Your "Greatest" games of all time?

LOL, I remember somehow acquiring a demo disc with that game on it and playing through the demo several times to see all the scenarios on my parents old NEC P1 133 MHz/16 MB RAM PC. It was fun as hell, but I never was able to get the full game. I might have to hunt that down somehow now :D.

As for the #1 game of all time for me, I guess it'd have to be BF2 just because of the insane amount of time I've sank into it. Though it's a really hard choice given that I started playing games when i was 3 with an NES. I really don't see how BF3 will surpass BF2 even with all its glitches, game crashing bugs and horrible accuracy on the latest updates. But that doesn't mean it'll be a bad game, I'm sure it'll be great :).

First computer ever. I was 8 years old. Well we had an Apple 2 in my brothers room, but it never worked or at least I was too young to understand the OS.

HP 66 mhz Intel Pentium. I think 8 mb of ram, with a 64 mb hard drive. I can't remember the rest of the specs but I remember what it came with.

Silent Steel demo, which I didn't realize was a demo and I tried like hell to do every scenario only to end up getting my sub blown up each time.

Spider man cartoon program which was the shit. Best application ever made.

Also Journey Man project which was one of the weirdest games I every played. Game intro scared the shit out of me.
Civilization 2
The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
Myth: The Fallen Lords
Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete

If I could only chose 1? I would say Lunar, followed very closely by Myth.
There's so many to choose from, but off the top of my head:

On Console:
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past

On PC:
F-22 ADW/F-22 TAW
Doom/Doom 2
Half-Life/Half-Life 2
TFC w/ NeoTF mod
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear
WarCraft III: Frozen Throne
Battlefield 2142
Fallout 3

I know I'm forgetting a bunch of others, but these are the ones that come to mind ATM. I started gaming with the ColecoVision and Atari 2600, but games didn't really start to grab me until my NES days with games like Double Dragon II and SMB3.
Mass Effect 2 ending was awful and so was the final boss. Beyond easy.

Exactly. ME2 would have been on my list had it not been for the absurdly ridiculous boss fight. For a sci-fi RPG/Shooter to hold a sense of vraisemblance for so long is extremely impressive; for a game to blow any sense of believability and relatabilty in all of 30 seconds is shameful. I remember physically retching seeing the final boss thinking "you've got to be fucking kidding".

Now my list...

X-Wing and Tie Fighter
Freespace 2
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father
Bruce Lee (Commodore 128... put similar Kung Fu games to shame for it's level complexity and design)
Ultima VII (my first RPG, and one of the first games on my first PC, a 285 DX)
Ultima Underworld 2
Might and Magic: Clouds of Xeen
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Baldur's Gate 2
Unreal 2
System Shock 2
Black & White
Panzer General 2 (I spent every free moment of my senior year in high school going through "what if'" WWII scenarios while pretending I was Rommel)

It's funny to think that these games represents a not-insignificant chunk of my life and how they have each in some way influenced my psyche.
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Here is my short list.

Wing Commander Saga (WC 3 and 4 being the best story wise).
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic.
Total War: Rome (The best of the series hands down).
Deux Ex (I even liked Invisible War, sue me)
Return to Castle Wolfenstien
Call of Duty 1 and 2
Space Quest (1-5)
Doom 3d.
Eye of the Beholder series
IL- Sturmovik (Plus sequels and add ons).
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (Lucas Arts)
Tie Fighter
Star Wars: Dark Forces Saga (To include Jedi Knight 1-3)
Centurion: Defender of Rome
Might and Magic III Isles of Terra
Karateka (probably spelled wrong)
Dragon Age (Steam says about 500 hours)
Herzog Zwei: The original RTS, there were none before it

PC: Total Annihilation: LAN parties were never the same again IMO

Phantasy Star 1 and 2: Some of the best RPG's ever IMO, I'll take these every day over Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy Tactics: Talk about a min-max-OCD-must-complete EVERYTHING wet dream. The only exception to the above!

