xbox360 on 30" HP


Limp Gawd
Nov 27, 2004
I have a first or 2nd generation xbox360 so it doesnt have a HDMI port on it, Im going off to college again and unfortunately I'll only have my 30" HP this year as my old TV broke.

My HP only has DVI inputs

I have the VGA cable for my xbox and I was going to buy the component / composite cable from monoprice but I'll still need an adapter to get to DVI.

I wasnt sure if this would work or if anyone has better suggestions.
The HP does not have a scalar. So if it works it will be like 1280x800 resolution stretched to fill the whole screen.
I highly doubt you will be able to get this to work at all, and that adapter is not made to go IN to a DVI connector, but OUT. Ie. it's made to output YPrPb/component from DVI

I don't even think the HP will accept single-link DVI output even at 1280x800. It will do 1280x800 but still requires dual-link. Others have tried even with HDMI based 360s and PS3s to find that their LP3065s and Dell 3007WFPs did not show any picture, or just blue lines when trying that.

There might be a solution, but it would be cheaper to buy a cheap 20/22/24" monitor that can handle your VGA or component-in connections than to go down the road of expensive scalars that will output dual-link DVI (if there are any).
I have never read of anyone getting anything other than a computer to work with these DVI inputs on the 30" screens without scalers. So I would say this is a big NO.

These screens are best thought of as computer only screens.
well thats unfortunate to hear but i kinda had my suspicions... im going to have to figure something else out, maybe a 32" HD TV :D
well thats unfortunate to hear but i kinda had my suspicions... im going to have to figure something else out, maybe a 32" HD TV :D

wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a new xbox 360? :confused: