XP120 + Yate Loons


Jul 15, 2007
I got myself a XP120 to stuff into my Lanbox, for lack of any better coolers out there. However, initial performance is abysmal. I'm idling as low as 35 and as high as 40. Forget load temperatures entirely. But even a Yate Loon D12SL can't do that bad. Sure, the XP120 is several years old, but I refuse to believe that it sucks more than the Intel stock cooler (which would idle 25, load 50).

Why? Obviously, there's only two reasons:
1) Contact is poor. I doubt my IHS is caved, but there might be something to do with my AS5 application.

2) The fan. Maybe its because the Yate Loon can't pull the right amount of air. Maybe because its not exhausting 100% out through the PSU. Maybe its because of the fan stacking effect (although that shouldn't be a problem. The Blue Storm II has a D12SH in it.)

If its not #1, and its #2, would buying a new fan work? Scythe's SFF21F is on sale this week for a decent price...

or is the cause of my abnormally high temperatures a #1?

tl;dr: XP120's sucking. Will replacing the fan solve this if reseating doesn't?

It occurs to me you might want a picture...
The TR XP120 is an excellent heatsink. I have one on top of my e6700 @ 3.3 and my prime95 load temps are currently 46C! Mind you that my ambient is at 18C. I use a 120mm fan running at ~1600rpms.

Are you OCing your E4300? Maybe there is not enough air flow through your case? Try popping off the side of the case to see if that decreases yor temps.
What are your load temps and ambients?
None the less, definitly try reseating the sink, and check for flatness of the sink at the same time.
The flatness is very TR. And I did the graph paper thing.

I'll be reseating it once I find the time...
I did a reseat, and lo and behold, the temperatures are still the same.

So after contacting Thermalright, the rep told me to try a different fan configuration in a roundabout way.

So I flipped the fan around. Face down. Case open for max airflow. Temperatures remain the same.

Then it occured to me that the temperatures are similar to when I first installed the heatsink and the fan blades had caught on something. With that in mind, I inferred that my Yate Loon simply isn't strong enough to pull/push air through the XP120 (I feel alot of spillage. Or I think its spillage). That, and Thermalright recommends a 38mm fan. 38mm fans give you more pressure don't they? Makes sense that that'd be the choice for a tightly arrayed heatsink. (Although they don't for the XP90. Which looks even more cramped.)

tl;dr: With my Yate Loon seemingly to weak, will a Scythe SFF21F do the trick? (25mm, 64CFM)

*well crap. Its a double post. And a bump. Bad forum etiquette, I know, but I didn't want a new thread.
Is there room there for a 38mm fan? It looks like one would physically fit, but it might cause turbulence or other issues with the PSU fan?

I'll suggest one of Delta's triple-blade EFB fans. Sidewinder carries them in 25mm and 38mm, high- and low-speeds. The triple-blade makes for higher air pressure. I have no idea why; it's completely counterintuitive. But I am using some EFB fans (from Sidewinder) and can vouch for it.
A 38 mil? I might try that... *lulz! Quick measurements quickly rule out 38mm fans.
But the SFF21F is on sale for $11 right now. And yeah, the whole turbulence thing with the PSU fan.