XP Pro -> XP Home?


Nov 4, 2003
So I have a problem. My computer died(motherboard specifically), so I decided it was time for a big hardware upgrade. Got a nice C2D E6600, 2gb of new RAM, new motherboard, case, 8800GTS. I plan on reusing my two hard drives and optical drive. But anyways, my main drive is already formatted(when I was trying to figure out what was wrong in the first place), so I'll need to reinstall WinXP when I put all the new stuff in. So here's the problem: I don't know where my XP Pro CD or Key is. I do, however, have access to Home edition.

So my questions -

Is there anything I can do to replace the XP Pro disk and key, like calling MS tech support or something?

And if I'm forced to use Home, what differences will there be? Is Home ok for gaming?

And as a side note, I am very much NOT interested in upgrading to Vista at this time. For one thing I just spent all the money I had(and some I don't) on those parts, and for another, I'd rather wait until it's a bit more bug-free.
Google is your friend.

As far as I know Microsoft won't replace your disk for you and i'd imagine they'd charge if they did.

Home is perfectly fine for gaming.

As for features.
The difference between Home and Pro is only the features they include/exclude. There's no performance difference between the two.