Xbox (original) and PS2 wireless controllers


Apr 13, 2005
I've been using the wired controllers for years now, but my entertainment cabinet has changed recently and I can't set the consoles up how I want to since the controller cords get dragged over the TV screen. Ideally something that has a good battery life (never having had a wireless controller before, I don't know if they usually have one of these, but I'd like one with an on-off switch somewhere), range shouldn't be a problem since at most I'll need just 6 metres, and of course, nothing overly expensive.

With all that in mind, which ones should I look out for, and which ones should I stay right away from?

On a side note, my Wavebird should be coming tomorrow, which I have high expectations of.
For Xbox, my personal favorite is the Pelican Blade series [ign review]. Don't be put off by the camo design, they can be found in transparent green, silver, and solid black as well.

The controller seems like it is just the right weight -- not to heavy and not too light. It is practically identical in size and shape to the official Type-S controller. It also has the black and white buttons in the normal position but another pair located like LB & RB on the 360, and once you get used to the new location it can be much more comfortable to use. Three hundred hour battery life on two Double A batteries. I've used it as my primary controller for the past six or seven months on a regular basis and had no problems with lag playing anything from Halo to Fable to NCAA Football.

They're also cheap. Most places sell them for $20-$25 USD. I was lucky enough to find them on clearance at Walmart for six dollars each. My only regret is I only bought one when I could have had four.

If that doesn't suit you, Logitech is what everyone else usually recommends.
I have the logitech, it's got a real nice feel to it.

My only gripe is the R trigger is now basically crapped out, from over use. (damn Def Jam Fight for NY)

So now, even the *slightest* brush sends a "HEY I'M PRESSING R ERRATICALLY AND FURIOUSLY!!!!" to the XBox. I basically have stopped using it.

I usually have to whack the crap out of the controller to get it to stop.

I might look into the Pelican, because my console is like 10ft from the TV.

edit: I also have the logitech for the PS2, which is still going strong, no problems with that.
The Logitech wireless controller for PS2 is absolutely phenomenal - better than the Dual Shock, IMHO. My only issue is that it seems to get confused easily if you try to use two of them at once.
The Wavebird just arrived, and I've gotta say that it deserves all the praise it's gotten. Very comfy (the normal controller is lovely too, but the I like the bigger feeling of the Wavebird) I turned up the TV and walked to the other end of the house and it still got through no problem, so I was pretty amazed (and pleased).

It's definately a contender for my favourite controller (1st is currently the "Duke" controller for the Xbox, which everyone else seems to hate :()
It's definately a contender for my favourite controller (1st is currently the "Duke" controller for the Xbox, which everyone else seems to hate :()

I didn't hate the Duke at all. Then again, I'm 6'4" with huge hands.

I can definitely see how it was a problem for people with smaller hands. I like the 360 controller, too. It's probably my favorite overall simply because it seems to fit almost everybody's hands (including mine).
I didn't hate the Duke at all. Then again, I'm 6'4" with huge hands.

I can definitely see how it was a problem for people with smaller hands. I like the 360 controller, too. It's probably my favorite overall simply because it seems to fit almost everybody's hands (including mine).

Heh, I knew there would be a few out there who didn't hate it, but most do. I don't even have large hands, a bit above average at most. :| While it is the most comfortable controller I've held, there are certain genres it's better with an S controller (fighting and sports games) due to the face buttons, but for driving and FPS, it's damn hard to beat.

I've only held the 360 controller at a kiosk, so I haven't really had any quality time with it, but it does seem to be a controller masterpiece. -waits for the 360 price to fall so he can justify spending the money when he doesn't have an HDTV-