XFX 7800GT Fan at full speed all the time


Limp Gawd
Dec 30, 2004
I've had this card since around the first time the 7800GT's were released so this is by no means a new card and I've only had this problem recently (it started yesterday). That is, the fan is at full speed all the time now and it won't go down to idle speed.

This is what happened, I was playing UT3 for a long period of time yesterday thanks to the new patch and bonus pack being released (around 5 to 6 hours straight) and I finally stopped playing when the game crashed in the middle of a match. Since then the fan on my video card has been going at full speed. Now I'm not sure if it was because of the crash or because I played for such a long period of time but something broke and now I'm left with a very annoying fan noise (it's louder than all of the fans in my case).

I even updated my drivers from 178.24 to 182.08 thinking that would 'reset' everything or something to no avail.

So what are my options? Is there some way I can fix it so that the fan will spin down to idle speeds when I'm not using a 3d application or should I just replace the damn HSF since the stock cooler is probably going to go bad sooner or later anyway?
sounds like it may be video driver related. Drivers may have freaked hen the crash occured
Ok now it's just messing with me it seems. Last night it finally spun down to idle speeds but when I turned my computer back on this morning it goes back to being stuck at full speed. I'm gonna go out and get some air cans and dust the fuck out of my system and then uninstall and reinstall my drivers.

I still should probably be looking to replace the stock HSF anyway (something quieter would be nice).

EDIT: and right after i post this it spins down again. still going to clean it out since my system could use a good cleaning out.