XFX7950X2 with Sonata II 450watt power supply?

Wouldn't recommend it.. here's the specs for that PSU.

On nVidia's website, they say the recommended power supply should be at least 400w with a 27a rating on the 12v rail. (i'd still recommend more headroom for other components in your system as well)

In benchmarks, the power consumption for the 7950 is 133w at idle, and 237w at load.

If you want to spend just $100 on a case and PSU, its going to be pretty hard.. and if you are on that tight of a budget, you shouldn't be getting a 7950. What size monitor you have and what resolution you game at?
I'm getting a 24" widescreen LCD... I can spend more on the case+power ... what do you recommend?
well, it all depends what other stuff you will be powering. A "good" high end case isn't needed, but a good power supply is highly recommended, especially when using a big graphics card like the 7950.. The PSU is what powers your whole system and keeps it running smooth.

I'd say at least a solid 500w so you allow enough headroom for all your other components. Something SLI ready with PCI-e connectors is also good. I'd wait and get a few opinions from some other people first before you run out and buy something. Ask some other people with a 7950 what they are running, and what didn't work for them.
dude if u have the money for a 7950gx2 , buy a quality power supply

p.s. you'll soon realize your PSU is something not to skimp on... its the backbone of your rig
I wouldn't use that power supply. I had that one in my system and had some serious issues. Replaced it with the OCZ Powerstream 520W and not a problem since. Good solid power supply should be perfect for a BMF system if that's what you are looking to build.
I'm running a 7950gx2 with a Antec Neo Power 480 power suppy with no problems at all. Ran sli 7800 gt's before this and I also have dual raptor hard drives......no problems
You can probably do it. It doesn't leave you with much expansion capabilities though if you add devices that need any real amount of power.