Xbox One reviews.

You may have heard that there’s no way to actively manage your hard drive space on the Xbox One. This is by design, as a combination of cloud storage and the Xbox One hardware handles that for users.

“Xbox One was designed to make storage management automatic,” a Microsoft representative told us via email. “For saved games, settings, and other information that Xbox One customers save to the cloud, space is virtually unlimited. On the internal hard drive in each Xbox One, games and apps can be uninstalled or reinstalled instantly with the click of the Xbox One menu button.

“Saved games and settings information is retrieved from the cloud for any game as its being reinstalled. By being smart about how storage is managed, Xbox One keeps everyone playing, watching, and sharing their entertainment content rather than worry about limitations. You can also see how much storage any app uses by pressing the menu button on that app.”

In other words, storage management happens game by game and app by app. You can’t see a list of installed content in one place like you can on Xbox 360.

We followed up to ask what happens if the cloud is inaccessible (due to servicing or other outage).

“In Xbox One your game progress, purchase history, pins, and activity history available to you wherever you are when you want to play because they are stored in the cloud,” the spokesperson told us. “Everything stored locally on the console is just a cache that enables you to play offline, track achievement progress offline, and more. When you reconnect we will sync your progress in the game and sync your achievements. If you remain connected to the cloud, your game progress will always be available in the cloud so you can pick up where you left off in the game from any Xbox One you play the game on; if not, it is stored locally on the console.”

This ensures that you’ll able to play offline with your most recent progress, provided the last time you played was either connected to the cloud or offline on the same console. If the cloud should ever go down for servicing, chances are you’ll be able to access your data. For more on the Xbox One launch, check out our coverage hub and initial impressions. (Note: You do not need to be an Xbox Live Gold member to take advantage of cloud-based saves.)
^to add my thoughts I'm willing to bet there will be storage management once they enable external storage which they said is coming.
The biggest problem with the Xbox One is that it tries to be the center for media in your living room and utterly fails at it.
I do think that Sessler makes a good point regarding that when he said that live TV is a main part of Xbox One with the HDMI in, but in 5-10 years live TV will probably be irrelevant.
I do think that Sessler makes a good point regarding that when he said that live TV is a main part of Xbox One with the HDMI in, but in 5-10 years live TV will probably be irrelevant.

The fact that surround sound isn't supported by default is inexcusable. Xbone wants to be the center of my media world, and won't output my TV in surround unless I enable the "beta" setting. That is extremely disappointing.

Also, key to a "media center" is streaming video. Not being able to stream video from a file share is a huge hole in my opinion.
The fact that surround sound isn't supported by default is inexcusable. Xbone wants to be the center of my media world, and won't output my TV in surround unless I enable the "beta" setting. That is extremely disappointing.

Also, key to a "media center" is streaming video. Not being able to stream video from a file share is a huge hole in my opinion.

It does support surround sound it was posted in the Xbox forum there are setting for sound output of HDMI pass though

I am running my media center right into that pass though and with that the fact that IR is fully supported and so is my harmony remote I for one am set!
It does support surround sound it was posted in the Xbox forum there are setting for sound output of HDMI pass though

I am running my media center right into that pass though and with that the fact that IR is fully supported and so is my harmony remote I for one am set!

Notice I said default. :D

Also, got your Xbox One already?
Xbox One, NSA spy grid approved.

Edit: Looking over the reviews and general info, its a pretty nice media room device. Price is a bit steep though, sigh.
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I do think that Sessler makes a good point regarding that when he said that live TV is a main part of Xbox One with the HDMI in, but in 5-10 years live TV will probably be irrelevant.

At which point a new console will be coming out.

ALso people talk about this like its a bad thing. OK so what in 5 years no one watches TV, does the xbone not have a data connection for the internet? lol Its ready for that time and now.
i'd venture to say that 2 reasons that people don't want to watch TV

1. crap on tv
2. more and more advertisements

1966 when Star Trek came out the average show was 50 minutes long.
1983 when the A-team came out episodes were 48 minutes long so over 17 years 2 minutes where lost.
1987 when Star Trek: The next generation came out the episodes were 45minutes long, an additional 3 minutes were lost in 4 years'
in 2001 when Enterprose was on the air, the episodes averaged 42.5 minutes, down on average 2.5 minutes.
Now we have episodes are are down to 40-41 minutes for some programs.