Civilization 3: It really was the pinnacle of the TBS in my opinion. Civ4 was ok, and I enjoy Civ5 a lot, but it also changed a lot. Civ3 was the perfection of the concept that was Civ1 and Civ2

Everquest: Gave too many years to EQ, the first time you had to run across the Karana's really let you know you were in a whole nother scale of worlds. Eventually it went off the rails, but it really was the "first" for a lot of things.

EvE Online: After EQ, with it's "ignore PVP and hyper PVE" EvE was exactly the opposite. PVE was the means to an end, that end being PVP, and man on man was PVP in EvE the best. With a few exceptions, there weren't any completely broken ships (there have been a few, but they've been few and far between really). There wasn't an "I Win" button. (Though with it becoming Super-Cap's Online, one was created, why I don't play anymore). I still would love a return to pre-capital EvE, with the crazy harsh world, insane death penalties, and an environment that rewarded skill, and punished idiots with more money then brains.

Military Madness/Nectaris/Neo Nectaris: You want a hard Turn Based Strategy game, there has never been another one harder. The cards were stacked against the player in almost every level, combine that with an AI that blatently and obviously cheated, at every level, and you really learned how to think and play. Winning at Military Madness was an exercise in truly understanding maximizing strength's and minimizing weaknesses, while keeping a very close eye on logistics. It's available on the Wii download, and it is still one of the hardest games ever made (Neo-Nectaris is probably the hardest game ever made). Turn based military strategy games were actually ruined for me by MilMadness, even the hardest is too easy, because I beat Military Madness . . .
Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy III
Zelda A Link to the Past
Super Mario RPG
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Zelda OoT
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2
Doom 2
C&C Red Alert 2
Diablo 2
Counter Strike 1.0 - 1.6

Maybe I just don't like games so much any more, because there hasn't been anything EPIC after that.
  • King's Quest/Space Quest/Quest for Glory series - My first PC games, which I started playing on my parents' Tandy 1000.
  • Original Castlevania on the NES - Beat this game once without dying; probably my greatest video game accomplisment!
  • Ninja Gaiden 1 on the NES - Also beat this without dying; my second-greatest video game accomplishment!
  • Mike Tyson's "Punch-Out"! for the NES - My friends and I had loads of fun with this game back in the day. I was the only one to beat Iron Mike...
  • Tecmo Super Bowl for the SNES - My friends and I played the ever-loving crap out of this game. We'd play marathon full seasons, with each of us playing a single team all season. It would usually come down to two of us meeting in the Super Bowl for the grand finale... Unless someone fell victim a computer-controlled unstoppable and unfair Bo Jackson, OJ Anderson, Christian Okoye, Joe Montana, Warren Moon, Jim Kelly, or Jerry Rice in "excellent condition".
  • Doom - I remember picking up the shareware version from Babbage's on a whim; it looked cool from the cardboard sleeve it came in. I couldn't believe it when I fired it up for the first time. Was absolutely amazing.
  • Descent - I loved the Descent games more than Doom. They're still great played using modern graphical features provided by D2-XL.
  • Duke Nukem 3D - Simply an awesome game. It's still the REAL Duke Nukem Forever when played using the enhanced features provided by eDuke32 and the High Resolution Pack.
  • EverQuest - Few games literally made my jaw drop like this game; my first and last MMO. A whole fantasy world filled with real people! I can't believe I graduated from college while playing this game. Was too good, and made me swear off all MMOs forever.
  • Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind - The game that got me off EverQuest. Also made my jaw drop.
For newer games... I really liked FarCry 2... :eek:. Also really like Metro 2033, which I'm playing through right now.
Also liked the Mass Effect series and The Chronicles of Riddick.
Urban Terror (Quake 3 mod) - put more hours and effort in this game than any other by far. Also my fps training grounds where I developed some pretty good twitch skills.
Secret of Mana - my favorite old school classic
NBA hang time -lots of fun playing this with buddies
Metal Gear Solid - probably the greatest single player experience I ever had
BF2 - so many great memories leading a squad with my bro trying to attack the hardest to reach bases behind enemy lines
Guild Wars - played this religiously for a few years. Very little more satisfying than creating and debating unique team builds on our Guild forums and then trying to them out in HoH and actually doing good with them.
Defender of the Crown (old version)
A Bards Tale (old version)
Ultima Underworld
Civ 1
Stripping down the list to the ones which have been profoundly memorable:

Various Sierra adventures, but esp the Police Quest series, right through to the SWAT games
Duke Nukem 3D
Wing Commander 2 & Strike Commander
System Shock 2
Far Cry
Guild Wars (for sheer hours played if nothing else)
Mass Effect

Deer Hunter(original) - I spent so many hours waiting for regrets

I can totally relate, add The Hunter to my list.

