Xbox Keyboard & Mouse?

Jul 19, 2004
So i've read up a little and it seems the only device to use a keyboard and mouse for the Xbox is the SmartJoy FRAG. Has anybody tried this and do they like it? I read the review on Gamespy and they seemed to indicate that it is not perfect, but better than a controller for FPS. Is there an alternative or is that the only device? Any comments would be appreciated.
I bought one a couple of months back. Using it is the only way I can play games like Halo 2 on the Xbox. It's not as good as using a mouse and keyboard with a PC game but it's 10 times better than using the controller on the Xbox with 1st person games. The turning can be a little slow but it's easy to compensate for. It's not perfect but it definitely works and works well.
I know about 15 people that bought it for Halo 2 and 14 of them have either sold it, returned it, or vowed never to use it again.
shadowbreaker513 said:
I know about 15 people that bought it for Halo 2 and 14 of them have either sold it, returned it, or vowed never to use it again.

Would not configure right.

Didn't work as well as the controller.

Response was lacking.

Didn't perform up to expectations.

Too much tweaking involved to make it worthwhile.

For Halo 2 they couldn't get the controls to work correctly for having the same button assigned to various functions like on the controller.

General poor performance overall.
i have one and i am happy with it. i tend to use the controller more in games, since that is just whan i am used to on xbox, but i also run a web broswer and windows ce on my xbox which need a keyboard to have any purpose at all. it works awesome for windows ce and web browser, and it games it is alright.

the sensitivity is no where near enough, that is my main gripe about it for games. in cs:s on my pc i use 6.9 sensitivity which is pretty high, and on the highest setting with the mouse on xbox feels about like a 3 in counter strike source.