Xbox One and PC Cross-Platform Possibility Discussed

I get compared to Nazi dictators a lot less on multiplayer PC games. And my mother, rest her soul, is disparaged less frequently. :rolleyes:
Could be? Sure!
WILL be? Not in your lifetime!

There were discussions about this during the last generation of games too. And the same thing was said.

The fact is, it's not going to happen. EVER.

This. Of course an exec is going to say "Yes!" to some vague intangible question about the future. There's no downside and its just corporate-speak for not wanting to say no or getting into the minutiae of why its not happening now or anytime soon, yoynguys overreacting to this are getting trolled. Microsoft doesn't care about gaming on PC anymore anyway, theyve got delusions of apple grandeur and chasing the iPad and iPhone and appstore dreams. Microsoft has declared the XBONE the corporate answering to gaming and everyone should have one because its a tightly controlled environment with no pesky third party stores like Steam and Origin, only their own. Unless someone realizes some way to monetize a PC/console interop Microsoft just isn't interested.
Isn't this already done? For example, I've played Blaze Blue on PC online against XboX 360 players ...
Talk of this always makes me want to re-install Shadowrun. I had a blast playing against console players. Halo 2 wasn't as much fun against console players. It was pretty boring.
Here is a quote from the blog post I forgot to add.

The console players got destroyed every time. So much so that it would be embarrassing to the XBOX team in general had Microsoft launched this initiative. Is this why the project was killed Who knows, but I'd love to hear from anyone involved --- what happened?
I'd like cross platform gaming with friends only :p , It should be limited to a couple of games though
This wont happen in all likely hood unless MS is really thinking smart, which they have not been doing for a long time.

The non cross platform movement has been a huge boon for the gaming industry. It justifies porting games. Often they are able to sell the same person the same game 2 and sometimes even 3 times. I know multiple people who purchased BF3 for PC so they could play with friends and enjoy the extreme graphics, then ran out and purchased it again for the 360 and PS3 so they could play with certain other friends. If games were cross platform EA would have only sold these guys 1 game.

Ask yourself this who is going to gain from this? The answer is no one but the consumer. And that tells you all you need to know. Game companies sell less games, console developers have to deal with people crying about how bad they got owned by PC gamers, or how the guy on the PS4 had more FPS than the guy on the xbone. If they keep them all separate they have to deal with none of that and sell more games.

My personal opinion is that I would love for all games to be cross platform. They would just need to have skill based ranking. Some people with mouse and keyboard actually do suck enough they would be better lumped with console players. And some console players are good enough they could hang with medium level PC players. Then you have coop games and single player were all of that matters very little. It would just make gaming as a whole stronger and more unified. it would allow people to select the system that fits their needs. Unfortunately all of this would never ever be a good thing for console makers. It would probably force them to allow mouse and keyboard in all games. It would show to many console gamers what they have been missing and probably migrate them to a PC.
That's pretty fucked up thing to do to the console guys. Why would they want to play with us? If they do it's only because, they don't know any better.

Just a bullshit rumor to sell consoles imo.
I'd like cross platform gaming with friends only :p , It should be limited to a couple of games though

I always thought it was silly for Microsoft not to allow keyboards and mice, but then again everyone would complain they are making a closed boxed PC.
Ah yes just want i want to hear over my pc headphones is some kid screaming hacks cause my response time with a keyboard/mouse is less than his controller.

Hope future cross platform gaming, will still have the mute all option.
I can see this happening, but for only certain games. Obviously FPSs are out of the question. Even if you made it controller only environments, it would take less than an hour for an aimbot to be modified, and the PCs would have other things like wallhacks that are completely separate cheats which don't care what type of controller you're using.

But for more cooperative games where cheating isn't really an issue, this could work. Imagine if the next Batman game had a co-op mode. Who cares what type of control scheme you use? And it would be very doable to be cross platform.

The one area that could be problematic would be patches. PC games tend to get more patches due to less stringent guidelines than consoles. So, once the versions get out of sync, obviously you couldn't play together (PC: Ver. 1.1011235a Console: Ver. 1.1).
Why is it that every time crossplay is brought up everyone immediately thinks that controls have to be changed, gimped, or dumbed-down? Sure I agree mouse and keyboard is better than a controller but maybe not for everyone. People act like if you put 10 players with M&K and another 10 with controllers in a server that the top 1~10 would be the M&K players and 11~20 would be the controller players. That's not true. If you take random players of each then you're likely to have varying skill levels of each and their order of finish would likely be more random than people would think. The top few spots might be mouse and keyboard heavy but after that I'm sure it'd even out. My son plays Team Fortress 2 with a 360 controller on the PC, and he doesn't have any trouble. And I'm sure he is playing with everyone else using mouse and keyboard. He still manages to finish somewhere in the middle. You might say that the middle is not good, but I consider it at least being competitive. I say let people play with whatever they want and it will all settle itself out in the end. I think gameplay would be seamless and you wouldn't even be able to tell who's playing with what. You could tell the good players from the bad, but not who's playing with what. Hell, you'd think I was using a controller if you saw me play, LOL.
What does one have to do with the other??????

Pretty simple,really. Every time cross platform is mentioned,someone suggests that it be limited to gamepads only,because KB/M control is an unfair advantage in FPS games. Instead of whining about it,console players should be complaining about MS stubbornly refusing to provide native KB/M support on their consoles.