You know you're a gamer when:

...when the number of cables around your computer exceeds the number of peripherals you have... continually plan out tactics for that next level, even when you are meant to be doing work...
...when you start treating Doom3 as an obsession, then a cult, then a religion..
...when you are convinced you could make it as a counter-terrorist agent after all your 'training' in CS...
...when all the l33t talk doesn't confuse you, and you can understand everything thats being said here, as well as laugh.
...when you look at the reflection of light in the shower and think "is that specular or diffuse lighting?" remember playing on inferno(id's quakeworld server) with a 28.8 connection and no 3d card, getting your ass handed to you because you were still only using the keyboard to play quake...the memories
Defective said:
. . . when you put CAT-6 jacks on every wall in your house so you can have a kickass lan party.

^^^i did that :D

forgive me if this is a repeat, i didn't read all pages.

..when you save up for a new athlon 3500+ 64 bit, mobo, shiny case, and a gig of ram when you should be putting gas in your car...or saving for my first one :p
jaspur said: remember playing on inferno(id's quakeworld server) with a 28.8 connection and no 3d card, getting your ass handed to you because you were still only using the keyboard to play quake...the memories

I remember that. +mlook was a godsend.
...When you find yourself looking for a passcard for a door because the "exit" sign above it is red.
...When you are relieved to see that the "exit" sign above a door is green.
...When you find yourself getting upset that a door with a green "exit" sign above it doesn't open as soon as you get near it.
...When you find yourself wondering why the door that just automatically opened for you didn't slide to the side while making the "startrek door noise".
...When you find yourself posting 5 responses on a "you know your a gamer when..." thread and all you have to talk about is doors.
when you have a Full T1 at your you can host Games off it. :eek:
Yes I did have one at my House for a was fun,but expensive.
When you pay $400+ for isdn installation and then $120/month so you can have low ping (this is before cable and dsl). And your girlfriend doesn't bat an eye because she knows better :p .
When you listen to the original doom music for recreation

(guilty of that right now :D)
----When you build a computer so you can get a better FR in one game
----When you save and save and save then blow all the money you've saved on a game when it first comes out.
----When you marvel at the cpu and case temps when you get them to a good temp so that your hdd's and cpu are cooler, giving you that edge on a online game.
----When you start hitting the y and u key for teamspeak and say on aim, e-mail and more.
----When you ask your cisco teacher, hey can I setup a CS server in the lab. he answere's yes, and you set aside the ciriculum to maintain the lan server to your liking and not return to the ciriculum untill you are satisfied.
----When you think, hey wouldn't it be kool to make a clan t-shirt.
----When you get pissed off and throw your mouse across the room because you missed a headshot.
----When you yell and scream and get really angry when you loose a match.
----When you are riding in your car and you look out the window and think, hell that'd make a kick ass map on [insert game name].
----When 3/4th's of your room is taken up by computers, and electronics.
----When you get more equipment to run a lan even though you've never hosted one at your house. (there is always the possability though so we must get that equip.)
----When you go up to a corner in a hall way and you go up against the wall and peak around the corner, crouch and then slowly move into the next section.
When you find a Mag-lite Flashlight in your basement, the first thing you think of is the flashlight in Doom 3...
- When you start looking at the world around you as a map and take notice of all doors that look like they'll open, climbable ladders, sniper spots and missing windows, but ignore things behind scenery (Isn't it indestructible?) and fences (can't climb chainlink fences, you know.)
(It's interesting as a way to pass time while walking :D)

- When you spend christmas eve gaming. (This in a place when everything happens on the eve, not the next morning.)
In short: Eat, drink, open gifts, eat, drink, say goodbye to guests, play games. Several years in a row :D
...when you bring your computer to a hotel when you go on vacation just so that you dont miss any cal matches :p
Darakian said:
When you view plane trips as load times
Train trips work even better.

