XFX Radeon 4890 Died, what to get now?


Limp Gawd
Jan 1, 2001
My XFX Radeon 4890 will hardly run and its time for a new card. I was eyeing a 6870 at the moment but unsure.

I game on a westinghouse 47inch LCD.
I play COD and Black Ops when its out.
Starcraft 2 and WoW, will play Diablo 3 when its out.
Games are all played on max res 1920x

Should I try and wait till next month or will a 6870 work for what I do? I do not plan on OCing at all either.

phenom 965 Quad
intel SSD
4GB Ram
Corsair 700 watt PSU
At your rez, you should have no problem with a 6870 on those games (minus Black Ops, haven't checked into it). I'm not sure you'll be blown away by the upgrade though as a 4890 to a 6870 isn't huge. Oh and what's wrong with the 4890?
You have an XFX....USE DAT WARRANTY!

Yea I didnt even realize that about XFX and their warranties. We'll see how that pans out when I get home today. I just dont want to be without a video card for 2 weeks while they check it out.

The fan makes the most horrendous buzzing/grinding noise. Sometimes it will play fine for hours then sometimes it will just run everything in like 3-5 FPS or just restart. I'm super anal about my cases being clean/dust free and you could eat off the card since there isnt a speck of dust inside either.

Im not expecting a big performance gain honestly with the 6870 just less power consumption I would think. I really just want something that will handle my games for now.
Yea I didnt even realize that about XFX and their warranties. We'll see how that pans out when I get home today. I just dont want to be without a video card for 2 weeks while they check it out.

The fan makes the most horrendous buzzing/grinding noise. Sometimes it will play fine for hours then sometimes it will just run everything in like 3-5 FPS or just restart. I'm super anal about my cases being clean/dust free and you could eat off the card since there isnt a speck of dust inside either.

Im not expecting a big performance gain honestly with the 6870 just less power consumption I would think. I really just want something that will handle my games for now.

When you get the chance, put in a support ticket on our support site and PM me the ticket ID.
If you budget goes that high, I'd suggest waiting if possible before buying anything new. The 69xx cards (successors to the 58xx's) are expected out in the near future and should be significantly faster than the 6870.
But I don't think I've ever seen someone from Visiontek on here asking they be PM'd with the RMA information to help keep track of these repairs. Now Asus does have a solid presence on here, but they lack lifetime warranty let alone double lifetime.
It's not like Visiontek or Asus ever not RMA'd my cards or anything :rolleyes:

asus.... meh, it took me 9 weeks to get my asus card back from them... 9 WEEKS...

also, should note that their warranty is not 3 years from date of purchase, it's 3 years from manufacturer date as well.
But I don't think I've ever seen someone from Visiontek on here asking they be PM'd with the RMA information to help keep track of these repairs. Now Asus does have a solid presence on here, but they lack lifetime warranty let alone double lifetime.
I know and while that was a nice thing of them to do, I don't have any issue just going and setting up the RMA myself while saving money on my purchase. That's all I was saying :)

asus.... meh, it took me 9 weeks to get my asus card back from them... 9 WEEKS...
also, should note that their warranty is not 3 years from date of purchase, it's 3 years from manufacturer date as well.
:shrug: just don't buy a 3 year old asus card :rolleyes:
If the fan is the only problem, they may just send you a new heatsink/fan/shroud to replace it with. At least that is what they did for me when my fan was dying on my XFX 4890.

I think it received it in just about a week as well.
I know and while that was a nice thing of them to do, I don't have any issue just going and setting up the RMA myself while saving money on my purchase. That's all I was saying :)

:shrug: just don't buy a 3 year old asus card :rolleyes:

Um, when I bought mine, they were all the same price...

And a double lifetime warranty REALLY helps selling a card.
Um, when I bought mine, they were all the same price...

And a double lifetime warranty REALLY helps selling a card.
That's like people who spend too much on Honda's and say "well they have a high resale value", don't people just buy a videocard because they want it instead of just planning how best to sell it.

I know I'm not going to buy a used XFX over a used (insert other brand name) unless the XFX is cheaper than the other. It'd be the same situation as buying new.