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Not worth the 42MB download or the 3 mins to watch


some kid yelling with his mom running around shooting some player in some xbox game?

complaing that he doesn't want to "get off" and "go to bed", or "turn it down" and that he want's chocolate milk instead of mountian dew yada yada

lots of screaming and yelling

keeps yelling "why, why, why"

That video proves why you should be able to spank a child.

That kid should be knocked off his chair and his games taken away for two months. Minimum.
Tiny said:
That video proves why you should be able to spank a child.

That kid should be knocked off his chair and his games taken away for two months. Minimum.

You can't do that. You may damage that childs fragile self-esteem. :rolleyes: Remember, the real world will allow him to do what he wants when he wants with no reprocussions. I wish parents would stop giving their kids the corner office and put them in the a cube.

assass3n needs to be found and wiped off the face of this earth.
That is horrible. I feel sorry for the mother to be honest.

With an attitude like that the kid isnt going to go very far in life.

And the swearing! What is the point of all the swearing. Maybee if he had a civilized conversation without all the yelling and swearing his mother might actually get him his chocolate milk.

I dont know what the problem with that kid is, either his mom is to lax as far as rules go or his friends at school are like that, but either way he needs some discipline. If I ever talked to my parents like that I would be living on the street and paying for my own university after high school.

Kids are so used to getting what they want when they live with their parents its sad to imagine what it will be like when their parents, if they do, force them to move out. Im 16 I have a job, pay for most of my on things, dont ask my parents for much, and save whatever money I can. I know I cant depend on my parents forevor. To be honest I think a lot of parenting has gone to the shit these days. (I know I shouldnt be the one to talk because I dont have kids) This kid is what 10 at most? His mom didnt send him to bed, turn of the console, tell him to stop swearing at her. If that happens enough times the kid is probably under the impression that he can do that whever he wants.

Someone should go on Xbox live and teach this kid a lesson.
I havent used my account since the first rainbow 6 came out for xbox. Now I have a reason to use it again.

Scare this shit out of him with a voice mail.
I've asked and asked Microsoft to give me a button that will blow up somebodies X-Box. I got as far as a self destructing power supply.

I think my biggest problem with XBL is people that think just because they have a Microphone and mom is in the other room, I want to hear them try out new versions of swear words. Or worse the people that try to convert me to their religion.
I'm sorry but... OMFG. That was sooo funny.

A belt might not be enough for this one. And to think they've been trying to take away corporal punishment of any kind here in MA. What is the world coming to?
There should be a surgeon general's warning about the risks of giving minors Mountain Dew.
that kid needs some nanny 911 or somethin.
and the game he as playin looked like shit, wonder what the name is.
I have to imagine that was staged, I mean, how else would all that go down as it did.

Perhaps I am stupid when it comes to XBox, but thats an awful nice recording to have just happened to be on at the time.

However, if that is true and that did happen, well... I'm not a very religous man, but I'll say this, it's time for us all to get on our knees and pray for the future of our country. Someday this kid will be an adult... that scares me very much.
No kidding, my mother and my dad woulda smacked the shit outta me for talking to them like that. My dad and I will get into some pretty heated arguments now and then, but that's just a fuckin tantrum pure and simple.
GRAFiZ said:
I have to imagine that was staged, I mean, how else would all that go down as it did.

Perhaps I am stupid when it comes to XBox, but thats an awful nice recording to have just happened to be on at the time.

However, if that is true and that did happen, well... I'm not a very religous man, but I'll say this, it's time for us all to get on our knees and pray for the future of our country. Someday this kid will be an adult... that scares me very much.

Is was supposably a clan match so that might explain the video. The match hadnt started as only one team was filled up. But ya its possible it was a fraud.
Wondernerd said:
I think my biggest problem with XBL is people that think just because they have a Microphone and mom is in the other room, I want to hear them try out new versions of swear words.

This is not exclusive to XBL. Anyone who has ever played UT2004 knows exactly what I mean. Built in voice comms are, for the most part, a bad idea because of this. Great concept, but the playerbase as a whole seems too immature for it to be successful.

I do imagine that average age of an xbox player is younger than for PC players, and that would surely make things even worse, but UT2004 was already a class in creative usage of profanity. I can't even imagine.
GRAFiZ said:
I have to imagine that was staged, I mean, how else would all that go down as it did.

