Yay for folding in cold weather!


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2009
Aug 29, 2001
It is 39 out side, chilly. We had frost this morning.

The thermostat is still switched over to cool (it runs once or twice during the day) I have yet to turn the heat on. The house is cool, but far from cold.

Yay for 9800GX2s :D:cool:

Tell me about it, it's like 50 degrees outside in FL right now, and it's closer to 70 inside thanks to all my folding hardware.
I love this time of year (Huzzah for Pennsylvania winters!). Luckily my PC has kept it toasty enough to not have to turn up the heat yet.

(note: I have a Small apartment)

same here.. its been pretty cold lately, but my computer makes my living roon and kitchen area nice and comfy.
Killer[MoB];1033191267 said:
Yeah, I was a little slack this summer. $300 a week for gas plus higher electric bills were a little more than I could stand.

That's not {s}oft, that is just life.

[H]ard is folding with what ya have, and what ya can get (while keeping family and the like first)

Does a silicon IC convert all drawn energy to heat? I thought it did... I'd be much more apt to install a few 9800GX2's over the portable heater I've got in my parent's glassed in plant room... Replace the 800w ceramic heater with 4 9800GX'2s...
Does a silicon IC convert all drawn energy to heat? I thought it did... I'd be much more apt to install a few 9800GX2's over the portable heater I've got in my parent's glassed in plant room... Replace the 800w ceramic heater with 4 9800GX'2s...

Short answer, no. They do use a bit of it to run too. :D

But as components get faster and faster, a side effect of that is more heat production. A lot of folders don't even run the furnace in the winter.
I woke up and it was 36 this morning outside. My GF wanted to open the windows in my bedroom because she knew that my computer would make it stay nice and warm in there over night. Still, it wasn't enough to keep everything too warm, just nice, 70 degrees. Perfect!

It's 27 outside now. Inside the house is about 68. A bit cool for my taste, but Still didn't run the heater.... just an electric blanket for the bedroom (no boxen in there)

I just run the heater in my bedroom (no computer and opposite corner of the garden). The living room, dinner room and kitchen is still warm and I left a window slighty open. It's nice and warm without even touching heating. Hope it stay like that during winter and I'm looking forward to saving a lot on power usage.

It's still in the mid 70's in DFW, TX. We get to the 50's at night, but it is definitely not cold yet. I am however in Des Moines, IA on business (two more weeks here YAY!!) and it is definitely colder. Apparently they were in the 30's over the weekend. 50's today.

Short answer, no. They do use a bit of it to run too. :D

But as components get faster and faster, a side effect of that is more heat production. A lot of folders don't even run the furnace in the winter.

Do you know the average amount of power a semiconductor uses to switch it's transistors that's not converted to heat? Like, a percentage value (as in a regular light bulb converts around 94% of it's power draw to heat).

I always knew it was a little bit less than 100%, but I've never been able to accurately source a true figure.

This is just out of curiosity btw :)

Do you know the average amount of power a semiconductor uses to switch it's transistors that's not converted to heat? Like, a percentage value (as in a regular light bulb converts around 94% of it's power draw to heat).

I always knew it was a little bit less than 100%, but I've never been able to accurately source a true figure.

This is just out of curiosity btw :)

No, off hand I have no idea what percentage is dissipated as heat. Its an interesting question, but a quick googling would suggest that it's one that hasn't been addressed much (if any).
This is a great time of year for folding. I fold in the basement and it gets freaking cold down here. In the middle of winter it can get into the low 50s. After working on the computer for a while in the 50s your hands get damn cold. It is 42 degrees out now and my basement is a toasty 69 degrees. At least now folding is good for learning about proteins and heating the house.

I got the electric/gas bill tonight. PSE&G in NJ just jacked up the price of gas 14%...at least they didn't increase the electric charges (yet). Has anyone else seen a increase in their electrical rates recently?

+1 for cool weather. Starting to cool down here. That and I just moved into a house and I now have my computers in the basement. They love it down there!:D Nice and cool.
This is a great time of year for folding. I fold in the basement and it gets freaking cold down here. In the middle of winter it can get into the low 50s. After working on the computer for a while in the 50s your hands get damn cold. It is 42 degrees out now and my basement is a toasty 69 degrees. At least now folding is good for learning about proteins and heating the house.

I got the electric/gas bill tonight. PSE&G in NJ just jacked up the price of gas 14%...at least they didn't increase the electric charges (yet). Has anyone else seen a increase in their electrical rates recently?

I've heard there is a price hike coming in PA for electricity. Haven't noticed it yet on my bill though.

There was already a price hike for Jacksonville, FL. It was about 9 cents a kWh, and now it's 12.2 cents a kWh. And it's supposed to go up again. Even though the raises were to cover "growing fuel costs" and now fuel has gotten MUCH cheaper.
There was already a price hike for Jacksonville, FL. It was about 9 cents a kWh, and now it's 12.2 cents a kWh. And it's supposed to go up again. Even though the raises were to cover "growing fuel costs" and now fuel has gotten MUCH cheaper.

