YES! PowerDirector supports both ATi Stream and nVidia CUDA


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2004
It's about time! Finally stream processing is taking off, with so little software harvesting the power of stream processors, CyberLink's PowerDirector is the only tool that supports video encoding via both ATi Stream and CUDA AFAIK. Accoding to the company's news press, the CUDA supported version is already available and a patch will be released for ATi Stream support in early February.

I am so glad to see finally a company has the balls to include solutions from both ATi and nVidia, no more ATi or nVidia exclusive bullshit that leaves end users in the cold. Does anyone has the latest PowerDirector to try CUDA out? I am curious about the performance gain when encoding with stream processor.

ATi Stream supported press
nVidia CUDA supported press
or is ATi GPU support only included in press releases?
OK, I got my answer from Cyberlink...

Thank you for contacting CyberLink Technical Support.

In regards to your concern, we regret to inform you that due to ATI driver issue, PowerDirector software do not supports transcoding using the ATI chip. PowerDirector software only supports this for Nvidia,

PowerDirector will support ATI on 2009 Q1.

Right now, we donot have any updates of ATI support. As soon as we get any updates, we will post it on the website. We request you to kindly wisit the website regularly to get the latest updates.

Use the below mentioned link to write back to us for quick reply :-

Please feel free to contact us back for any further clarification or for any assistance related to CyberLink Products.

Thank You and Best Regards

CyberLink Technical Support
Product Availability
PowerDirector 7 optimized for ATI Stream technology will be available on CyberLink’s online store early February.
Quoted from the press page, it looks like ATi Stream will be supported as early as February. I cant wait to try it out on my 4850.