Xbox 360 Or PC Gaming? (If I'm Really Into PC Gaming Should I Bother Getting A 360?)

The Doc

Jan 2, 2005
I'm really into PC gaming, and I plan on building an SLI rig in the near future for my gaming needs; however I'm posed with a tough decision. The decision is this: If I'm really into PC gaming is there really any reason for me to snag an Xbox360 considering many of the games that are coming out for the PC are also on the 360? The Xbox 360 is one sexy device, but should PC gamers such as myself bother with one?
i guarantee you there are going to be some games on the xbox 360 or PS3 for that matter that you will want to play that aren't coming to pc
Whats wrong with having both? But to be honest I am not getting a 360 for any game that will also show up on the PC, I getting for the exclusive Perfect Dark Zero and PGR and whatever else exclusive that comes down the line. So if the only games that interest you on the 360 are games that are also coming to the PC I would just stick to the PC.
I'm a pretty dedicated PC gamer, but I'm also a pretty dedicated gamer in general, I'll be going with both, but I'll probably hold off on the xbox for a while, as far as I can see the games that I'm most looking forward to in the shorter term will be on PC anyway.
The two are not mutually exclusive. Get both, then pick up the Nintendo Revolution when it comes out. That way you'll get to play all the good games instead of only a portion of the...
IMO, the only reason not to get a console is if you simply don't like the physical aspect of playing on a console, or if you can't afford one.
No reason not to get one, as long as their is games you want to play on any of them. Have had both and sometimes it just nice to kick back on the couch and play on the Xbox on the 65" DLP when ya feel like it!

If the games are like on the Xbox I don´t see any reason at all getting the Xbox 360. The games really have to change for me considering getting it.

Otherwise it has to have VGA compability or I can´t get it. Also I very much doubt there is any games out there I want to control with gamepad which doesn´t exist on PC. Though if they aren´t dumbed down for the console version I may get some sport games like PRO evolution 5 or similar since they are often released first on consoles.

But I doubt I will get one because current console games don´t interest me and games are more expensive. PC Games if you wait for a while they go down tons in price. Console games is expensive old or new.

Also I very much doubt it will be so powerful really it would be worth it to shell out 350$ or what it will be for a performance upgrade.

I have played with the idea of getting a Xbox 360 or PS 3 or Revolution. The only one I am still interested in is Revo. It all depends on it´s controller or whatever would make it revolutionary. If so and hearing it will probably be cheaper and still 3 times as powerful as the GameCube I may very well get it if again I see games I find interesting.
oqvist said:
If the games are like on the Xbox I don´t see any reason at all getting the Xbox 360. The games really have to change for me considering getting it.

Otherwise it has to have VGA compability or I can´t get it. Also I very much doubt there is any games out there I want to control with gamepad which doesn´t exist on PC. Though if they aren´t dumbed down for the console version I may get some sport games like PRO evolution 5 or similar since they are often released first on consoles.

But I doubt I will get one because current console games don´t interest me and games are more expensive. PC Games if you wait for a while they go down tons in price. Console games is expensive old or new.

Also I very much doubt it will be so powerful really it would be worth it to shell out 350$ or what it will be for a performance upgrade.

I have played with the idea of getting a Xbox 360 or PS 3 or Revolution. The only one I am still interested in is Revo. It all depends on it´s controller or whatever would make it revolutionary. If so and hearing it will probably be cheaper and still 3 times as powerful as the GameCube I may very well get it if again I see games I find interesting.

Read the released accessories list. There is an HD-VGA cable listed for 19.99

Also the price is 299.99 for the model with wired controller and no HD, or 399.99 for the model with the wireless controller, headset, remote control, and 20gb HD.
Depends...As of now...PC gaming is pretty bland. Every other game is a FPS with a different setting. Plus, you'll never see extremely good games like Devil May Cry, God of War, Jade Empire etc.. on PC. Never! Xbox 360 has more good games on launch than the PC got all year....don't even get me started on how its going to take off AFTER launch. Xbox 360 + PS3 will own PC gaming for a longggg time.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Depends...As of now...PC gaming is pretty bland. Every other game is a FPS with a different setting. Plus, you'll never see extremely good games like Devil May Cry, God of War, Jade Empire etc.. on PC. Never! Xbox 360 has more good games on launch than the PC got all year....don't even get me started on how its going to take off AFTER launch. Xbox 360 + PS3 will own PC gaming for a longggg time.

In the past I upgraded my rig for the next big game. This is going to change with the xbox 360 though. You are correct when you say the releases are pretty bland. I cant think of many games that really grabbed my attention this year. I still play WoW, but thats just like a crack addiction. I bought BF2, Doom 3, and I regret those. HL2 and Farcy were alright, but I dont play them anymore. Where have the days gone when games like Warcraft 2 and Starcraft would have me glued to my rig for months on end. It just doesn't happen anymore.

