Xigmatek NRP-MC751 750w Power Supply @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Xigmatek NRP-MC751 750w Power Supply - We have seen Xigmatek shine and fail when it comes to building computer power supplies. How does the company do today with a $110 (after $20 MIR) 750 watt power supply? Once again we get to see if "No Rules Power" violates ATX rules.

While the Xigmatek NRP-MC751 turns in an overall competent performance, which is an improvement over the previous NRP-MC851's disastrous foray, it never really shined in any metric today even when compared to other CWT PSH based units.

Thanks for the review, guys.

I got one of these new-in-box in a Craigslist deal for $80, so I can't complain. It's been a solid unit for me, probably more power than I need now (but enough if I add a second Radeon 4850 at some point).

EDIT: Note that neither the Corsair or the PCP&C power supply compared to this one have modular cabling, something that was make-or-break for me.
Good review; if it had been up yesterday I might have thought twice before buying the nrp-651.....I needed a psu to replace a 3rd failed zalman 600hp. Needed modular and the price difference between the Xig and the HX620 was a factor...
EDIT: Note that neither the Corsair or the PCP&C power supply compared to this one have modular cabling, something that was make-or-break for me.

True but those units were better performing so they get the better nod.