Yay for ramen noodles!

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Jan 1, 2005
Well I finally did it... I can finally jump back into the current gen of things. As I write this I am waiting for Newegg to deliver some of my new toys. Monarch should be tomarrow, and I will have my work cut out for me. Here is what I am getting for my box:
CPU:AMD Opteron 146
MoBo:BIOSTAR TForce4SLI Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 SLI
GPU:EVGA Geforce 7900 GT KO 256MB
PSU:OCZ PowerStream OCZ520ADJSLI-520W NVIDIA SLI Ready Power Supply

$713.00 shipped is not bad at all(I also got new fans and grills and stuff too) considering this is my first overhaul for this system, all that stuff should go nicely in my old antec box.

Anyone want to wager on how much of a performance boost Ill get in Quake4?!?! I'll go with 100% 'cause it currently doesn't even work on my proc... HaHa I got you good!

Anyways thanks for all the [H]ard feedback the last few weeks, all you guys(and girl or two?) have really made a difference in my decision making.

So W00t and keep it up!

coming from the system in your sig.. i cant imagine the speed boost.
Congrats on the step up you're going to notice a huge jump in performance. I'd keep a hold of that Ti though, save it for the video card collection.

Off topic: Your sig is over the 10 lines only rule.
Wow you were patient enough to live with that outdated piece of techonology? More power to you though for sticking it out this long. That rig is going to provide you a great experience!!!
Wow, that's similar to my upgrade a little under a year ago now. I upgraded from a Dell Dimension XPS-500 (Yes, a 500 MHz PIII with I don't even know what video card) to the one in my signature. It was earthshattering to say the least. I finally decided it was time to upgrade with ccnsi.com took upwards of twenty seconds to load.
Congratulations, AciDeX!

A few months ago I upgraded from a 2GHz P4/256MB RAM/128MB Radeon 9550 to a X2 4400+/2GB RAM/256MB 7800 GTX OC, and it just blew me away.

Have fun! :cool:
Congrats man.

I just made the plunge last month too. :) Enjoying my rig in sig much more than my laptop. :D
AciDeX said:
Well I finally did it... I can finally jump back into the current gen of things. As I write this I am waiting for Newegg to deliver some of my new toys. Monarch should be tomarrow, and I will have my work cut out for me. Here is what I am getting for my box:
CPU:AMD Opteron 146
MoBo:BIOSTAR TForce4SLI Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 SLI
GPU:EVGA Geforce 7900 GT KO 256MB
PSU:OCZ PowerStream OCZ520ADJSLI-520W NVIDIA SLI Ready Power Supply

$713.00 shipped is not bad at all(I also got new fans and grills and stuff too) considering this is my first overhaul for this system, all that stuff should go nicely in my old antec box.

Anyone want to wager on how much of a performance boost Ill get in Quake4?!?! I'll go with 100% 'cause it currently doesn't even work on my proc... HaHa I got you good!

Anyways thanks for all the [H]ard feedback the last few weeks, all you guys(and girl or two?) have really made a difference in my decision making.

So W00t and keep it up!


a 100% performance boost is a doubling in performance. Doubling 0 performance is 0 performance.
lmao, i remember living off ramen noodles for 5 months just to finish payments on my celica. I also remember the 15 lbs. i put on.......
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LMFAO

anyways ya i upgraded form a p4 2.0ghz, 512mb of ram, a 5700le to a x2 4200+, 2gigs of ram, a 7600gt, well jut dam it was a HUGE difference, ure stil lliving in the dx 8.1 age (ure old sys), Its gonna kick the living sh*t outa ure old system, grats on the upgrade
I went from a P4 1.7GHz, GeForce2 MX 400, 768MB of RAM to a X2 3800+ OCed, 7900GT OCed, and 2GBs RAM OCed. Trust me, that was a phenomenal leap o_O
My friend told me once that he knew this guy that got scurvy from eating ramen noodles for a month
You ve got to get the spicy Korean instant noodles... They are so much better than ramen...
Marvelous said:
You ve got to get the spicy Korean instant noodles... They are so much better than ramen...
chicken ramen is the best, because its always a good choice. now stay on topic.

nice computer or whatever dude.
Talonz said:
You're gonna crap your pants :)

Congrats on saving up!

hehe.. I was going to say "you're gonna shit twice and die!" lol.

What a kick ass upgrade.. welcome to being able to play games with modern shader tech. w00t for shaders. :D
HighwayAssassins said:
chicken ramen is the best, because its always a good choice. now stay on topic.

nice computer or whatever dude.

that is SOOO on topic... after all, the title says "yay for ramen noodles!"
AciDeX said:
Anyways thanks for all the [H]ard feedback the last few weeks, all you guys(and girl or two?) have really made a difference in my decision making.
Ahh! A hard girl!! But seriously, nice upgrade. Nice previous system, too. Ti4400s are awesome. Oh, and keep us posted on what stepping you get.

Big Fat Duck said:
My friend told me once that he knew this guy that got scurvy from eating ramen noodles for a month
That's disgusting, man. He could have bought $10 multivitamins to cure that.
He probably saved up enough money to pay for all of this by eating ramen noodles for two months.

You are going to flip when you get this machine built....
Sweeet... all the parts just came, got a 148 w/ CACJE stepping. Looks like someone I know is taking the night off work... :D

Scurvy?!?!11 Grab a V-8 and a vitamin once and a while to avoid that... I've been living off ramen for long enough to know this. :p

As far as spicey korean nooodle go , thats what the Siriacha hot sauce in the fridge is for... :eek:

Time to backup some data before the new windows install... wish me luck! :cool:
Ah, you'll probably get about 2900 at 1.6 out of that, maybe more with higher vcore. Good luck with everything.
Noodle makers should take note and seek sponsorship from lan parties.. I mean, im guessing that about 3/5 of us here have all lived off of ramen at one point in order to be able to afford that one part(s) that we need. I mean, honestly.. if you are emmersed in your favorite game, even the shittiest of ramen still is edible.
I like seafood myself....

Alaskan Crabs or some shrimps..and don't forget beer. :D
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