Xbox Live South Africa - Petition to MS SA

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Limp Gawd
Dec 24, 2006
Be careful what you wish for. MS is really trying to limit the people you can play with to those in your region/country. It may end up that the ONLY people you will be able to play with are those from South Africa, which probably isn't a good thing considering online play on XBox Live is really not that popular, despite what MS may say.
No offense, I don't think this is a good idea... also a fruitless venture. There are not that many people in South Africa with broadband connections, let alone with Xbox 360's.

I would rather play in the other realms than there anyways, you are not going to see much action.
Is the 360 officially released for sale in South Africa or did you buy it elsewhere?
Maybe they should work on petitions to stop government corruption instead of xbox live?

I dunno...
I can count on 1 hand the number of times I have been impressed with the amount of people playing a game on Xbox Live. Actually, I don't even need that hand as I've never been impressed with it. I was at a friend's house a few days ago and he went to play GRAW2 online and found an overwhelming list of 2 (yes, two) games being hosted for a more popular game type. This was not even at an odd hour of the day. No matter how you look at it, that is not a very impressive number.
Actually, Xbox Live is quite popular but not on the newer games. You find most of the older games being played. At competition, it would be nuts.
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