The big drawback to upgrading my rig now, is that I am still using an athlon XP and AGP video card. To upgrade my system I would need to go Athlon 64 with SLI. This means a new mobo, processor, heatsink+fan, videocard. When im looking at around 1K CDN to upgrade the rig, a 550$ CDN XBOX360 just looks like a deal to me.
Draax said:
The big drawback to upgrading my rig now, is that I am still using an athlon XP and AGP video card. To upgrade my system I would need to go Athlon 64 with SLI. This means a new mobo, processor, heatsink+fan, videocard. When im looking at around 1K CDN to upgrade the rig, a 550$ CDN XBOX360 just looks like a deal to me.

Ask yourself it REALLY worth it? Do you want to upgrade to play games, or upgrade for the hell of it? I read somewhere that Dual 6800 Ultras will have a hard time running Oblivion maxed out! The Xbox 360 version is supposed to run it perfectly-and it looks exactly like the PC version! Plus, Xbox 360 is set to run any Unreal 3.0 based game maxed out.

But you can set up a SLi 7800 GTX and play Live for Speed!


Or....Play PGR3!

GTLegend's cars look better than the bottom screenshot and I only have a 9800 pro. :p I'm sure that top game could look close to as good as the bottom game if you posed it right.

It all comes down to what you like playing. If you only like FPS's RTS's or realistic simulations, don't bother. If you like adventure/RPG's and stuff go ahead and pick one up.
Whatever you decide, please don't buy a Xbox 360 until it comes with a HD-DVD drive.
The first batch of consoles is supposed to be built with only normal DVD drives.
Obi_Kwiet said:
GTLegend's cars look better than the bottom screenshot and I only have a 9800 pro. :p I'm sure that top game could look close to as good as the bottom game if you posed it right.

It all comes down to what you like playing. If you only like FPS's RTS's or realistic simulations, don't bother. If you like adventure/RPG's and stuff go ahead and pick one up.

GTLegends doesn't look half as good as PGR3 on my X800-XT.
Before reading this thread I was going PC all-the-way because online gaming with consoles sucks.

I already have a 2.8ghz 6800 but afer reading these replies I think instead of beefing up my PC I'll just get the 360.

I feel like such a noob for saying 360>PC god help me
Well this thread went just as expected. It blows. Don't even know where to start.

edit: Alright forget it I'll bite. Since you seem to lean towards PC gaming, why not just wait until the thing comes out and has a title that you must have. Considering they may be changing the drive, might make some sense. Although they probably won't get to that by the time you want it.

The pics: I don't know if that is very representative of that PC game, but racing games I've played look a lot better than that. Neither look like game play. So putting that up for an unreleased console and claiming PC's pwned is the most retarded thing I've read here today.

I'm with the people reminding you that you can have both. I really don't get how people are so interested in our opinion of unreleased things.

It is hosted by Microsoft, but I can't figure out what it is, or what the countdown is for. It has the date as being September 26th for the final countdown time. Any ideas? Maybe even giving an official release date or something?
texuspete00 said:
Well this thread went just as expected. It blows. Don't even know where to start.

edit: Alright forget it I'll bite. Since you seem to lean towards PC gaming, why not just wait until the thing comes out and has a title that you must have. Considering they may be changing the drive, might make some sense. Although they probably won't get to that by the time you want it.

The pics: I don't know if that is very representative of that PC game, but racing games I've played look a lot better than that. Neither look like game play. So putting that up for an unreleased console and claiming PC's pwned is the most retarded thing I've read here today.

I'm with the people reminding you that you can have both. I really don't get how people are so interested in our opinion of unreleased things.

Both of those pics are in-game.
360 is more expensive that most had imagined but it still is cheaper than upgrading your PC.

As for me, of course I am buying one. Just as I did an Xbox at launch.
How do you drive looking at the fender? Maybe the game will look like that, but c'mon... that's NOT gameplay.
texuspete00 said:
How do you drive looking at the fender? Maybe the game will look like that, but c'mon... that's NOT gameplay.

And you know this how ?
Dude, are you serious? The game may end up looking like that... OK? That pic is clearly not from playing the game. You can't drive a car from that angle. Maybe it would be the rearview button, but where's the HUD and stuff? I'd be more inclined to believe the hype if I hadn't been burned in the past, and that pic was from an angle you could, you know, see where the hell you are going and MIGHT even be playing the game. Comprende? Sheesh.

How could you not know? If that's gameplay, well it's the worst racing game in the history of mankind no matter how good it looks. You can't see where the fuck you are going!!!!
texuspete00 said:
Dude, are you serious? The game may end up looking like that... OK? That pic is clearly not from playing the game. You can't drive a car from that angle. Maybe it would be the rearview button, but where's the HUD and stuff? I'd be more inclined to believe the hype if I hadn't been burned in the past, and that pic was from an angle you could, you know, see where the hell you are going and MIGHT even be playing the game. Comprende? Sheesh.

How could you not know? If that's gameplay, well it's the worst racing game in the history of mankind no matter how good it looks. You can't see where the fuck you are going!!!!

