Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

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Damm i think that futuremark most have beaten some kind of record for being MAX stupid on this one. [H] give them hell and more for trying to get away with a stunt like this. you got my vote. :D
well as it comes down to it. i think FM just got floodled [H]ardcore...maybe next they will not fuck up :eek:
Looks like I was having a nap when all this unfolded :mad: Anyway, fuck Futuremark, never have given them a dime, never will give them a dime, and I shall install all their bullshit off my system.
Sounds like someone is upset because their latest product release isn't doing as hot as in the past and they're looking to point fingers. Sucks for them.
[RIP]Zeus said:
Tero needs to sign up on the forums and say he is sorry for being a fucking idiot
hahaha and apologise for clogging up the Internet with their utterly useless bloatware
Casual Lurker said:
Kyle certainly has the right to defend himself, we agree on that. But that line was degrading, plain and simple, and it was done in a very public manner. Tero was naive for firing off those threats, and Kyle made a good point of illustrating that it was naive, but by tying it all together with an insult, he's just asking for Futuremark to defend ITSELF with a lawsuit. How many lawsuits are sparked purely off emotion?

I'd say statements like "I strongly advise you" and "I will no longer communicate with you after this. Our attorney is looking that this situation will get resolved and will contact you if necessary." mean they were wanting to go that way anyway. And that man is high up enough in the food chain to have it be his job not to be naive.
Casual Lurker said:
No, but it means Kyle's trying to provoke him. It shows he's more interested in drawing out the conflict than he is in "advising" futuremark to back down.

I'm pretty sure that particular phrase was meant to show disdain for the way FM was acting: barking like a little dog. Disdain for stupidity is good. Anyway, it's obvious that Kyle has already provoked him. That's why we're talking about it.
this is from TeamMCS on the FM ghey fourms

(Senior Member)
10/06/04 11:47 PM
I like [H] in the fac they do stir it up a bit and arn't scared to being a bit riská. But they do seem to overstep the bounds on occation.

But lets be honest, FM has a larger fan, user and client base than [H] could dream of. I think kyle may fall quite quickly if he pushes them.

I think its nice to know that FM at least attempted to be "friendly" on the inital email, rather than a cease and desist note (which I have done myself, and failed terrible). Sadly [H] used this "bridge" [of friendship] against them.

IMHO, big mistake, however, FM better make sure they have viable evidence aginst them or they may well come off badly. Companies against free speach have been known to crash and burn

i had a fucking great laugh :D
removed my post, everyone got the same message as suspected. that still doesn't prevent FM from sucking.
Yep got the same one:

Dear Matt,

Thank you for your feedback. While I do regret my reaction this morning,
please let me explain reasons for it.

We have tried to work years with Kyle and his team and tried to solicit
feedback on how we can make a better product. Unfortunately, we have not
received it and at this point we're just frustrated about it.

I totally respect everyone's personal opinion. However, I was just so
frustrated to see again just one line of saying we have a bad product
without offering any reasons as to why he so thinks. That does not benefit
anyone and that is what I hope would stop. I am totally okay for airing
opinions and we welcome all feedback, good and bad, that somehow helps the
industry move forward.

In thinking this now with a more settled mind, I do not see reason to pursue
legal action now.


Tero Sarkkinen
Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing
FM are IDIOTS to send an email like just makes them look stupid. [H] is obviously well within their right to say 3dmark05 sucks, b/c it does. It's worthless...does FM not realize they are alienating themselves by pissing off alot of people with this stupid demand?
looks like he is starting to get swamped with email

he needs to fucking say he is sorry for being a fucking moron who thinks outa his ass :eek:
<begin sacrasm>
How could you keep slandering them like that? What are you thinking posting opinions on your website anyways?? say 3dmark is the only reason to own a 3d accelerator or we sue!!
<end sarcasm>
Honesty, i thought we all got over 3dmark when nvidia got caught with their hand in futuremarks pocket, so who cares what they do anymore. I sure hope this nonsense isn't the reason we haven't seen a 90nm athlon64 review from you yet kyle.....
Well, after reading this article I have decided to NOT BUY 3dmark. I was going to, but after that response and completely "baseless" accusations I've decided not to.

Furthermore (cause that's the kind of lingo big-wigs like to use) I'm going to do everything in my power to encourage all my members and friends to also not support this wretched company.

I agree with Casual Lurker that Kyle's little doggy remark was unwarranted. What he posted is considered the offical repsonse and when making an official repsonse to legal threats you just dont throw in personal demeaning attacks. I still respect Kyle for standing up for his beliefs but as far as being more professional in dealing with them I respect him a bit less. With his recent wins over IL he just seems to have gotten cocky and feels he is invincible I guess. Granted this time it is obvious that the accusations aren't factual but he could have been more professional about it even if FM wasn't.
You know i have been a long time reader of hardocp

I have even posted some relevant stuff from time to time.

but the behavior of all of you in regards to this is just plain pathetic.

As of today i am done hardocp has proven that it is nothing more then a bunch of kids out to cause trouble. The articles have become increasingly inflamatory and the attacks on companys continue with no end in site.

I wish hardocp could be part of the community instead of part of the problem

Catch you around
Oh thanks a lot guys, I was trying to take an Unbiased view. Sadly it would seem you are incapable of seeing it that way.

Try coming up with a half decent arguement next time eh?
Which means you're either doing something really, really, wrong.. or really, really, right.
I'll go with the latter. Fight on!
i can see why FM has a problem with Kyle and [H]. every time there's something posted about FM in the news Kyle or the other news editors will add their comment and most likely it'll be something along the lines of "3dmark05 is not a valuable benchmark" or wahtever.

that doesn't mean FM has the right to sue, but the voice of Kyle/Steve affect everyone on this forum, and you can't even start a thread about your score in their benchmark, etc etc without someone flaming you.. this is thing i hate, and what annoys me the most is "why do you care about a benchmark score, or whatever." my question to those people is "why do you care so much about games?" You like to play your games, i like to play 3dmark, leave me the f- alone about it, i dont bother you about playing games. And after that, you get another reply saying 3dmark sucks.

