XP to Vista


Jul 27, 2005
i have one hard drive partitioned into 2...C & D. C has windows and D has all my files. if i delete XP and install vista on C will it affect D? i know if i installed Xp again it doesnt do anything to the D drive but because its Vista will it do anything weird? or should i just backup everything
It's always good to backup, just in case. But, it won't affect D: at all. You can just install Vista on C: and have it format only C: partition, you don't have to repartition or anything.
You should backup if you can. Not really sure how the install is going to handle the second partition as I've never done it on Vista.

But I know in XP if you had a second drive, like D:\ and reinstalled XP without disconnecting the second drive, it would make the second drive C:\ and the new install on D:\.
ok sweet, i dont want to have to transfer almost 600GB of data back onto my comp, i keep it backed up after i lost a bunch of stuff a while ago