Xigmatek dark knight in an CM 690


Sep 17, 2009
Fits right? Friend ordered one for his comp I built for him, just want to get confirmation it fits.

Also since it would have a fan pushing air out of the back, would it be worthwhile to move the rear stock exhaust fan somewhere else (Like the top or the side, I have one on the front and one on the bottom)?

Xigmatek Dark Knight if you aren't sure which one I am referring to (although I'd hope most of you do)
im wondering this myself since im interested in this case and that cooler.

regarding the exhaust fan, i would leave it alone and put an intake on the door in the upper slot. for the lower slot on the door, that would depend on ur video card and if it exhausts air to the outside or not. if it does, then an intake would be better but if it doesnt, then an exhaust would be better.
A fan would not fit on the upper door slot because of the cooler. From what I have read it does fit though.
I believe it fits only without the top fan (the fan over the CPU cooler area) installed.