Your opinion please....


Limp Gawd
Oct 26, 2005
Should I spend $150 on a 7600GS AGP to upgrade from a 6600GT AGP ???

Or just F the idea and wait till I can afford a full AM2 system ???
I am in the same boat as you, and I would say to stay away from upgrading to another AGP card. They are taxed, and in the long run not worth it. Keep your 6600GT and save up for a Conroe/PCI-E upgrade.
I think the community could make a more informed decision if you listed your full system specs.
Mike160 said:
Should I spend $150 on a 7600GS AGP to upgrade from a 6600GT AGP ???

Or just F the idea and wait till I can afford a full AM2 system ???
That certainly is a question a lot of people in your boat are asking.
As aforementioned your full system specs would help us give you a more informed answer. Without them though let me say that the 7600gs would be an incremental upgrade for you. That is, all your fps' would go up across the boards but the margins might not be as high as you might suspect, especially depending on how high your resolution is an what degree of AA and AF you intend to run. If you're dead set on an agp card and have $150 to spend the ATI x8xx series is probably your better bet. You sacrifice SM 3.0 and DirectX9C but the raw power is great. Frankly, if you're looking for SM 3 and 9XC features you'd be better off wait for a full system overhaul
Thanks for the replies... and I wanted to leave out my system specs because they really aren't relevant to the general question I was asking.

and I didn't want to start another "which is better ??" thread..

Based on the replies here i'm going to go with my original plan and save a little more cash and just do a full upgrade :D

....for those wondering, I currently have a 754 2800, 1gig ddr 400, 6600gt.
the ATI card is really not an option for me until thier Linux drivers get better, but a good choice otherwise.

Thanks again,.. and as much life as it's givin us I would say AGP is DEAD :(