Xbox live


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2005
I have an xbox360 with 32mb memory card.

Is there anyway I can play on xbox live or do I need to purchase the hard drive?
if you just wanna play on xbox live, the memory unit is fine.

But if you want to have backwards compatibility, download demos, dlc, and all of that, your going to need a hard drive.

But for just xbox live, no you do not need a hard drive.
ok can you tell me how to play on xbox live?

I tired to play halo3 but it says i need to download content?
ok can you tell me how to play on xbox live?

I tired to play halo3 but it says i need to download content?

well my first question is, are you already set up with Live. Like do you already have a Live Account made, and are you signed in with it.

And as for Halo 3, i believe to play online you need to download the free dlc, which is bigger than your memory unit can hold :(
yes to all of your questions

and damn that sucks. Where can I get a cheap HDD?
well they go for about 50-60 where ever i look, like gamestop, ebay, etc.

But i have seen some sites selling them brand new for $40 who have gotten good ratings from reviewers, so they are real, but all of them are sold out :(

So i would say for the cheapest price, you should try your luck with ebay
Here is a deal on Techbargains.

Dell has a Xbox 360 Live 60GB Starter Pack for $79.99 after 20% off Coupon Code: PLDWH47D$6BT2J (Exp 2/18). $4.99 Shipping. Tax in most.
for halo, play social games. i believe either social slayer or rumble pit requires no DLC. i could be wrong i dunno
I dont play online much, if at all but a number of games require a hdd to play, due to patches and updates and whatnot. just dont cheap up and get a 20gb, you will miss the space (only 13gb of the 20 is useable storage) especially when you see how much faster your games can load when you install them to the hard drive.
I dont play online much, if at all but a number of games require a hdd to play, due to patches and updates and whatnot. just dont cheap up and get a 20gb, you will miss the space (only 13gb of the 20 is useable storage) especially when you see how much faster your games can load when you install them to the hard drive.

Agreed... Unless you're really strapped for cash, try to at least get the 60GB hard drive. I had the 20 and a couple weeks ago I finally got myself a 120GB drive. The 20GB was fine at first, but as my game library grew, and I got additional DLC for those games, my space was dwindling. Then with XNE, and the ability to install games to the HD, I finally had the take the plunge. I could only have one game installed at a time, with the 20GB drive, and that was after I deleted some videos I had saved.
Agreed... Unless you're really strapped for cash, try to at least get the 60GB hard drive. I had the 20 and a couple weeks ago I finally got myself a 120GB drive. The 20GB was fine at first, but as my game library grew, and I got additional DLC for those games, my space was dwindling. Then with XNE, and the ability to install games to the HD, I finally had the take the plunge. I could only have one game installed at a time, with the 20GB drive, and that was after I deleted some videos I had saved.

True, but For ppl like me who only say have 3-4 games 20gb is more than enough. What you should be asking yourself is how many games will you have at one time, how many games you will download and DLC. 20gbs can be fine if you dont DL arcade games, have maybe 5 games on hand and install a few to HDD but otherwise I would go for the 60gb. If you have a PS3 though you actually NEED 80gb+ because god knows that each game requires a 4-10gb install.