XFX 5850 Artifacting


Aug 14, 2005
I finally got my XFX card from Tiger Direct nearly 2 months after I ordered it, and it artifacts.

If I play LOTRO or L4D2 for about 10 minutes, i'll get rainbow colored snow that will persist in Windows even after I exit the game. The specs of my system are below. I switched to the newest drivers, that didn't fix it. I get rid of artifacting only when I underclock the card. Right now I'm at 700 Mhz / 950 Mhz for the GPU and memory respectively.

Who should I have replace the card, Tiger Direct or XFX? I'm afraid Tiger Direct will not be able to replace it anytime soon, plus it may mess up the $15 in bing cashback. Will XFX charge me shipping to RMA the card? Any suggestions to try on the card without RMAing first?
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