Xti Purchase


Mar 12, 2006
where am i going to find the best deal on a XTi body only (blk)?

the lowest i can find new is 709 on the egg.

any hidden gem sites ?

any help much appreciated
I had good luck with them when I bought my 20D, I know a couple other people who've bought SLR bodies from them too.
Beach is good, quie reputable in the camera industry. Not as good as B&H, but good none the less.

If you want a good walk-around lens for that camera look at the Tamron xr di II 18-200 and the Sigma equivelant.
walk around i'm looking into the
Canon EF 28-105 f/3.5-4.5 or
Tamron SP AF24-135mm F/3.5-5.6 AD Aspherical (IF) Macro
thanks for the info guys. i'll be ready for purchase as soon as those returns hit me. :)
Check out the Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 and the Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 for walkarounds, they're sharp and fast.
I've ordered my last two cameras from Beach and I couldn't be happier with the service I received from them. The cameras were shipped and received extremely fast and they're an authorized dealer in regards to canon rebates!

However, I never needed to contact them for an RMA or anything of the like . . . yet. So I can't comment on their CS.
although not the cheapest, CostCo.com has the XTi. Amazing customer support built in.