand that as an entire unit there are no third-party hard drives, but nobody's tried to crack one of them open and install a larger 2.5" hard drive in the casing?

It's been done as the above poster has stated, for obvious reasons this method is not endorsed by MS.
Thing is, if you sell your 20gig and get a 120gig, the price difference is the same as buying a WD 120gig and throwing it in the enclosure. Add to that the fact that there's a risk involved in messing up the enclosure and it's really not worth it currently.

It'd be a different matter entirely if they let us throw in whatever like the PS3 does.
It's been done as the above poster has stated, for obvious reasons this method is not endorsed by MS.

Well, obviously it's not endorsed or supported by MS. However, what [H] modding activities are? :D
You don't have to use the 20GB / 120GB official ones, but you can't just plug a different one in

Note that pulling the hddss.bin off your 20GB drive and writing it to a 120GB drive will only give you 20GB of space on the 120GB drive. The only way to get full use of a bare 120GB drive in a 360 is to use an hddss.bin file from an MS 120GB drive. Which presents 2 problems:
1) It's illegal to download the hddss.bin, since it contains copyrighted information
2) The hddss.bin is unique to each drive, so if MS ever wanted to, they could detect and ban systems with cloned drives. They haven't done this yet, so this may not ever be a problem.

However, if your 20GB 360 hard drive started to go bad, this would be a good way to replace it, even if you only get access to 20GB on the drive. It's still cheaper than buying the 20GB drive from MS. And if your 120GB drive started going bad, this would save you close to $100.