Eff that
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My thing about the media center stuff is do I really need ANOTHER media option? I have so .. SO many things that already fulfill my media requirements and then some. Its so weird to see MS switch positions this time around and attempt what the PS3 did.

I decided to cancel my preorder. Forza was the only title I really wanted to play and my friend is going to have it.

Hard to believe I was really totally sold on the Xbox One but after some "internal" review I just don't see the need to buy it now when it obviously needs a drastic amount of fine tuning. Seeing IGN , Gamespot editors yelling at the Kinect on Twitch and seeing it fuck up or not pick up what they are saying time after time just leads me to believe that I would get frustrated and disconnect the Kinect entirely. But then without Kinect connected (I hate saying "connect" and "kinect" now) you miss out on being able to do certain things without digging through tons of menus.

I also don't like that I can't even manage my storage space. Props to Sony to allow you to not only manage it but upgrade your hard drive. I know they will be adding external storage support soon enough (its a no brainer) and DLNA support.

The Xbox One is full of grand ideas but it would have greatly benefited from 6 more months in software development. Kinect is being sold as a seemingly incredible piece of technology that introduces your voice input into a role that never was possible before without some kind of military hardware and budget. But seeing it live streamed over the last few days shows its going to make some people very frustrated. Gamespot had an Irish editor on the Twitch stream and I swear he would repeat himself 4 or 5 times over and make sure to announce his "R" like an American "R" and not a Irish "Ar" and you could see his frustration. The other Gamespot editor had to almost yell in a monotone voice at the Kinect to get the kind of smooth experience we've seen in Microsoft PR videos. The Gamespot guys were in a very small and quiet studio as well. I have fans and other shit running in my room constantly so the noise pollution is high and I just can't picture myself saying the same command over and over again. And without the Kinect for the experience what is the Xbox One?

Its a less powerful PS4 is what it is. If they strengthen up the Kinect voice capability and make it more reliable then I'll snag up a console asap or if they release a new Halo next year or something crazy like that. Otherwise I think I'll stick with the PS4.
Well Adam Sessler who isn't a racing game fan just gave Forza 5 a 5/5 he loved it!

Yea I wasn't expecting that. The game generally looks very good.

Here's IGN's video review of Forza Motorsport 5. They gave it an 8.8. GameSpot has their review up too, and they gave it a 9/10.

One of gamespots negatives is that the game's ai drivers who are based off real people are too aggressive? Sounds like a positive. The talk that it screws up and feels more real is one of the things that looks awesome.

I do think that Sessler makes a good point regarding that when he said that live TV is a main part of Xbox One with the HDMI in, but in 5-10 years live TV will probably be irrelevant.

I found that an interesting point. I just don't see live tv being irrelevant that quick but who knows? I guess time will tell.
To be honest the main reviews for consoles should come 6 months after release.

That's when we get what should have been there from day one.

So I'll be taking a look in 6 months if I decide to invest.
Ryse getting hammered in reviews,

Shacknews - 5/10
Eurogamer - 5/10
Polygon - 6/10
Joystiq - 2.5/5
Gamespot - 4/10
IGN - 6.8
Destructoid - 5/10 - 6/10 - 7.5/10 - 7/10
Kotaku - YES
Gamesradar - 3.5/5
GameInformer - 6/10
Rev3Games/Adam Sessler - 2/5
MMGN - 6.5 7/10
Gameswelt - 7.5/10 - 6.5/10
Ryse getting hammered in reviews,

Shacknews - 5/10
Eurogamer - 5/10
Polygon - 6/10
Joystiq - 2.5/5
Gamespot - 4/10
IGN - 6.8
Destructoid - 5/10 - 6/10 - 7.5/10 - 7/10
Kotaku - YES
Gamesradar - 3.5/5
GameInformer - 6/10
Rev3Games/Adam Sessler - 2/5
MMGN - 6.5 7/10
Gameswelt - 7.5/10 - 6.5/10

