You know it's good when!


Nov 29, 2001
I fell out of my chair on to the floor and the chair fell on top of me playing Shift.

I'm getting beat be my "rival" in a one on one race and I'm so frustrated the guy is beating me I'm trying to body english [Hard] right, too hard, around a curve and the freakin phone starts ringing! I know it's the wife calling and I'm screaming " STFU" and the next thing I know I'm on the floor gripping the 360 controller staring at the screen that's saying " he's too far ahead-race over" or something to that effect.
I was stunned.
I swear this is true. The chair has 5 wheels. I was driving the Vette ZO6 or something and the track was that 7 minute long one.
I'm at level 27. Good game[pc]
haha! Great when a game pulls you in like that (and pushes you over!)

Nice story :)
See that's what you get for trying to talk and drive at the same time:eek: I'm sorry sir but I'm gonna have to write you a ticket from the most wanted dept.

have a nice day sir.:)


Seriously that's pretty awesome.:D
i remember jumping off my chair many time in mirrors edge
I had the same experience but with FEAR on my 40" LCD and surround sound. That damn game scared the crap outta me at certain times. :D
weirdos... haha. You're like parents playing nintendo and moving the controller thinking that it makes a difference
Am I the only one that doesn't understand what he just said?

Something along the lines of he's playing NFS:S, his wife calls, he sees game over, and he ends up on the floor?
Am I the only one that doesn't understand what he just said?

I got distracted when the phone rang and leaned over too far.
Simple enough for you now?
You know its good when you are playing a coop game of Doom with someone who is new to the game and he screams like a little girl when a Cyberdemon steps around the corner. This was in the library. The librarian was not amused. I was crying I was laughing so hard. :D
I had the same experience but with FEAR on my 40" LCD and surround sound. That damn game scared the crap outta me at certain times. :D

Haha. I'm such a pansy when it comes to scary video games. STALKER isn't even too bad, but I nearly jumped out of my skin when I first encountered a tentacle mutant in the sewers under Agropom. Of course it wasn't until AFTER that I found out I have a flashlight.
I had the same experience but with FEAR on my 40" LCD and surround sound. That damn game scared the crap outta me at certain times. :D

lmfao. My FEAR experience...

Install game. Start game. Intro level - walk into building. Take a right down a hallway...

hear a random whisper. shit my pants. Shut off game. Uninstall. :(
I fell out of my chair on to the floor and the chair fell on top of me playing Shift.

I'm getting beat be my "rival" in a one on one race and I'm so frustrated the guy is beating me I'm trying to body english [Hard] right, too hard, around a curve and the freakin phone starts ringing! I know it's the wife calling and I'm screaming " STFU" and the next thing I know I'm on the floor gripping the 360 controller staring at the screen that's saying " he's too far ahead-race over" or something to that effect.
I was stunned.
I swear this is true. The chair has 5 wheels. I was driving the Vette ZO6 or something and the track was that 7 minute long one.
I'm at level 27. Good game[pc]

lol awesome