Xbox 360 Live..


Dec 29, 2002
How come my internet keeps disconnecting when I am playing live, it will disconnect after like 1-3 games. However, whenever I am just on the computer it does not disconnect and when it disconnect the internet like comes right back up, but it kicks me out of the game.

Any ideas or solutions to fix this problem?

So im going to assume you never updated your firmware. Goto your router website, look up the model number, and then see if theres any firmware updates. There should be directions to install the update. Its usually from your browser, and goto to admin control and so on..
I remember back when I was renting a house the landlord payed for cable internet and we had the cable/router that is rented from comcast... that netgear piece of shit sure sucked. It would disconnect us whenever 2 or more of us tried to play a pc game online and there could be only 4 connections at a time (too bad there were 5 guys in the house). We ended up just buying a linksys router and a linksys cable modem and our problem was solved. I am unimpressed by all the modem/router's out there. Not sure if it is even possible cram both in one box without losing functionality.
I remember back when I was renting a house the landlord payed for cable internet and we had the cable/router that is rented from comcast... that netgear piece of shit sure sucked. It would disconnect us whenever 2 or more of us tried to play a pc game online and there could be only 4 connections at a time (too bad there were 5 guys in the house). We ended up just buying a linksys router and a linksys cable modem and our problem was solved. I am unimpressed by all the modem/router's out there. Not sure if it is even possible cram both in one box without losing functionality.

You probably had the same shit as this...netgear wireless router/modem combo...
Definitely sounds like a router issue. It's a sad fact that a lot of the cheaper ones are completely inadequate for heavy usage.

I will defiantely try the port forwarding. However, I have been doing a little bit of research and I think I have come to the conclusion that the router must be dropping signal because I guess it cant handle the load of information it needs to. Its a Netgear wireless router/modem and I do not have the product code on it right now.
wouldnt surprise me if its overheating if its a wireless router. place it in front of a fan or something :)
I was gonna say try and plug directly into the modem and bypass the router, but then I guess it is a modem/router combo. Tell your ISP and they should replace it, or get a different one.
I was gonna say try and plug directly into the modem and bypass the router, but then I guess it is a modem/router combo. Tell your ISP and they should replace it, or get a different one.

I have tried everything. The router/modem combo does seem to be getting hot so maybe I will see since its overheating maybe it is causing it to loose signal and then come right back up.