That is very sad for a next gen console.
Ryse getting hammered in reviews,

Shacknews - 5/10
Eurogamer - 5/10
Polygon - 6/10
Joystiq - 2.5/5
Gamespot - 4/10
IGN - 6.8
Destructoid - 5/10 - 6/10 - 7.5/10 - 7/10
Kotaku - YES
Gamesradar - 3.5/5
GameInformer - 6/10
Rev3Games/Adam Sessler - 2/5
MMGN - 6.5 7/10
Gameswelt - 7.5/10 - 6.5/10

It did better than Knack.
Just like most launch games. Remember Perfect Dark Zero and Haze? Yeah no one does.

Perfect Dark Zero was a very good FPS (albeit it was an obvious OG Xbox game skinned for the 360 launch). I really enjoyed it at launch and remember playing multiplayer for months after.

In addition to the bad gameplay and repetitiveness in Ryse, I find it inexcusable they made Nero look like a fat 70 year-old man. Anyone with a modicum of knowledge of Roman history knows this is just wrong. If they're going to do an alternative universe, at least get some of the details right to maintain the vraisemblance. Also, there's the micro transactions...

As usual, Sessler's review is exceedingly well-done.
Despite the reviews, Ryse is still something I want to play. It's just so damn pretty. I wouldn't pay $60 for it, but I'm going to keep it in the back of my brain as an eventual purchase down the road.
My thing about the media center stuff is do I really need ANOTHER media option? I have so .. SO many things that already fulfill my media requirements and then some. Its so weird to see MS switch positions this time around and attempt what the PS3 did.

I decided to cancel my preorder. Forza was the only title I really wanted to play and my friend is going to have it.

Hard to believe I was really totally sold on the Xbox One but after some "internal" review I just don't see the need to buy it now when it obviously needs a drastic amount of fine tuning. Seeing IGN , Gamespot editors yelling at the Kinect on Twitch and seeing it fuck up or not pick up what they are saying time after time just leads me to believe that I would get frustrated and disconnect the Kinect entirely. But then without Kinect connected (I hate saying "connect" and "kinect" now) you miss out on being able to do certain things without digging through tons of menus.

I also don't like that I can't even manage my storage space. Props to Sony to allow you to not only manage it but upgrade your hard drive. I know they will be adding external storage support soon enough (its a no brainer) and DLNA support.

The Xbox One is full of grand ideas but it would have greatly benefited from 6 more months in software development. Kinect is being sold as a seemingly incredible piece of technology that introduces your voice input into a role that never was possible before without some kind of military hardware and budget. But seeing it live streamed over the last few days shows its going to make some people very frustrated. Gamespot had an Irish editor on the Twitch stream and I swear he would repeat himself 4 or 5 times over and make sure to announce his "R" like an American "R" and not a Irish "Ar" and you could see his frustration. The other Gamespot editor had to almost yell in a monotone voice at the Kinect to get the kind of smooth experience we've seen in Microsoft PR videos. The Gamespot guys were in a very small and quiet studio as well. I have fans and other shit running in my room constantly so the noise pollution is high and I just can't picture myself saying the same command over and over again. And without the Kinect for the experience what is the Xbox One?

Its a less powerful PS4 is what it is. If they strengthen up the Kinect voice capability and make it more reliable then I'll snag up a console asap or if they release a new Halo next year or something crazy like that. Otherwise I think I'll stick with the PS4.

Same ideas here. I need another media hub like a hole in the head: I want a GAMING console. Regarding voice control, it's a neat concept, but I've now had three or four devices that do this (Google voice, in particular, is very well implimented), but they've always ended up being a novelty -- I don't remember the last time I used any of their voice features.

Also, it still sticks in my craw that the GPU in this thing is 2 year-old tech and will be out-moded much faster than 360 and PS3 were. The PS4 is guilty of this as well, but the 360 is even more gimped. On a side note, it is rather funny seeing how reviews are skimming over this fact e.g., I keep seeing the words "purported" and "supposed" performance advantage of the PS4 over the One, then disregarding the issue further saying that "games will probably look the same on both consoles" -- it's obvious the reviewers are taking direct cues from MSFT's reviewer's guidance.

