XFX GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 896MB 448-bit GDDR3 $198.99 shipped $168.99 A/R

Not sure if this is reliable, but someone at FatWallet stated that he called XFX on this deal and was told that newegg mistakenly said this is a core 216, but its not. So if any one else have info on this, please confirm.


The one I got was an XFX GTX 260 Core 216, said nothing about being 55nm, but I checked... there is no backplate, and there is that notch near the 2 slots. GPU-Z also says it is 55nm and 216 cores. One thing I like about it, it is a LOT quieter than the 7600GT I used to have. Even playing games maxed out AA and AF wise, I can't even hear it over other things in my P182.
Big[H];1033840420 said:
The one I got was an XFX GTX 260 Core 216, said nothing about being 55nm, but I checked... there is no backplate, and there is that notch near the 2 slots. GPU-Z also says it is 55nm and 216 cores. One thing I like about it, it is a LOT quieter than the 7600GT I used to have. Even playing games maxed out AA and AF wise, I can't even hear it over other things in my P182.

Thank you, guys, for confirming things.
2 of these for the price of a 285 and they give higher performance? Damn this is a really hot deal imo. Makes me wish I didn't already own a 285.
man still waiting for 260 to get around 140-150, 170 is not a HOT deal anymore
How else does it look like to you

Jeez, you're kind of obnoxious I've noticed. I guess you believe everything you read on the internet?

For ex. if 5 guys say they got 65 nm and one says 55 nm, what do you believe?
Temps on my card are around 50C idle, and 72C running Crysis full out. Fan is at 40% in both 2D and 3D, and is whisper quiet. All games I have tried so far run like butter maxed out, and no crashes of any sort yet. Finally enjoying gaming again :)
Jeez, you're kind of obnoxious I've noticed. I guess you believe everything you read on the internet?

For ex. if 5 guys say they got 65 nm and one says 55 nm, what do you believe?

O gee, I don't know. Someone says they have a 55nm and you ask how it "appears" to be, so since you're incapable of drawing a conclusion for yourself. Well.. ;)
And you need to get a brains, fast. Are you incapable of reading the first post of this page?

Big[H];1033840420 said:
The one I got was an XFX GTX 260 Core 216, said nothing about being 55nm, but I checked... there is no backplate, and there is that notch near the 2 slots. GPU-Z also says it is 55nm and 216 cores.
This is what I got - a 65nm version according to the heatsink design and latest GPU-z



Stable for 24+ hrs folding at the above clocks. :)
thats one sweet looking card :)

btw guys little difference it makes, I hear they both oc about the same so who cares ? important is all are 216 shader
also I doubt xfx is shipping both kinds, newg's stock is prolly mixed that's all
wait, it plays my games just fine...

ahhhh....i just want a new toy!
Very nice. I want one but dont NEED one. Maybe when they go even lower...
Thissss. I need an E8400 and some comparable 2x2GB 1066 RAM to go with it *before* I upgrade from me 3870. The RAM's probably overkill at 1066, but eh. Actually... I don't think I even run this RAM now at 800.

Oh hey, it's running 1:1 at 300. xD
Big[H];1033840420 said:
The one I got was an XFX GTX 260 Core 216, said nothing about being 55nm, but I checked... there is no backplate, and there is that notch near the 2 slots. GPU-Z also says it is 55nm and 216 cores. One thing I like about it, it is a LOT quieter than the 7600GT I used to have. Even playing games maxed out AA and AF wise, I can't even hear it over other things in my P182.

What was the manuf date and version printed on the label on your box?
Just got mine today, but haven't opened it yet. Thinking of returning it for credit and ordering a 55nm from EVGA, but if I have a 55nm in the box.......:D
My label says: Version A.0 and warranty 12/08

just got 2 xfx both don't have backplate, have B1 step, gpuz says its 55nm. i forgot to check its 192 or 216, but i assume 55nm only has 216 core? am i right?
Price is up to $219 with the rebate...
I wonder what caused it to go back up?
Or what caused it to go down so far for a short period of time?

I thought the $160 area was going to be their new price point.
Vouching for XFX's RMA/ lifetime warranty

I have had a card from them go bad twice, first time I sent it back I got a new one back within a week. Second time it took 3 days for them to get it back to me, and they gave me a slight upgrade on card since they didnt have the older one anymore.
Vouching for XFX's RMA/ lifetime warranty

I have had a card from them go bad twice, first time I sent it back I got a new one back within a week. Second time it took 3 days for them to get it back to me, and they gave me a slight upgrade on card since they didnt have the older one anymore.

what card? GF 7XXX or 8XXX may be?
so is the one you linked a 55nm and 216 cores?

both 2 xfx i bought from tiger are 55nm even though pic shows 65nm version, and u can get 10% CS by goto live.com type tigerdirect, the 1st link should show 10% cash back.
will the 65 to a 55 really make make much of a difference? i know 216 core doesnt make much of a difference

hmm should i jump on this or an 4870
I have both this and the Asus 4870 that was on sale a few weeks ago.. after playing COD4 and WIC i think the GTX is smoother... they are really close though... Avg FPS@1920x1200 in COD4: GTX 85 4870: 79
Considering the core 216 GTX 260 was designed to compete with the 4870, the similar performance between the two shouldn't be very surprising.
Got mine today, was the 55nm version. Was a tight fit even in my Antec 1200 because it bumps right up against the sata cables.
hmm is it worth replacing my aging 8800GTS i wonder...cant play new games as i used to.

but then again isnt ATI releasing 4890 in april? any plans for price cuts on current cards?
Another alternative is the BFGEGTX260MC896OCBE w/ Mirror's Edge coupon at Amazon for $187.39 - $20MIR, especially if you have Prime shipping and/or Amazon GCs to use.
As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Ordered a second, from Tiger this time, and got another 65nm. Codes on each box are: version 8.0, 12/08 from newegg; version 8.1, 01/09 from TD. Very happy about the luck on this one. Heatsink is much more substantial on the 65nm. Have hit 700 core on each, but shaders are 1548 and 1490 max respectively. Slight difference but not too shabby on each.
noooo! I just received my xfx gtx 260, and the fan is grinding and making scraping sounds. I guess I will have to RMA it. :mad:
noooo! I just received my xfx gtx 260, and the fan is grinding and making scraping sounds. I guess I will have to RMA it. :mad:

man that sux, I hate when that happens with nib stuff
did you see if it didnt have something stuck in there ? shake it a bit or something ? :D
Mine works great, I'm just trying to figure out wtf I need to do to cool down my case. My card is running as hot idle as the reviews usually show it running at load (60C), at full load I'm hitting 85C.

I'm pretty sure its an ambient temp issue in my case more then the card, but I've already got every fan slot filled in the 1200 and not sure what else I can do there.