Your Favorite App


May 18, 2002
I saw a thread made on another forum to this effect, but while they probably started it for contention or for some kind of "getting to know you" type of thread, I want to know so I can compile a list of things to observe and compare as far as how certain programs work. Now, some may have to do with a specific OS's API set or windowing capabilities (unless it's used on command line), but I really want to know as a whole. Also, this isn't about creating platform or application contention. So, this question has two parts:

1.0— What operating system do you use (most)?

1.5— What's your favorite app on the computer? I don't mean the one you use the most, or the one you simply need for work. I mean the one you most like to use when you use the computer.

For me, the answers are XP and Windows Explorer. I'm curious what others feel are the apps that they most enjoy using, or have the most user-based satisfaction from.
The OS I use the most is Windows XP, and my favorite program is Mozilla Firebird, coincidentally the one I use the most.
It really depends on what I'm doing.

On the go, I use my ibook which runs OSX and use it for email/webrowsing

At work, I use a windows 2k machine and am in cygwin and gvim developing java applications.

At home, I use a windows XP box which is dedicated for video game development(brew, opengl). I run visual studio 6 on it the most.

For my desktop machine I run gentoo and run firebird for email/web.

favorite app: vi/vim/gvim

windows xp, i've just started enjoying using eclipse for doing my java homework (we are allowed to use it if anybody actually cares about that kind of thing) especially now that in cs2 the assignments are becoming a little more significant than cs1 i can utilize more of the features of an ide. vim if i'm on the command line, putty is the best ssh client (as if i've had another one to compare to :))
I have two modes when I'm on the computer really:

-Mode 1: Home PC

- XP Pro
- Textpad

-Mode 2: Dev @ work

- SSH into SuSE box
- vim
WorkLaptop: Mac OS 10.3 / Favorite App: iMovie 4
WorkPC: Win 2K / Favorite App: Visual Studio .NET
HomePC: Win XP / Favorite App: Putty
HomeLaptop: Vector Linux / Favorite App: Gaim
Windows XP

Home Machine: Gaming is pretty much all I do at home, UT2k3
Work: VS.NET(C#) and Wise Solutions products
WinXP at work, Win2K at home ...

favorite app is Opera 7 ... its just so smooth.
windows xp at home and fav application is DVD X Copy

knoppix linux on the road lbreakout :)