XP vs x64


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2001
I just bought XP from my school and it came with x64 as well. All of my components have x64 drivers so thats not a problem. I just reformatted 5min ago. Do I want to do it again and install x64? Sorry if this topic has been brought up a bunch
Only you can answer that question. Are you doing anything that would benefit from a 64 bit OS? Do you run any applications that benefit from a 64 bit OS? Since all of your hardware has drivers available, look towards software for your answer.
I dont know, would games benefit from this at all? Otherwise everything is just peachy
Some games have 64bit patches...such as far cry......but not a whole lot that is 64bit specific.

Since you have both you could always dual boot.
Gh0st said:
I dont know, would games benefit from this at all? Otherwise everything is just peachy

You're not gonna see a huge bonus until they start to release 64bit versions of games (The FarCry patch was debunked as hype AFIK, because they did get it run on 32bit Windows, so that doesn't count).

If all your hardware has 64bit drivers I'd go for it. But if any don't have them, it's not worth the hassle IMO.
at first i thought that x64 wasn't a bad upgrade for me, but now i most definitely regret it. the biggest dealbreaker for me was when i found out that i can't stream media to my 360 from my PC. other than that, the whole driver incompatibility wasn't an issue for me, it's just that certain programs (virus protection and firewalls) weren't available for x64.
biggest x64 dealbreaker is that TortoiseCVS is not yet available for x64 unless you want to compile it yourself.