Perhaps I am stupid when it comes to XBox, but thats an awful nice recording to have just happened to be on at the time.

However, if that is true and that did happen, well... I'm not a very religous man, but I'll say this, it's time for us all to get on our knees and pray for the future of our country. Someday this kid will be an adult... that scares me very much.

Chrissakes, your country already is like this, why do you think ppl are bombing you f00
Concillian said:
I do imagine that average age of an xbox player is younger than for PC players, and that would surely make things even worse, but UT2004 was already a class in creative usage of profanity. I can't even imagine.

Anyway, voice comms aren't all bad - look at Battlefield 2. Assuming someone actually uses the damn thing, it's great for coordinating play. My friends and I also use it to strategize in Halo 2, but in that case, we're overridden by twerps insulting our moms and quoting movie insults as a substitute for wit.

"maaawwwwwmm, I wann mah mutha furrrrkinn chawww-clate milk!"


Kids learn from their parents by the way. I expect that the 'father' of the family speaks to the mum in exactly the same way and so the kids just learns from this.

Blame the parents...
Bloody Americans :p

I really don't like how parents don't teach their kids discipline these days. Between 80 hour work weeks (or more), school, and laws that allow your kids to call the cops when you hit them so if you touch your kid he/she might call the cops and you might be charged for hitting a minor, it's pretty difficult to teach kids how to treat the ones who gave em life in th first place :rolleyes:
Wow. I have a fairly foul mouth and the relationship between me and my parents isn't the greatest but I still don't talk like that to my parents. Hell, I'd beat the shit out of me if I ever talked like that to my parents.
I say we blame Canada.

Seriously though, this happens because the parents don't enforce the idea of respect for authority figures. I see this kid getting in trouble with police in the future. His mom obviously does not care to teach her child values and principles. If she did, then when she asked the kid to turn the volumn down and he said 'no' she would have walked over to the TV, turned it off and informed the kid it was bedtime.

I agree that the father prolly talks to the mother like that as well. It's a cycle that happens over and over again. The child learns bad values from the parents and then imprints those onto their children. It's incredibly difficult for the cylce to be broken because they believe that it's just how things work.
Please don't bring Americans in general into this lack of parenting. I'm an American and I also would have been the first person walking into that room with a 2x4. Once across the chops to the boy, a few for his game console, and a couple to the tv for added effect! :D
I mouthed off to my dad once when I was trying to play Altered Beast on my Sega. He walked right on over to it and stomped on it, busting the thing to pieces. He just looked at me and said "You should think about what you want to say, and what you actually say to me next time?".

I was grounded for a month and had to find work around the neighborhood so I could earn enough to buy another one.
wow...thats sad

its sounds exactly like my sister

only instead of chocolate milk and turning the TV down. she bitches about not being able to go to the mall or sleep over her boyfriends house (shes 12)
Tiny said:
I mouthed off to my dad once when I was trying to play Altered Beast on my Sega. He walked right on over to it and stomped on it, busting the thing to pieces. He just looked at me and said "You should think about what you want to say, and what you actually say to me next time?".

I was grounded for a month and had to find work around the neighborhood so I could earn enough to buy another one.
Glad he didn't get electricuted.
jcurry said:
Please don't bring Americans in general into this lack of parenting. I'm an American and I also would have been the first person walking into that room with a 2x4. Once across the chops to the boy, a few for his game console, and a couple to the tv for added effect! :D

I didn't bring Americans into it, I"m just quoting the British :D

And while were on the subject of bad kids, isn't it quite odd that the lil brat is also playing a "violent video game" which is rated M for MATURE, and is also being allowed to play that type of game? Uh oh, teen violence anyone? :rolleyes:

Staples said:
Glad he didn't get electricuted.

He was probably wearing rubber soles :p
Maximus825 said:
Have you never seen the South Park movie? They blame Canada for their children being out of control...

O ya lol I rememer the movie. lol the song was awsome. Blame Canada, Blame Canada lol. Just needed some clarification though to make sure it wasnt actually meant to be an attack against my country. Cause if it was I would be angry. Canada Fan Boy.
Ratboy said:
There should be a surgeon general's warning about the risks of giving minors Mountain Dew.

I thought you were going to say there should be a surgeon general's warning about the risks of having kids. ;)
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