Your favorite energy drink for gaming?

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Hulk said:
I always drink a high protein shake mixed with creatine. I also take a multivitamin during gaming, really gives me that edge that I need...

Haw, you take protein/creatine whilst gaming? Doesn't that sort of (entirely) defeat the point? In terms of there being pretty much 0 calories in a good whey isolate or creatine powder, I mean, not the lean gain stuff... :D

For me, lotsandlots of water. Transporation and that, somehow I seem able to put away between 4-5 litres a day. I'm sure that should kill you. Whatever, water's cheapest and bestest, screw the caffiene sugary shit hardening your arteries, loooaads of water and a banana or two'll do you just was well (better) for a fraction of the price

EDIT: that said, you can never beat good ol' lucozade - best energy drink invented.
Stupid images.
Lou Cypher said:
You have some more time before you are old ;)

Didn't say I'm old, just said I'm old enough that most people my age act as if allnighters are impossible :)
None.. they mess up my stomach terribly. (already have a pre-existing severe stomach condition) Also, when I did drink them, I had Sobe No Fear. I could not game with it because my hand would get too excited with the mouse and I couldn't rail accurately. I game better when I'm more relaxed.
Bawls. I work at a call center and have to work every Saturday. I drink two bottles of Bawls and my energy is way up, Im actually happy to be there lol. Plus Saturdays are slow and we always have interesting conversations going on :p

Either Bawls or Mt Dew. I kinda like the low carb Monster drinks, but not a fan of Red Bull at all.
water is the last thing i want when im gaming. i just stick to milk and fruit juices. water is only good to me when im working out or finished working out.
Water, Coke, or Heineken. Oh, and this isn't a drink, but once and a while Starcraft and cannabis ftw :)
Red Bull all day! My current favourite mode of relaxation is to fire up BF2, put on the Howard Stern show in the background, and sip a red bull over rocks as if it were fine scotch. I use a scotch glass packed with ice and pour a third of a can in at a time. That way your Red Bull is always perfectly cold, and you get the added benefit of the water in the ice cubes.. I go through about two scotch glasses full of ice per Red Bull.
Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale gives me all the energy I need.
I'm also all for acascianelli's suggestion of Hacker-Pschorr. A cool Edelhell or Dunkel-Weiss makes a perfect gaming beverage.
Every energy drink I've tried I have hated the flavour. I drink Gatorade as it is a proven formula for rehydrating and I like the flavour (the original green stuff). All of these drinks are bad for your teeth though so it is probably wiser not to drink them at all and just drink water.
I just usually drink like water, gatorade, and like coke for staying up like way late (as in no sleep) I will have a energy drink once in awhile and it doesn't do much for me really.



A manly energy drink. :cool:
My vote is for Bawls!

In this order from best to worst.
Dr. P/Mtn. Dew

Although the drink I most prefer doesn't exist anymore. SURGE! Man I miss that stuff. :D
I must be getting old... :rolleyes:
I really like arizona iced teas (green tea especially) and homemade iced tea. Too much sugar and caffiene gets to you
But nothing beats a good dr. pepper or a pepsi on occasion though.
Code Red is my friend :D
I like a good sweet tea, too. I went up north a few weeks ago, and all the iced tea up there was unsweetened. It was pretty much the worst week of my life :p
eurin said:

Does that say "GAY FUEL"?

Do i wanna know how it tastes?

I like to drink "BAWLS" when i play with myself all night on the computer, then my buddies join in, and we all drink "BAWLS" and play with eachother.


Here's a real kick. All the focus of those other drinks none of the jitters.
Also for those of you who strength train give this a shot before a workout you won't regret it.
Psychotext said:
Umm... Energy Drink + Gamer = Fat Gamer. We don't need huge gobs of energy to play games (unless it's some marathon DDR session). Ignoring that, I've started drinking Sprite 3G, but I used to mostly drink Red Bull.

Stuff is all stupidly expensive for what it is though, so I find I mostly drink water and coffee.

Not that I prefer either, but when I price compare, coffee costs more than any energy drink I've seen, so I found your comment puzzling. And energy drinks are probably better nutrition-wise for you than coffee. Considering the fat content of coffee, your "=fat gamer" doesn't make sense, either.
Mountain Dew.. ftw.

its been around since before power drinks and has been fueling ME since I was playing NES in my diapers.
Tolyngee said:
Not that I prefer either, but when I price compare, coffee costs more than any energy drink I've seen, so I found your comment puzzling. And energy drinks are probably better nutrition-wise for you than coffee. Considering the fat content of coffee, your "=fat gamer" doesn't make sense, either.

uh.. coffee has no fat and I don't see how the cost is even remotely close. You can buy a can of coffee and fix several pots for what you could buy a couple energy drinks. Not sure what you are talking about.
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