Your Favorite Doom3 Weapon?


Feb 28, 2001
WHats your favorite Doom3 Weapon?

I just found the box o chain saws....kinda fun....but I like the plamsa rifile for a gun...havne't found the BFG yet
I really dont like any of them to be honest, but I use the shotgun the most.
The sound for the machine gun is.. horrible.

I like the grenades.
Rocket Launcher + Doom3 physics = fun.

I seriously never get tired of watching enemies fly back 50ft after I peg them with a rocket. It's much more satisfying than the gibfests in previous dooms and quakes.
The flashlight or chainsaw is by far the most fun. I use the shotgun the most since 1-2 shots will do almost everything in.
hehe, at this point, i'd have to say the shotgun.
haven't had anything more than that yet.
I've just played the first mission.
had to do it a couple times to show people what it's like.
opinion might change once i get something new :)
maybe i'll play sick tomorrow or friday.
maybe friday since i get paid tomorrow. who knows
have you guys heard anything about a mod to replace the sounds with something that sounds cooler? they could steal some from cs or ut2k4 i think and that would be fine. i'd like to play through the game with some beefy sounding guns. i been watching all the videos i can find and the guns sound like ass, someone has to be thinkin about doing a little mod like this.
I just started playing, so the only weapons I have been able to use are the pistol, shotgun, and machine gun. Don't really care for the shotgun, has too slow of a reload time and I get my ass handed to me by some zombie while I am trying to blow his head off. I just picked up the machine gun, so I haven't had a chance to use that yet.....
I think my favorite gun would either be the soul cube or the shotgun. Up close I find the shotgun does more damage than most. I can take out a Revenant an Arch vile or Cacodemon in a mere 2 hits when i plan it right. ;)
Mojo3k70 said:
I think my favorite gun would either be the soul cube or the shotgun. Up close I find the shotgun does more damage than most. I can take out a Revenant an Arch vile or Cacodemon in a mere 2 hits when i plan it right. ;)
I've taken a Caco down point blank with 1 hit from the shotgun.
after you edit the projectile lighting the plasmagun is badass

and its the only gun you dont need to switch to the flashlight with
I really like the plasma rifle. Wicked weapon. I've installed the mod that changes the sounds of the weapons. It only changes the pistol, machine gun, shot gun and chain gun though. The sounds however, are much more realistic and makes killing foes much more satisfying. It supposedly also changes the sounds associated with some bad guys, but I didn't really notice anything too different.
Shotgun. Probably because it looks the least futuristic so I feel more comfortable with it, plus it sounds plain badass.
Sparrow_69 said:
I really like the plasma rifle. Wicked weapon. I've installed the mod that changes the sounds of the weapons. It only changes the pistol, machine gun, shot gun and chain gun though. The sounds however, are much more realistic and makes killing foes much more satisfying. It supposedly also changes the sounds associated with some bad guys, but I didn't really notice anything too different.
the shotgun looks like crap IMHO, its huge, and spreads way too much, and isnt even semi auto, and holds less shells than most modern shottys.

the pistol looks dumb too, far too goofy looking to feel powerful

i think the machine gun is about right, maybe a little too wide

the gattling gun is awesome looking, but shoots hella slow, if it fired like a vulcan cannon it would be the most badass ever

chainsaw = [H]ardcore

BFG is awesome, except for the whole blows up and kills you thing

i already said that the plasmagun is perfect, but only after you mess w/ the lighting

i dont have the cube yet

rocket launcher is too dangerous to use in close quarters ( i.e. the whole game ) but it looks all portable and futuristic

grenades are all bouncy and stuff, they dont react anything like a grenade, so -100 points for that

well.... there ya go :)
I honestly don't like any of the weapons. Models, sounds, and animations are all pretty weak, IMHO.

But hey, to each his own.

I just hope someone does something decent with the engine. :cool:
Plasma gun, always has been (since Doom), always will be. I love the sound it makes when you reload in D3, too.