Good one. First game I stayed up all night playing. Very addictive gameplay.

Space Invaders
Pitfall 2
Donkey Kong
Ms Pac Man
Punch Out
Spy Hunter
Ghosts n Goblins/ Ghouls n Ghosts
Black Tiger
Battle Chess
Super Mario Bros
Ultima V
F-15 Strike Eagle
Dungeon Master
The Legend of Zelda
Super Mario World
Street Fighter 2
Virtua Fighter
Area-51 (original arcade light gun game by Atari not the FPS)
Daytona USA
X-Com UFO Defense
Mario 64
Baldur's Gate 2
Gran Turismo
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit
Thief: the Dark Project
Thief 2: the Metal Age
Elderscrolls II: Daggerfall
Quake 3
Unreal Tournament
Half Life
Rainbow Six
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Silent Hunter 3
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Grand Theft Auto 3
The Temple of Elemental Evil
Demons Souls

and probably at least another 50 titles I'm forgetting.
Here's mine, in approximately chronological order:

Wing Commander 1-3
Wing Commander Privateer
X-Wing (Series, including TIE Fighter)
Quest for Glory Series
King's Quest 1, 5 and 6
Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed
Unreal Tournament '99 and 2004
Halo and Halo 2
Project Gotham Racing 2
World of Warcraft
Mass Effect (and Mass Effect 2)

I may be missing one or two, but these are my favorite games of all time. If I had to pick one, I'd have to flip a coin to choose between either Quest for Glory 4 or Wing Commander 2.

I wish games brought me as much joy today as those two games did when I was 12. :(
Bruce Lee (C64)
F-19 Stealth Fighter
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
Master of Orion 2
Master of Magic
Sim City
X-Wing (et. al.)
Doom (2)
Diablo 2
Final Fantasy VII
Scorched Earth
X-Com: Ufo Defence
Counter Strike
Ultima IV and V
Left 4 Dead
Ultima VII: The Black Gate and Serpent Isle
M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration
Command and Conquer: Red Alert / Counterstrike + The Aftermath
Wipeout I
Half-Life I
F-15 Strike Eagle
Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2004
Rainbow Six and R6: Rogue Spear
Counter-Strike (Beta 5.2 to 1.6) - CAL-i represent!
Battlefield 1942 / Battlefield 2
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Need for Speed I, II, III, PU
Starcraft I
Warcraft II / III
World of Warcraft: Original (Until BWL - everything went downhill after AQ40... although getting full T3 at Naxxramas was awesome)
Defense of the Ancients

Super Mario World
Super Mario Kart
Street Fighter II
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Super Mario World: Yoshi's Island
Super Mario RPG
Killer Instinct
WCW vs NWO: World Tour
Sonic the Hedgehog I, II, II Sonic and Knuckles
Resident Evil I
Saga Frontier
Mega Man Series
Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VII
Mario 64
Secret of Evermore
Gran Turismo
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On: Oratorio Tangram
Power Stone II
Super Smash Brothers
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

All Raidens
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On
Initial D
Time Crisis
House of the Dead

This is off the top of my head so I know I'm missing a lot. I'll continue to update this list as more games come to mind. The filter I used to make this list was......