I did have a good amount of time this morning to play with an Xbox One (there are four trucks outside my office in Time Square as of 7am), and the games and features in person just weren't that impressive. I have cancelled my preorder as well.
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Despite the reviews, Ryse is still something I want to play. It's just so damn pretty. I wouldn't pay $60 for it, but I'm going to keep it in the back of my brain as an eventual purchase down the road.

Gamefly man, Gamefly.
At which point a new console will be coming out.

ALso people talk about this like its a bad thing. OK so what in 5 years no one watches TV, does the xbone not have a data connection for the internet? lol Its ready for that time and now.
But Microsoft made sacrifices in many area's in order to afford to fit in Kinect and TV input at their price point. That will probably come back to haunt them. If cable TV becomes irrelevant in a few years, are the hardware sacrifices worth it for a feature that is in decline?
But Microsoft made sacrifices in many area's in order to afford to fit in Kinect and TV input at their price point. That will probably come back to haunt them. If cable TV becomes irrelevant in a few years, are the hardware sacrifices worth it for a feature that is in decline?

Honestly, I doubt cable TV will dissapear. It'll have to change to keep up with the times, but it's not likely to go away.
Anyone going to pick up a One tonight? I went to three stores last Thursday and found lines at every one. Figured I'd go the same route tonight and see how the lines compare for One.
Anyone going to pick up a One tonight? I went to three stores last Thursday and found lines at every one. Figured I'd go the same route tonight and see how the lines compare for One.
There was already a good line outside of my local Best Buy and Gamestop at 4pm. I'm going to try my luck at Sears & K-Mart tomorrow morning, but I don't have high hopes...
Anyone going to pick up a One tonight? I went to three stores last Thursday and found lines at every one. Figured I'd go the same route tonight and see how the lines compare for One.

I had preordered mine from amazon back in June when they became available. I'll wait personally and play it tomorrow afternoon.

Weather is not supposed to be that bad tonight(high 40's) but still I have work in the morning.
Microsoft had the day 1 update available as a USB download but have since pulled it and no longer offer that type of update, requiring connection to live. Any idea's why they pulled it?
Microsoft had the day 1 update available as a USB download but have since pulled it and no longer offer that type of update, requiring connection to live. Any idea's why they pulled it?

Odd. Maybe they thought it would confuse their audience? Or maybe they found a bug with the process.

Still there are videos in the wild of people not being able to update the console to the new firmware which is required to do anything with it.
They pulled it from what I read because it wasn't the Day One update and was never meant to be.
It did better than Knack.

Which is a good thing. Knack sucked balls even when I tried it at a kiosk before the PS4 came out.

With that said, I was actually able to get an Xbox One Day One for cheap. Still debating if I should keep it or just sell it off for profit.
I had preordered mine from amazon back in June when they became available. I'll wait personally and play it tomorrow afternoon.

Weather is not supposed to be that bad tonight(high 40's) but still I have work in the morning.

That's only about 4 degrees Celcius.. that's not bad at all.. :p
So I have a PS4 already and am pretty happy with it but I have a strange insatiable urge to play Hexic, which was probably the most played game on my 360. Arhghghrhgrhgrhg
I held one in my hands today. It's not as monolithic or large as reviews play it out to be. It's smaller than any receiver anyone has and bigger than the ps4, but not out of place in a modern home entertainment setup. The kinect box is BIG. I was just shocked at how much bigger it is over the original kinect but I guess new tech needs more room...

I was told at my local store they had like 25 on hand in the back after pre-oders. Less than the PS4. The line out front was like 8 people (who pre-ordered too!) but since I'm in no rush I'll walk in the morning and decide then...

My bigger dilemma is a new amp/receiver to deal with the sound for all these shiny new toys...
Despite the reviews, Ryse is still something I want to play. It's just so damn pretty. I wouldn't pay $60 for it, but I'm going to keep it in the back of my brain as an eventual purchase down the road.

Yup, I cant justify $60 for a 6hr campaign and almost worthless MP. I still want to get it but not at $60.