3dmark is a VERY useful benchmark. It benchmarks 3dmark performance, and nothing benchmarks 3dmark better than 3dmark. it also looks pretty. LOL
Captboom said:
Why the heck are you censoring my posts.

Just because you don't like them??

I thought this was supposed to an open forum for people??

You talk about freedom of speach and the constitution and yet you play the whole censorship game. Your a Hypocrite!!!!
I deleted your posts because they were inflamatory and simply poorly worded. You are welcome to say what you want to say, but you don't have to flame and attack to do it.
I've been an avid reader for a year or two and have read with appreciation your assessment of 3D's merits and lack thereof. I used to rely on it heavily before purchasing my video hardware. However, after you pointed out the obvious (my bad) that as a tool to judge games it was worthless I deleted it off my HDD.

I think maybe Tero understands what you understand and is worried about future FutureMark sales. You think?

Anyways keep up the good work keeping the community informed and educated as to
Casual Lurker said:
"Now take our advice. You are barking up the wrong tree little doggy."

It's things like this that keep Kyle's lawyers employed. His entire response was well written up until this line. I don't believe you're looking for a swift resolution to this matter Kyle with a response like that.
I like to leave folks with a smile or a laugh. Tech stuff can be so dry, there is no reason why we can't have fun with it. :)
This is just a cheap ploy by Kyle to build up anticipation for his "upcoming" run for office....err, editorial!!!


And I hear Giant Flying Tigers patrol around his house too!

What a sad world we live in...strong-arming, FUD, Libel, slander... who needs WMD?

As many people pointed out, we don't come here to be instructed. We come here to be informed. This is not the Disney Channel.
[RIP]Zeus said:
FM's fourm count is about half of what [H]ardOCP is.
what morons.

well what can i say. You can train dumb, but you can't train stupid :D

Forum users are not everything.
I think we all can have a bigger impact by not only un-installing the benchmark, but by encouraging other big sites not to use the benchmark at all.
Kyle, this "latest" E-mail from the supposed Futuremark representative - Is it genuine?
Captboom said:
Why the heck are you censoring my posts.

Just because you don't like them??

I thought this was supposed to an open forum for people??

You talk about freedom of speach and the constitution and yet you play the whole censorship game. Your a Hypocrite!!!!
Do not flame, and do not call people names. You need to bring it up a notch. Just admit to yourself right now that to be a constructive part of this conversation you do not have to tear others down with insults. You are better than that.
conscript said:
I long for the days back when the front page and this forum were about overclocking and computer hardware...and not pissing matches with other companies/websites.
Those were the days weren't they.
Captboom said:
You know i have been a long time reader of hardocp

I have even posted some relevant stuff from time to time.

but the behavior of all of you in regards to this is just plain pathetic.

As of today i am done hardocp has proven that it is nothing more then a bunch of kids out to cause trouble. The articles have become increasingly inflamatory and the attacks on companys continue with no end in site.

I wish hardocp could be part of the community instead of part of the problem

Catch you around

Are you employed by infinium labs or FM? FM over reacted to the situation completely and they're going to get hurt a bit by it, if not a lot. I have personally used the free version of their products and had recently contemplated buying them. I would be much happier to provide the money I was going to spend on a number of their products to [H]ardocp to help them with any legal fees should the need arise. At least I know I can count on [H] to help the hardware and gaming community -- FM and Infinium labs only seek to exploit us and take our hard earned cash for a bit of junk to mess around with and probably isn't worth what you pay to begin with. I can live without that but I certainly can't live without the likes of such great sites as this one right here.
3DMark has its place. It does a good job of stressing you rsystem and using parts of the graphics cards that most games wont for another few years or so. To say that it is so useless that nobody should ever use it shows how short-sided some people are. Its just not good for being a benchmark for how a game will perform on a system its more suited as to how a piece of hardware will improve performance on your system. Why does Kyle not use it for this purpose? Think people will interpret it the wrong way?
Casual Lurker said:
Kyle certainly has the right to defend himself, we agree on that. But that line was degrading, plain and simple, and it was done in a very public manner. Tero was naive for firing off those threats, and Kyle made a good point of illustrating that it was naive, but by tying it all together with an insult, he's just asking for Futuremark to defend ITSELF with a lawsuit. How many lawsuits are sparked purely off emotion?

Except that it was Tero who attacked Kyle, not the other way around. So speaking of Tero defending himself with a lawsuit is silly. It is like saying that beating up a mugger would then make the mugger a victim, who would be justified in pulling a knife on you in self defense. The problem is, the mugger was the original aggressor, just like Tero was the original aggressor here. His bad judgment justifies the victim acting in self-defense, and the fact that the defense was effective and humiliated the perpetrator does not, in turn, justify the aggressor escalating his attacks further, since the attacker was never justified in the first place!
There is no principle more vital to Freedom than Free Speech, and no men more noble than those who valiantly defend it.

Thank You.
Captboom said:
You know i have been a long time reader of hardocp

I have even posted some relevant stuff from time to time.

but the behavior of all of you in regards to this is just plain pathetic.

As of today i am done hardocp has proven that it is nothing more then a bunch of kids out to cause trouble. The articles have become increasingly inflamatory and the attacks on companys continue with no end in site.

I wish hardocp could be part of the community instead of part of the problem

Catch you around

Buh-bye. :D
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