The games that:
  • lowered your grades
  • somehow got you in trouble with a person (parents, girlfriends, etc.)
  • forced you to save money so you can spend money (on the game obviously)
  • take time off your social life
  • sad for beating the game
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1) Elite
2) Deus Ex
3) Dungeon Master
4) Oids
5) Dungeon Keeper

Amazing games all of them. I could list plenty more but those are probably my favourites.
My two biggest are Diablo 2 and Call of Duty 4, the former being far and away my favorite game of all time.
Games I loved and still have a place in my heart -

Dragon Warrior
Final Fantasy (1, 2, 3, 7)
Ultima Online (Pre-EA)
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind (especially modded, I still play it)
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Resident Evil 2
Max Payne
Doom 3

Games I spent way too much time playing -

Street Fighter 2
Mortal Kombat
BF 1942 (demo only, but killed SOOO many hours with it)
Mario Kart

Plenty of others could have an honorable mention but I wouldn't say they are the greatest. If I had to pick only one, right now it would be a hard sell between Dragon Warrior (nostalgia) and a heavily modded Morrowind.
I've been around a while.. In noparticular order:

Quake 2 DM (must of played thousands of hours)
Quake 3
The first time I saw the Unreal world
Half Life (loved it 10x more than the one below)
Half Life 2
Counterstrike (during the early beta days, pre beta 1.0)
Max Payne
Rocket Arena
Doom I, II and Final Doom.
Megaman 2
Super Smash Bros.
Zelda II
Super Mario Bros. 3
Shadow of the Colossus

But more recently:
All 3 in the Penumbra series of games. Incredible.
Portal I&II
Pixeljunk games
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit.
Left4Dead 2
1) Quake 2 (for the online play)
2) GTA: San Andreas
3) Mario 64
4) Command and Conquer: Red Alert
5) Forza series (collectively)
On the ps 1:
Doom. Just so many memories there... wth is that blue thing?
gran turismo. my ps1 was jacked up and would overheat by this point. It had to be leaned up at just the right angle to play too. Fuck ! Joe, blow on the damn playstation, I,ve got to savesowe can turn it off!
resident evil. Those damn leapi g green things. tap tap tap... where is it? oh god where is it???!!!? We've got two bullets left and are limping. This won't end well.

Rainbow six. My first ever fps. on a ti200. :D
tribes... htf did he just snipe me out of the air with the dsc?
Eve online when it was new. It felt... real. And hairy. and too huge and lonely for words. OMG he's in moo, don't undock!:p. I worked fore freaking Ever to get that ship.
Uncharted Waters 1
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
King's Quest 6
Ultima 7
Baldur's Gate 1/2
Icewind Dale

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Suikoden 2/3
Tactics Ogre

and...I can't think of more atm.
IMHO, greatest has to be a single game. For me that is:

Final Fantasy VI

Runners up (in no particular order):

Super Mario World
Super Mario RPG
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Zelda: A Link to the Past
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil 4
Uncharted 2
Portal 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Super Metroid
Metroid Fusion
Metroid: Zero Mission
Mario Kart (series)
Smash Brothers (series)

The issue I have with a lot of these lists is that the games were great in their time, but don't hold up well today. If I try to play it right now and lose interest, I can't put it on a greatest list. When I go back and play some of the older games, I realize they aren't great. Only the memories of playing them are great.
Diablo II
Elder Scrolls III Morrowind
Half Life 2
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Bf2 - Still playing it a lot.
Cod4 - sometime

they are only two game that i consider fun to play on pc. I haven't tried or play other games than those two game i mention here.
The games I will most remember as I grow old will be Baldur's Gate 1&2 and Everquest.
I'm big on sim racing so Grand Prix Legends and GT Legends.
Outside of that Mass Effect 2, Oblivion, Knights of the Old Republic, Age of Empires, Civ IV and V.
How about:

All I have to say is that I've never come close to enjoying anything more than BF1942 with Forgotten Hope mod. I play Forgotten Hope 2 for BF2 but it doesn't have the same feeling; maybe It's just because I'm older.
chronologically played:

super mario world
zelda 3
ocarina of time
unreal tournament on dreamcast then pc
tribes 2

those are the ones iv atleast played for a year. hmm, gameplay then story, then fps. and now im just looking for quick fixes as nothing holds my attention. not sc2, not tf2, not me2, not gw.
Mechwarrior 2
Descent II
Sam and Max
Secret of Monkey Island
Super Mario Brothers 2
Unreal Tournament
Blue Max
Earth Worm Jim
Sim City 2000