* When you think "I've been there" to places you've only seen in games.
When you see terrorists on TV or watch a movie where there are lots of guns and you can rattle off which guns are which, what their penetration or firing rate is, etc (thanks to CS). and then people look at you and you realize that you've never shot one in real life let alone held one and that you have serious nerd issues... Thats not me by the way. :D
OldPueblo said:
When you see terrorists on TV or watch a movie where there are lots of guns and you can rattle off which guns are which, what their penetration or firing rate is, etc (thanks to CS). and then people look at you and you realize that you've never shot one in real life let alone held one and that you have serious nerd issues... Thats not me by the way. :D

Yes, yes :D
edit: This goes for tanks, military planes, sports cars, and the like as well.

This is a tangent:
As a short-time member of the norwegian army, I've used the H&K G3. Whenever I see a movie, it's always M16 and/or AK47, with an MP5 for variation. I think I've seen one movie with G3s, and that small fact made me feel that much closer to the action.
So: Anyone want to recommend any entertaining, and not neccesarily too good, movies with G3s? :D
when you are talking about combat tactics with friends in the marines and they say "how the hell do you know all of that?"

when you feel the need to reload your gun after firing two bullets, even though the clip has 5, 10, 20 bullets left...
when you see a light breeze blow across a lake and think 'nice water effects; almost like it's being rendered in real-time'
...when your at work or with the wifey and all you can think is jumping into a chopper in BF:VT or DC and spawn camping the enemy base. :D
you know your a gamer

When you correct Hard Front Page posters on Basic Data.
You know you're a gamer when you read through a 9-page "you know you're a gamer when..." thread.
The Batman said:
You know you're a gamer when you read through a 9-page "you know you're a gamer when..." thread.

Blah...None of us know we are gamers yet sinc ewe only read through 8 ;) :D
...when u have put out the the blocks power with ur lan party.
...when u dont write out you anymore
...when u try to fix a broken gate because u cant climb fences in this game(life)
...when u have said LOL(pronounouncing it as loal) at a joke and not even spell it out l-o-l (just about as sad)because it is quicker for u brain to process it as Loal.
...when u watch tv while at the system in case something "important" comes on while u have soda and food in front of you in case u need it.
...when u wish ur parents had a squelch feature.
...when u think you are a world class sniper after playing CoD.
...when u no longer need a scope in games.
...when ur system drops ur friends jaws even though its just crap compared to many of ur "friends" at the forums.
...when u skip school because u were up till 5 am last night or even worse go anyways.
...when u are actually up at 5 am.
...when redbull just isnt enough anymore.
...when u can function on 10 cokes and a small meal.
...when u call ur comp a system.
...when u think games make u smart... they do!!! :D
...when when waking up from sleeping is a "when its done" situation like doom 3 was
...when 4 hours of sleep is a lot.
...when u hope something bad happens so u can save the day.
...when u can type faster than a secretary unless u have to use real english.
...when u actually read all of this shit and didnt notice how much time flies when its game related.
You know your a true gamer when you talk pick up lines to woman at bars with computer talk.

Speaks to girl: Darlin I would love ram you drive

Thats one hot overclocked woman

Darlin, your hotter than a 5ghz cpu

Your more pretty than a high res doom3 screenshot

Your eyes are better looking than 32bit

I (I'm male) faked a orgasm lastnight so I could go play UT2004. :D
Sad thing is, its true.
...When you hold a pretend gun in your hands as you walk around your house, faking reloading motions and all, and lean around corners, then burst into the room and take out fake "enemies" such as chairs and bedposts. :rolleyes:
...After a 5 hour session of LAN gaming you can easily spend another 2 hours talking about who owned who.

....and to conclude by going back for another 5 hours as a rematch. (It's a vicious cycle.)

.....when you do something really fuXored in real life.....and really wish you could either quickload or start a new game. Doh....real life is hard. :(

....when you reformat your hard drive every 6 months just to keep it clean with new drivers. And you know how to do it and reset your system in under an hour.

...when you stay up late, just to see how much you can overclock your system....and you're thrilled with a 5fps increase.

....when you justify having a dual monitor setup as "one for gaming" and the other "for chatting while I'm waiting for the next round."

...when you're bored, the first thing that comes to mind is looking for new flash games.

---When you know in 1 sec what this game is and that you still play it every once in a while