Your Mom Hates This Video Game

It's pretty dumb and obviously aimed at kids. Not even funny. I thought Deadspace was supposed to be scary? Not a damn gore-porn.

Unless you are going to suggest ads which make things "cool" by suggesting your mom hates them is age appropriate for M rated audiences, you cannot argue it is not directly targeting audiences under the "M" rating.

14 and 16 year olds think "cool" is the opposite of mom, not 24 and 28 year olds.
BWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAH This is great! I absolutely loved this and I don't think it targets kids, in fact, I think it targets just who it's suppose to target which is the typical 18-30+ age group. Great marketing!
Looks good. Did anyone play Dead Space? Any good?

I really enjoyed the first one, although it was sort of too easy (probably because the mouse is just so much more precise) even on hard mode. I died several times though, and that's arguably the best part of the game. :p

On that same note, the boss fight was the most ridiculously easy end-boss of any game I can recall. It was actually easier than most of the rest of the game..

It was still fun though, and since I love both space and horror games, combining the two makes perfect sense. :)
I actually saw the commercial the other day and I couldn't help but laugh at it. Of course living in the nanny nation you have to expect some kind of backlash for being creative...:cool:
It's pretty dumb and obviously aimed at kids. Not even funny. I thought Deadspace was supposed to be scary? Not a damn gore-porn.

Unless you are going to suggest ads which make things "cool" by suggesting your mom hates them is age appropriate for M rated audiences, you cannot argue it is not directly targeting audiences under the "M" rating.

14 and 16 year olds think "cool" is the opposite of mom, not 24 and 28 year olds.

Maybe you live in a specific area where the adults you deal with are more mature, but in my experience of dealing with adults far and wide across the country I find them to think EXACTLY that what is cool can be often related to what their parents (or rather anyone that acts like a real adult) dislike. So, yes, that is what I am suggesting.
I actually saw the commercial the other day and I couldn't help but laugh at it. Of course living in the nanny nation you have to expect some kind of backlash for being creative...:cool:

don't know how "cool" it is but it is quite creative, at least they were the first to the punch.

I don't think EA needed any help getting the word out that this game will be good, deadspace1 was a lot of fun. I had already made plans to get this, pre-ordered at gamestop actually.
This marketing campaign is absolutely brilliant and was executed very well. As we learned from GTA and Black Ops, when it comes to video games controversy is GREAT for sales. I can see this ad campaign and any controversy surrounding it easily doubling the sales of the game.

I really enjoyed Dead Space - it's what Doom 3 should have been and more. Can't wait for the sequel!
That lady looks pretty old; older than my own 60 something year old mother.

I'd say they were targeting 30 year old guys that live at home.
I enjoyed the first one.

It was refreshing to have to cut off limbs instead of just dumping a clip into someones head. Strange and unusual visuals made it eye candy, or eye gore.
I actually bought Dead Space 1 during the Steam holiday sales and it's quite amazing. Controls are VERY tight and fluid, the game feels just as responsive as any other PC shooter i.e. Quake, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, Call of Duty, etc. For anyone who had control issues, apparently there was a bug with the mouse if you had V-Sync on. Anyways, Dead Space 2 PC is a Day One Buy for me.
I'm a gamer, 25 years old, male, I like shooters, RPGs, and whatnot.

I don't think this is going to get the gaming industry anywhere. I think the campaign on the whole was disrespectful of the time of the mothers involved, perhaps cruel to force them to watch some of the images, and then attempt to publicly humiliate them on national television to make a buck. It completely disrespects everything that a mother is supposed to be and forces the wrong message into kids' heads about their parents.

Will the game be fun to play - sure. Is the advertising campaign ballsy - you bet. Do I like it? No, it makes me, a gamer, look like a disrespectful douschebag.
don't know how "cool" it is but it is quite creative, at least they were the first to the punch.

I don't think EA needed any help getting the word out that this game will be good, deadspace1 was a lot of fun. I had already made plans to get this, pre-ordered at gamestop actually.

Stealing an internet meme from 2 girls 1 cup is creative? I guess I disagree.
Stealing an internet meme from 2 girls 1 cup is creative? I guess I disagree.

what exactly did this steal from 2 girls 1 cup? Instead of tricking the viewer (us) into watching something we don't want to see its tricking a random person into seeing what they don't want to see for us to watch. They already lead us in with what we will be seeing with the title too.

I won't say its the most creative thing ever, it is still creative.
loved dead space 1, played it on pc with an xbox controller. cant wait to play dead space 2. as for the marketing campaign, meh. i dont really care one way or the other about how they are choosing to advertise it. im just glad i got to see some cool in game footage.
EDIT: For "research" sake, the videos are interesting.

I almost did think EA was doing the videos, but I realized it's third-party. :eek:
One word: TACKY

Having said that, I loved Dead Space on the 360 and will be picking it up Thursday. But as a father, there is NO WAY I'll let my 8 year old son play it. And I won't play it when he's around. Even though he has a very firm grasp of the difference between games and reality, there's no reason for him to play it. Now at 16-17 years old, then yea, sure, it's no worse than a horror movie.
I agree with the few who say it was a dirty trick. Grandma was probably just trying to make a few bucks. I imagine with that monitor and sound setup and the fact the guy was on a monitor made the event all the more surreal for her.