XFX6870 Temps


Nov 10, 2002
Whats the average temps everyone is getting with the XFX6870BE? I am at stock speeds and am at 55-57C idle and 83-86C under load. Seems high to me, but it runs perfectly fine.

I have the regular XFX 6870, and was getting similar temps as you on the default automatic fan profile of CCC. I have similar temps as you for the other components so we are getting similar case air flow. I have since installed aftermarket fans and am using an Afterburner fan profile, which keeps my CPU temps a little lower (low 30s) and my 6870's idle temp at around 44C, + or - 2C. I've been wondering how others are able to get low 30s on idle with the default CCC fan profile. I tried 10.12 and 10.10e, same thing. Anyone else wanna chip in?
I just got my Asus CuCore 5770 & also had temp issues. I ended up swapping the Thermal Compound (TIM). at first it was 65c @ idle & with new TIM i got it down to 41c as of right now.

@ full load playing games im getting around 75c If no one else saw my pics the Thermal that was applied was insane & ridiculas.

86 Celsius under load is within tolerance, and is deliberate to keep the card quiet. Remember, standard load temperature range is between 80-91 on Radeons, and earlier cards/BIOSes always controlled the fan speeds to keep these temperatures. They're perfectly safe, and they won't damage the card, short term or long term. You want it hotter, so it's quieter.
It seems like alot of people are getting high temps lately with Newer cards. I just got my Asus CuCore 5770 & also had temp issues. I ended up swapping the Thermal Compound (TIM). at first it was 65c @ idle & with new TIM i got it down to 41c as of right now.
4LC4PON3, are those temps with the default automatic CCC fan profile?
Yes 10.10e Auto CCC BUT only after i changed Thermal. Before it was idling @ 65c & full load was in the low 90s. I would also like to get lower temps on this card but I dont see it happening unless I get a new cooler

Hmm... I've considered changing TIM but wondered if it was worth it. You'd think manufacturers like XFX or Asus would do a somewhat good job at applying TIM so as to be more competitive and have less hassle with people complaining about high temps and trying to get an RMA.
I was shocked @ the TIM application they used on the 5770 myself. by switching my TIM I went from 65c to 41-42c. It was worth it now I just need to figure out how to get the card to run in the low to mid 30s :)
One word from my own experience (well, one sentence): higher CFM intake fans. Dropped my idle temps by around 5C
i did notice that in CCC if its set to auto 30% i get temps 42c but if i set it manually to 60% the temps stay exactly the same they dont go down so im assuming the fan sucks on this card.
i did notice that in CCC if its set to auto 30% i get temps 42c but if i set it manually to 60% the temps stay exactly the same they dont go down so im assuming the fan sucks on this card.

42c seems about average for 5770. I'm averaging 42c to 46c right now on my 5770 at work. I doubt the difference between 30% and 60% fan speed is noticeable. 100% might drop it 2c while idling but do you want to hear the fan noise though.

Idle temps on my 6850 is 40C and max temp is 67C. Use afterburner to set your fan profile. I have mine set to 40% at 40C and 100% at 80C. So far it's inaudible while gaming.
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yeah well id like to know how some of these users with other higher end cards are running low to mid 30's. I want those temps. I was looking at my card today thinking I might change the fan out but it has to be something that will let me crossfire since im going to crossfire my 5770
Not a link just watching threads on [H] you see users with 6970's or whatever saying there cards are running 35c @ 30% & so on. Maybe they are just over exaggerating alittle i dont know.
There's an innate limit on cooling performance at idle no matter how much you turn up the fan speed. You'll struggle to reach 30C idle even with max fan speed, unless the room is freezing cold.
Yeah I just get obsessed when I start something lol its in my Nature. Like I have my 445 Rana @ 3.4ghz at 23c. I guess its just me. I see a 42c temp & it drives me nuts. I dont know why I even freak about idle temps at all I am well within the limit
42C is better then 55C idle :p

I installed overdrive and set it to 40C 40% and 80C 80%. Went down to 48C idle which is better. Will test full load when I get off work tonight.
My max load is 86, and my idle is low 40s. According to reviews, including H's, the max temp on 6870s is between 86 - 89 (non-oc'd).

I would think your temps are fine, although it could always be improved with new TIM.
It's also a processor. It's going to idle lower!
If I'm lucky enough for catalyst to give me a 250mhz clock, my 6970s idle at 51C at 24% fan speed (1200rpm). If it's a 500mhz day, I typically get about 54C at 26-30% fan speed (1380-1740rpm). If it's chosen 30% that's quite annoying to listen to, so I force it down to 23% (1150rpm).
If I'm after absolute quiet on 250mhz I can force the speed down to minimum 20% (950rpm) and get away with idle temps around 58C. Not usually necessary though, as 24% is still pretty quiet.

I wish I could easily switch the clock speeds myself. I know when they should be what, but it seems catalyst does not. Sometimes I get 500mhz in games causing half performance, other times I get 500mhz at the desktop which causes extra heat and rage.

(I'm aware the 6970 has a larger cooler, just sharing my experiences)
My MSI 6970 idles around 44-47 and Load is 77-79. I have my 900 full of fans and in room with a pretty low ambient temp. Will be interesting to see what it does when it's summer with an ambient temp of 90F or so.
I was shocked @ the TIM application they used on the 5770 myself. by switching my TIM I went from 65c to 41-42c. It was worth it now I just need to figure out how to get the card to run in the low to mid 30s :)
Powerplay modification? As in, vmodding your 2D clocks? Custom fan profiles?
If you go by benchmarks, all recent cards (including Nvidia if I recall) will idle in the low 40's. It's almost uniform across the board for every card.

The lowest I've ever seen my 5870 go is about 36C when it was freezing in the house.
99% of the time I'm idling at 41C exactly.

I don't see why we're talking about it though, it's not like 30C, 40C, 50C, 60C idles will have any effect on the card... It's literally a meaningless number as long as we're not comparing it to load temperatures.
No I understand that 40c is nothing. Im not using anything but Normal CCC. No custom profiles or anything. I was just stating to the users that maybe changing TIM can help with Temps cause of my issue I had with the over obsessive TIM used wich dropped my card down around 24c. Ive also contacted Asus about my issue sicne that day so im waiting to see what they say about the obsessive TIM used.

I understand that 40c is where alot of cards are running I was just wondering how some people are getting 30c @ 30% fan. Thats all. I Obsess myself so right now im my head 42c @ 30% is a concern to me. I want low 30s. Maybe im just nuts in the head :(
Take the side off your case and point a large fan blowing into it.
Also turn off your house's heater.

Lowest I've seen was like 20C doing that.
It is also very dependent on your ambient temperature, and your case. But you can always watercool your GPU!
Have a look at this thread. User thesixth mentions that he gets 29C with an OC 6970 idling. Of course this is not the only instance. I've read other reviews that have mentioned a low 30s idling temperature.

That's all he mentions and nothing else about his setup. High end card = better cooling e.g. vapor chamber cooling.