XenCenter and shared storage


Oct 28, 2004
I have a customer who is running a XenServer environment with two hosts and zero shared storage. One of the VM's is corrupt and I was able to get the .vhd of the system volume. I'd like to either rebuild the vm or if possible swap the existing system volume for the one from backup.

Here's the problem...

I have the vhd local to a server in their environment that is on the second host in the pool (also where the broken VM is) There is an iSCSI Buffalo Terastation that can be utilized but I tried creating a volume on there and configured the iSCSI Initiator in Windows which makes the volume available to the server I have the vhd stored on but I need the vhd on that volume to be able to be seen by the host and that doesn't happen once I disconnect the volume from windows. I've attempted to use the Disk Image Import wizard in XenCenter but that fails. Is there any way I can get this vhd from the server to storage the host can use?

If you need more details let me know.

Through the XenServer client you should be able to export the vhd then re-import to the other host.