Apparently you have never played a car racing game before. Its the replay view, you know the one that is done with the in-game engine. Ahhh the wonders of portal rendering. :rolleyes:


This is a screenshot of the replay mode in project gotham racing, which came out in 2001, and is running on the old xbox. Do you really think the 360 with the horsepower it has will not be able to accomplish the first screenshot?
Someone please link this guy to those pre PS2 shots that actually look as good as these X360 shots from way back then. As I said, it may look like that, aka be in engine. May... since it clearly isnt actually playing, aka gameplay, you can't know. All I said factually was it's not gameplay, you aren't playing in that angle. I just thought it unfair comparison, that PC game looks like crap. You guys may think I'm anti xbox or something... far from it. Hell it probably will look like that... happy? (Or I should say close, they've never don't touch up these pre-release shots) Think that shit shot is the best my PC can do? So get off my back already. That comparison was totally whack, and that's it.

Seriously, just ask why he couldn't have even used say need for speed underground? Oh that's right... that wouldn't have fit his goal of making the xbox360 look like the second coming. I will most probably be buying a console of one type or another. So put the pitchforks intended for pc elitists away.

My last post adressing you was most definitely a semantics thing then. I don't know it's not in-engine... I do know it's not the gameplay. So I can doubt. It's really your best bet always.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Both of those pics are in-game.
Hah, yeah, wow. You keep thinking that. The first one might have been an 'in-game' replay from a GF3 and the bottom one, you know, it's BS.
If you want high graphics and a ton of money, get a PC

If you are a broke college student like me and don't have enough cash to keep upgrading his PC every week, get a 360 and save your money for other things. :D

Once I found out how stupid I was spending all of my money on my gaming rig, I decided to get the same experience with a next gen console for less than half the price.
Every console has had those pre-screenshot days that I'm afraid to say, I haven't seen a console live up to yet. The pre-screenshots of Project Gotham were nearly like that one you posted of PGR3. Its all hype, nobody will really know what it is going to look like until the game and console are released. Until that day, anybody who goes on preaching about how good those screenshots are, are simply fan-boys.
Killdozer said:
Hah, yeah, wow. You keep thinking that. The first one might have been an 'in-game' replay from a GF3 and the bottom one, you know, it's BS.
Yeah, it boggles my mind that people think they will see those graphics when they fire up their 360's. Oh well.
It's a top of the line PC for cheap, and that's great. There is no pwning. If you see shots you think a PC could never touch, you're out of your mind not to doubt. Still, only reason I'm not buying one on the day of release though is because this hard drive and switching of the disk drive is shaping up to be a mess
Killdozer said:
Hah, yeah, wow. You keep thinking that. The first one might have been an 'in-game' replay from a GF3 and the bottom one, you know, it's BS.

Really? Funny...every pic they released was in-game except for the 1st. I don't know why you're so suprised...oh wait. It must be because a $300 console beats a $1,500 "gaming" PC.


You know what? Screw pictures..

*Warning* Prepare to be owned!
i was trying to convince myself to not get any of the next gen consoles so that i could just save money for a longhorn build, but once i read the article in the latest game informer about fight night round 3, there's no way i'm not getting a 360

you know that PGR pic above ^ looks like it's in game to me. if you look at the shadows on the hood of the car and the reflection on the glass, you can see pretty serious jaggies and really crappy looking wire, if it was pre-rendered and stuff, i think they would have made that stuff look much better. so that is going to be a nice looking game, just hopefully with some more AA :p
What no pic out of a Geforce 4MX to put at it's side......

You lost all credibility when you posted that pic and threw mention of SLI 7800GTX's before it. Had a goal there maybe?
JonnyK said:
i was trying to convince myself to not get any of the next gen consoles so that i could just save money for a longhorn build, but once i read the article in the latest game informer about fight night round 3, there's no way i'm not getting a 360

you know that PGR pic above ^ looks like it's in game to me. if you look at the shadows on the hood of the car and the reflection on the glass, you can see pretty serious jaggies and really crappy looking wire, if it was pre-rendered and stuff, i think they would have made that stuff look much better. so that is going to be a nice looking game, just hopefully with some more AA :p

You're not going to notice jaggy reflections in motion :p
I play most titles on a PC, but I likes my sports games (see: madden, NHL) on a console. Just more fun to kick back on a couch with a few friends and play those as opposed to being crowded around a monitor...
I'm a pc gamer at heart but I want one, I skipped the last gen. of consoles and haven't owned one since PS1, so I'm ready, and mostly because I'm finally getting a big screen tv (45"-55") and it's so going to rock on it.. also because consoles have more sociable games, where you can sit on the couch with friends and play something.. can't really do that on pc
Why would you take LFS which isn´t even the best looking PC game to date? GTR looks better really. However this is old title. The dx 9 revolution took longer for racing games that´s all. rFactor and GT Legends look way way better than current racing games. Also remember this is simulations. They have to calculate real physics, tire wear, fuel usage etc etc it´s not anything like the arcade racing games like GT 4 and others that exists on consoles. And I guess GT 4 is a sim compared to Project Gotham Racing and others :rolleyes:

So the difference in the end isn´t that big. Heck port rFactor do Xbox 360 I am not sure it will look better.